zarthos1 ago

It seems like it's time to move to v/european

ManOfScience ago

"There has been no mod change ... our policies are changing to ban things that were normal before".

I have great difficulty believing you are acting in good faith.

EinstokViking ago

Decency laws for v/identitarian now!!!

EinstokViking ago

I seem to be in the minority but I agree. Quite strongly.

7e62ce85 ago

So I'm not even an Identitarian although I support your cause and I don't see the problem with saying nigger. I certainly can't see the point in a white only community to care about something like that.

Truth is a nigger would be far safer walking through a theoretical Identitarian town than I would be walking around say South Africa, a Swedish no-go zone or Detroit.

Shekelstein6M ago

Yeah, you can go fuck yourself. Ban me if you want, but you will never force me to censor myself.

Weissmaus ago

So you want people who use racial slurs to move on. I submitted a link to another subverse to which they could move and you deleted the link.

You do not want them to move on, you want them to conform.

7e62ce85 ago

Everyone is also most welcome over at /v/emergencynation

We are not a whites only movement, but we do support freedom of speech and our constitution does protect the right to discriminate and to set up whites only spaces.

We don't care about public opinion or seek reform - our demands for freedom are ultimate and will be met one way or the other outside existing power structures.

Reqoil ago

So many goddamned spergs on here. I think the lot of y'all believe that Fascism = freedom of speech. While I agree to some aspects of it, look at where it's gotten the White Western World to. The Free Speech slippery slope caused by jews and our societies are crumbling. Creating your own slippery slope gearing our people towards our ideologies is necessary. While it's true that we have the "truth" on our side, our people who are heavily bluepilled are going to ask "truth according to whom"?

In the past, sure it was possible to have some form of "revolution", but I disagree nowadays, given how dire White peoples' situation is right now.

RichardSpencersMyDad ago

I'm not a fascist, I'm a believer in Ethnic Nationalism. Many here are the same.

Reqoil ago

Good luck with the voting patterns.

MrKequc ago

You realise that here as on Reddit a sub isn't the sum total of any movement, you aren't some kind of leader. You're a mod on a website, that's probably not paid. By enacting censorship no matter what the reason is you're working for those who want movements like the one documented here silenced, and you're doing it presumably for free.

This is already blowing up in your face nicely I see. Good. Fuck you.

Weissmaus ago


No niggers (sand or otherwise), kikes, cucks or fags are allowed.

markrod420 ago

Hi there nigger. Your censorship is unappreciated. Censorship kills subs over on reddit wtf do you think it will do here? v/identitarian will fade and another will rise because you think banning people is the appropriate choice. Prepare to be proven wrong.

derMeister ago

This is truly pathetic.

AnonDan ago

Then let's argue for higher discourse, as you are now, instead of banning people who choose not to.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Stop trying to control what people can say because "muh optics", yeah just keep policing what people can say and see how fast the sub dies.

Now you're banning people for "subversion" just for disagreeing with you, which is the exact same thing the previous mod team was ousted BY YOU for doing.

You are a hypocritical kike.

CockroachKing ago

First, the previous mod team spent most of its time scolding people for not praising Great Leader Hitler with enough enthusiasm. Then, when the creator of the sub said that people other than literal Nazis were welcome here, they spammed the sub with interracial porn. I don't miss those guys.

Second, they created their own sub where they make the rules. If that seems better to you, fine, but just go there.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

First, the previous mod team spent most of its time scolding people for not praising Great Leader Hitler with enough enthusiasm. Then, when the creator of the sub said that people other than literal Nazis were welcome here, they spammed the sub with interracial porn. I don't miss those guys.

I know this, I along with numerous long time contributors to the sub were banned by the previous mod team for questioning their arbitrary ban of a user for a rule that was not listed in the sidebar.

Second, they created their own sub where they make the rules. If that seems better to you, fine, but just go there.

Yeah no, I'm not going to leave this censoring shithole to go to another censoring shithole. I was initially supportive of the new mod team because they promised they wouldn't censor people like the old mod team. before it was "banned, you aren't enough of a national socialist" now it's "banned that's racist", different reasoning but both cancer.

CockroachKing ago

To me, at the end of the day the guy who made the sub calls the shots on how it's used. It seems like he wants a sub to promote ideas to a growing base and potential subscribers. If he doesn't see calling people niggers as part of his vision, well, so be it.

Personally I agree with his stance. If a guy doesn't have enough discipline or brains to form a sentence without using a racial slur I don't think he's bringing anything to our team.

MortalSisyphus14 ago

As a mod of this sub, I'd just like to offer my thoughts, and as always to be as open and honest as possible.

It is obvious I've been spending more of my time on Reddit, and on building up /r/DebateAltRight. The reason for this is that I still view Reddit, with all it's flaws, to be one of the front lines in the ideological battle taking place today.

My sub has survived two ban waves, but I've had to be very strict in my moderation and limit free speech more than I would like in order to survive. This is the cost of being behind enemy lines.

Therefore, I regard Voat to be part of our own territory, a "safe space" for white advocates of every stripe, and for that reason I would generally err on the side of freedom of speech as much as possible within our own territory.

Where things get complicated is when you consider the actual name of this subverse. Like it or not, "Identitarian" is a brand. There is no denying that fact. And I would go further than that, and say I believe it is the best brand whites could possibly embrace if we hope to save white peoples and white civilization.

Generation Identity in Europe have established this brand with great arguments, great optics, great tactics, and great aesthetics. The best chance the alt-right has in the US, in my humble opinion, is to follow the lead established by GI.

And it is out of respect for this brand that I think it is not only reasonable, but responsible, to keep the identitarian image unsullied by low-brow speech and hateful rhetoric.

I understand the knee-jerk urge to buck any perceived censorship on Voat, but I think for the reasons I've outlined, this is a unique case. We have a responsibility to the Identitarians who have put in enormous work to save the European homeland from destruction.

redpilldessert ago

I disagree with you, but respect your devotion.

markrod420 ago

Thats all under the assumption that a peaceful resolution can be found. You dont need anyone to find you to be acceptable if you intend to fight for the top spot rather than debate over it. If you havent noticed debate is quickly falling to the wayside. We will probably have to fight these niggers. In which case having friendly "appropriate" attitudes will be a hindrance.

myvoicefromhell ago

Fuck you and your safe space faggotry.

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

Policing people's language is the best way to kill this sub (which I'm sure is your intent). Here's me "choosing my words wisely": fuck you, kike.

turtlesareNotevil ago

There's always v/identitarian2

WD_Pelley ago

The use of racial epithets and other self-indulgent extremist actions isolates those of us who want to advance our people into ideological ghettos.

If they can be so easily turned away by mean words then are they really worth being a strong ally?

Dark_Shroud ago

It takes time to deprogram people. A good portion of Gen Z have grown up bearing the brunt of the bullshit and the anti-white agenda.

Millennials are spoiled and caught the brain washing head on without noticing it and both parents working to pay the bills and give the spoiled little assholes everything they wanted.

RichardSpencersMyDad ago

Its weird people keep saying things like this. Many millennials including myself bore much of the brunt of the anti-white, anti-male agenda, and created many of the discussion forums you frequent and appreciate. v/Identitarian was made by millennials and is majority that demo.

Also, the most insanely sjw people I've ever seen have been Gen Z girls

Dark_Shroud ago

Millennials are a transitional generation. There is a difference in child hood experience between early and later born.

I'm an early 80s born millennial. With us the bullshit was a great deal more subtle and passive.

The later born millennials who who had to go through High school in the late 00s and 10s did experience this.

The problem is a noticeable amount have already thrown their lot in with Marxism or similar.

And now we have crazy feels before reels teachers going off on students. Especially if challenged on any political opinions they decide to preach.

MuricanIdentitarian ago

Its Gen Z guys that get the brunt of the renewed assualt on whites within the school system and society.

OwnYourActions ago

Yes. This is a psychological battle. It's about social acceptability and being part of the herd. That's where the overwhelming majority are comfortable. They only move in one direction if enough other people are moving as well. The way to get new ideas out there is to act, and be, normal and make our ideas seem mainstream. Radically mainstream is the way forward.

Looking like unhinged, undisciplined degenerates online only boxes ourselves into a corner. It's more than possible to discuss controversial ideas in a civilized and presentable manner.

WD_Pelley ago

Setting up a counter-culture would be much better, IMO. Going into the mainstream risks watering down ideas and making compromises, or attracting status seekers.

OwnYourActions ago

Perhaps. To prevent against that, you need a core of determined and capable leaders who stay on message and stay committed. It's the way it's been throughout history. Small numbers of people can lead great masses of people if they are organized. A hostile elite and traitors among our own elite have led us down the wrong path. Our job is to provide alternative leadership that is loyal to our people and guide them along the upward path.

WD_Pelley ago

To prevent against that, you need a core of determined and capable leaders who stay on message and stay committed. It's the way it's been throughout history.

Agreed. At risk of sounding like a commie I think they were on to something with having a vanguard party. Hardliners are needed.

OwnYourActions ago

Sure. You need hardliners. And hardliners don't have to scream offensive terms and put a wedge between themselves and the people they want to win over and lead.

That's what radically mainstream means: push forward ideas that get to the root of the problems and reorient our civilization onto a solid foundation while also looking like winners.

Also remember that Communists seek to destroy and can get away with being scruffy, dirty, and degenerate. Our hardliners must be guardians of virtue because that is the direction we are leading.

unclejimbo ago

How about just downvote them

OwnYourActions ago

I could do that except my account was brigaded by kevdude and his buddies. And they'd still be thumbing their noses at me and the rules.

Voat is big enough to allow for subverses to be run differently. And we want it to get bigger. That requires that people besides kevdude can set rules for the subverses they put time into building.

Mumbleberry ago

Censoring kike niggerfag.

Red0c5 ago

How about unbanning the people that this sticky relates to so that they can have their say?

OwnYourActions ago

Why? They don't have the decency to message me and be civil and purposely act like degenerate teenagers. A debate will go nowhere. It's best they move on to other subverses.

Once kevdude got involved my CCP dropped significantly in a matter of minutes. Brigading my account.

I created this sub and I run it with my team. No different than asking people to be civil at your own house.

Oh, and kevdude pulled this same crap when we first migrated over from r/altright. Same brigading of mine and others' accounts.

Mumbleberry ago

Yeah. For being a censoring reddit fag. That shit don't play here, homeslice.

Red0c5 ago

Oh reddit, I see. It's just that this is Voat and really you should be able to speak here, of all places. Like you say it's your house. On Voats land.

OwnYourActions ago

I've been on voat longer than reddit. And voat's culture would be a lot better without kevdude brigading anyone he disagrees with.

Red0c5 ago

I know of what you speak because I used to mod what is a system sub now and one day woke up to 122 notifications and my name on top of the front page. He had a point. It's best imo to let the users dv what they don't like so it drops off the bottom and gains no traction and you don't have one person saying what is and isn't right. What if you are wrong?

OwnYourActions ago

So you gave into kevdude's bullying? I don't respond well to underhanded tactics.

I've made the rules clear and always attempt to enforce them fairly. It's so easy for anyone who doesn't like them to go to a new subverse. That's the point of having subverses. Remember, reddit censorship is largely enforced by the admins. Our real focus should be the admins of voat and if they will allow subverses to have their own rules and enforce them or if they will delete subverses like r/altright was deleted for simply having politically incorrect opinions.

Red0c5 ago

@kevdude started the thread. 122 comments don't come from one person. Enforce? I'm thinking you are a bit of a cunt, mate. I was jus' sayin' but now I am saying that you telling me to remember things and what my focus should be and also trying to cast doubt on our Admin is scurrilous. Prepare your anus.

heygeorge ago

I'm thinking you are a bit of a cunt, mate.

This part is very clear. I've noted that the sidebar only suggests against hurling epithets and does not list this as a bannable/deletable offense.

Very good point about the 122 replies not coming from a single person. It seems this can be difficult for some to digest.

AndrewBlazeIt ago


turtlesareNotevil ago

Come to v/identitarian2