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Saufsoldat ago

Probably because she's not Israeli.

You people always just assume that they would somehow have a different, hypocritical stance on Israel than their home countries. Do you actually have any evidence to back this up?

DryerBox ago

Yes, you can easily look and find videos, tweets, statements, etc... where Jews do exactly this. They preach immigration and multiculturalism for the west and not for them.

Cheesebooger ago

Check out most of the leading feminists. They are jewess'

Saufsoldat ago

You are specifically accusing this woman, so produce evidence. You people seem to know nothing but lies and dishonesty, some very Jewish traits.

shwanky ago

What I don't get is why its so hard for you and others to except that Jews no matter where they are from hold only allegiance to other Jews and Isreal. They don't care about Sweden or its people at the end of the day because they have a free ticket and automatic citizenship to Israel as well as a lifetime of training that only Jews deserve Jewish help and only Jews are worthy everyone else can fuck off or learn to serve the Jew.

Saufsoldat ago

What I don't get is why its so hard for you and others to except that Jews no matter where they are from hold only allegiance to other Jews and Isreal.

Because I don't believe that hive minds exist in humans. It's science fiction and your insistence that human hive minds do exist just makes you look like a lunatic to any sane person.

Where is your evidence?

Alopix ago

You're rejecting the existence of tribalism, a basic facet of human nature. Trying to call it a hivemind is just false characterization.

Saufsoldat ago

It is not. You are positing a global, jewish conspiracy that every single jew is a part of. Only a hive mind could achieve that.

shwanky ago

Wouldn't you say islam and other religions and cults are examples of hive minds? Liberalism and conservatism are great examples of hive minds. Why is it hard to believe the religion Jews follow doesn't indoctrinate them from birth that they are superior to everyone else and that only Jewish interests should be looked after.

Saufsoldat ago

Wouldn't you say islam and other religions and cults are examples of hive minds?

No, of course not. Islam, like Judaism and any other religion, has many different sub-groups which are often at odds with each other.

Liberalism and conservatism are great examples of hive minds.

Same as above.

Why is it hard to believe the religion Jews follow doesn't indoctrinate them from birth that they are superior to everyone else and that only Jewish interests should be looked after.

Why does that only work for Judaism? Why doesn't it work for any other religion? Why are you ignoring the fact that political and theological debates and disagreements exist even in Israel? A quick look at any Israeli news site will tell you that there is very little agreement, including on things like immigration and how to deal with muslim aggression.

Your infantile world view is simply not reflected by reality.

shwanky ago

We will have to agree to disagree I guess.