Anti_Idle ago

Fuck you, kike nigger @ownyouractions. You will not censor or divide us.

Buggsie_Blue ago

Some butthurt mod banned me from there last year because I called him a cuck.

Mortivore ago

Can I say nigger here?

DietCokehead1 ago


Anti_Idle ago

Nigger, yes you can, you fucking kike.

Usereman ago

there should be a system where we can vote out a mod from a subvert by Voating even if he created the subvoat in the first place.

BloodAndThunder9718 ago

I unserstand why you suggested this but this would lead to armies of trolls, bot, alt, and bought accounts overthrowing any sub.

Usereman ago

I also understand what you are saying. However, we must do something because if we don't, will just be like reddit soon and we won't be able to go back if we go to far. So what should we do?

heygeorge ago

Putts started building a system to create polling that would help Voaters remove mods. It may not be perfect, but I think it could be useful.

@bloodandthunder9718 there are settings in the polling to only allow votes by users with a defined level of positive activity. Of course it could still be abused, but maybe it's better than nothing.

Disappointed ago


heygeorge ago

It's probably still up at preview voat somewhere under create pill

Disappointed ago

I'll take your word for it. I had my fill of the preview site already.

IAMA_WhiteMale_AMA ago

Deus vult!

shadow332 ago

Welcome kevdude, glad to see you.

MadWorld ago

Thanks dude!!


"Voat is a platform for free speech, so we need to watch what we say so a sub about securing ethnocentric identity is open to people of all groups."


tarnished_spoons ago

I mean that kind of makes sense. "Identitarian" doesn't mean white unless you're white. A sub for "white identitarians" or whatever probably should be separate.

Trogdor300 ago

Retake /v/Identitarian then retake Constantinople.

MaunaLoona ago

Had to unsubscribe from the other sub. Wtf is going on there?

shadow332 ago

I knew something was up when my submissions were deleted because I used "nigger" and other "racial epithets" in the titles. How can you be on Voat and not be allowed to use "nigger"?

Cheesebooger ago

DAMMIT!! Interrupted my 'The Eels-Novocain' from playing :)

I love seeing the flower garden of Identitarian-ism blooming and out of the hands of Monsanto

@OwnYourActions boo hoo?

Alighieri ago

I subscribed today :^)

LMTV ago

me too, and also my 10 alts

shadow332 ago

Nice to see you here!

Snakob95 ago

Checking in, fuck that kike.