TopTierCIAShill ago

Literally. -50C here in larger cities in the prairies. No one can survive here without modern technology

ichlibejuice ago

Everyone with an iq over 60 will move the fuck out of there immediately so, 40,000 is an extremely high estimate. Hopefully they don't have difficulty quarantining it once/if someone sane gets elected.

mf1776 ago

That Canadians haven't rioted and separated Trudeau's head from his scaly body means they want this. Congrats, Canada!

Gorillion ago

That's a ratio of TWO to fucking ONE. This is literally grounds for Trudeaux/Castro's execution for the crime of Genocide.

Thereunto ago

Suppose the current 40,000 population is 50:50 male to female citizens of child rearing age. If each couple had 3 children within 8 years, the population of citizens would reach approximately the same numbers as incoming denizens.

biscuitrage ago

The culture and system constructed for the so called first world to live within, doesn't allow for that kind of birth rate. They want women to be a taxable commodity, they can just import populations now.

Feelslikeclownworld ago

For fucks sake.

Here is some older info I found about it. The immigration minister has been replaced but I believe the policy is still in place

Leroy_Antoine ago

There is a military base in Vernon. I wonder where all of these "test" locations are in relation to military bases. This seems like he is getting ready to over throw the bases through brute force.

963189_137 ago

The US GOVERNMENT flys them all in in military cargo planes. Sitting room only. Yours probably does the same so that it ‘can’t be stopped’.

maaaxheadroom ago

The last time I went to Lackland AFB I was surprised to find it just crawling with sand niggers.

Sierrastarship ago

Whites will leave and it will be Zimbabwe reloaded. Famine, crime, Aids

ErrorHasNoRights ago

Going from 40,000 to 130,000 is going to bring in an extraordinary amount of commerce. These people see dollar signs.

ATX_1138 ago

Then wouldn't there be all this "commerce" where they come from?

963189_137 ago

Niggers don’t purchase things dumb fag. If they understood civilization they would have built it in their own nations

ErrorHasNoRights ago

Where do you live? Where I'm from they're buying groceries, fuel, phones, restaurant foods, paying rent, buying cars, toys -- all on the white man's dime. The businesses around here LOVE black people. They're bringing them into town by the thousands. It's great for consumption. They have guaranteed monthly incomes in the thousands of dollars and they spend it ALL.

963189_137 ago

No one LOVES those abominations

Le_Squish ago

Seriously though Canada bros, sand niggers can't survive the cold snaps that are coming. The cold north has belonged to Europeans for tens of thousands of years for a reason.

stbelmont ago

The brains to plan ahead. Clearly not v*gans.

And a quote from my mother referring to Canadians in the 1940s-ish era. "The people who survived the winter had 20 extra pounds."

Gopherurself ago



puggy ago

Canadians re-elected that faggot

bourbon90 ago

Everyone I know in Alberta voted for Scheer. I threw my vote away on Mad Max. Alberta can literally vote 100% for a candidate (we pretty much did) and still have no political power. They are siphoning money from us like crazy. Lots of Albertans want to separate from Canada but they're still too cucked to fix the immigration problem. We need to cut off ALL social programs for these parasites and start deporting mudslimes ASAP or we are fucked. That's the only semi-peaceful option I can conceive of.

whatisbestinlife ago

they were all jews. you didnt have a choice. YOU have to run or you have to find a true leader

TopTierCIAShill ago

We did have a run but everyone called him a shill and didn't vote for him and instead voted for Jews.

Go figure.

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Leroy_Antoine ago

Toronto and the retards in Eastern Canada elected him, although, they have probably been replaced by diversity liberals to have made that vote happen.

963189_137 ago

Nobody re-elected anyone. This is genocide there is no political solution.

Rotteuxx ago

To a minority govt, it's not like we've put a Muslim nigger in charge twice though.

Gorillion ago

minority govt

Clearly hasn't slowed him down any.

Lagmonster ago

Don't forget tranny fucker. Michael has a penis!

RoBatten ago

lol . . . fair enough. But we're now reversing all of the damage caused by said Muslim and his cronies. I hope Canada can recover some day . . .

whatisbestinlife ago


Rotteuxx ago

Honestly, our regular immigration standards are still way above the norm no matter what anyone will have you believe.

Refugee numbers are still low compared to the U.S. & Europe plus they're only now starting to ship them to non metropolitan areas, we have a much simpler infestation.

Our biggest disadvantage is the strength of the mental programming endured by Canucks. High immigration standards allowed only wealthy & educated niggers and shitskins for decades that it paved the way for their average kin to be more easily accepted. They boiled the frog extra slow in Canada.

XSS1337 ago

This is about moving troops , nothing more.

waringi ago

True, and also accelerating the pushing out of whites from their towns. The main point is to jack the cost of living, the gov supports the invaders with tax dollars, while the whites cant afford to move, therefore growing new white households becomes impossible. Make it so across the country and whites will either decrease in number or have to flee the country, which is what (((they))) want. The corporations will still own the resources.

Maybe it was about owning the resources all along...?

XSS1337 ago

Resources and power over the masses.

What do you want to bet that a new interpretation of the Quran is coming out to allow massive land grabs.... all while Israel claims more and more land without having to lift a finger as the lands are barren from the invasion of white nations...

MinorLeakage ago

Acceleration might be our best hope at this point. We're almost boiled already.

o0shad0o ago

Yeah, I was actually wondering if this was an attempt to hilight the problem.

Throw all those people into those (unfortunate) cities, watch as they become caliphates.

Put all the bad eggs in one basket, show how bad the basket has become, and then set it on fire.

Gopherurself ago

It is

random128dsf321 ago

White flight will occur.

This is just to anchor the provinces so they don't secede.

biscuitrage ago

White flight needs to occur, And i mean the kind of flight that means millions of conservative minded Europeans moving back to the European continent. Flee on mass from Australia, Canada, America etc.

963189_137 ago

That won’t keep them from succeeding. Nations are genetic. Not based on ZOG birth certificates.

randomxenomorph ago

Where can we flee to? Every province is gone, our only option at this point is to move up to the territories with the Indigenous. Stupid Fucking immigrants are scared of the cold for now at least.

Volcris ago

You boys provided us alcohol by the gallon when we were dumb enough to outlaw it.

Can we interest you in 7.62, 5.56 and .308 by the pound?

TopTierCIAShill ago

ehhhh cuuzzinn fuckkiin eh man waaassss up anywayzzz eeehhh heh heh hehhh hehh kookum mushum

gazillions ago

Canada is a disaster. People are walking around seeing 5% Whites around them and claiming Canada is 85% White because some media bullshit told them so. They refuse to believe their eyes about anything at all. The only reality is what the media tells them. Still have to put White men to the bottom of the hiring list, and the homeless are White men and they aren't getting anything but stepped over.


I'm from a 'Scandinavian country' and my city is supposedly ~52% native population, but being in a public place, its 7-8/10 immigrants compared to natives.

Technically there might be genuine 52% native pop, but they are spread in the rural parts of the county/city etc and would never go to city core etc, so basically conceded territory.

Same if you take the buss, it would be 7-8/10.

gazillions ago

Of course they're lying about the numbers.

For example; The unemployment rate is nothing but the numbers of people currently forced to attend unproductive job search programs before they can collect welfare or unemployment insurance. Not a media outlet or government official or bureaucrat will ever mention that. The real unemployment rate is probably the same in Sweden as most western countries at half the population.

Statistics are there to serve the people serving the statistics. They are not used to reflect the truth

IAmMightGuy ago

as a canadian i would say that we probably are 85% white but its cuz immigrants exclusively go to major cities they refuse to live anywhere that is rural. we have a massive land mass. because all whites are rural and voting is based on population it makes it impossible for rural areas to get representation that also a major reason why right now you have alberta saying fuck canada we want to be independent

ichlibejuice ago

You're contradicting yourself a lot there, buddy.

gazillions ago

85% of White Canadians don't live in rural areas. 81% of Canadians live in cities.

rural is the teeny slice of oppressed minority.

Gopherurself ago

South Africa is what's happening. Must kill politicians and their guns.

PoopityScoopy ago

It's so weird too. Like I could go to a theater to see a movie and not see 1 white person there, it feels like I'm not even in Canada anymore

whatisbestinlife ago

and you will do nothing about it

PoopityScoopy ago

Well yeah, what the fuck am I suppose to do about it?

whatisbestinlife ago

everything you are mentally and physically able to do? if you dont think you can win then you will die

PoopityScoopy ago

Why haven't you done everything you can yet? You can do much more

BetterNuggets ago

What can I do?

AzazelForPresident ago

"If not you, then who? If not now, when?"

PoopityScoopy ago

Don't want to answer a question? Just ask more questions?

AzazelForPresident ago

The answers to the question are distasteful, and also probably shouldnt be answered on the clearnet.

PoopityScoopy ago

So essentially you're not gonna say anything?

AzazelForPresident ago

nice try fbi

PoopityScoopy ago

What's the point of answering questions of you're not even going to say anything? Are you trying to water people time?

randomxenomorph ago

I have found confirmation of the 11 cities but no quotas for immigration. Can anyone provide a source to see how bad things are?

BushChuck ago

Good. Keep it up.

963189_137 ago

It does ‘move things along faster’.

BushChuck ago

Yep. Dumping 90k moslems on a military town should help nicely.