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TheCroatianSensation ago

They were the mods here on v/identitarian but were all banned because when @voatforfreespeech came back and demanded some changes be made they rebelled against him by posting tons and tons of interracial porn and gore to this subverse.

He was absent and they modded the subverse and made it what it is. He came and turned back most of the changes and also cucked on a lot of things. I didn't spam any porn but some people may have been unhappy that the subverse they spent time on and where they got their news was going to be overhauled and made into something worse.

Because of this unforgivable behavior I went around to the admins of several discords and got the "Moonmen" banned from them.

We want to know which servers so we can avoid causing problems by going there. You still haven't responded with a list.

I was so effective at exposing their behavior to the alt-right community that they had to rebrand themselves.

That was in the making for a while.

They are no longer the moonmen and one of their two discord servers was completely deleted by members disgusted by their behavior.

If this is true I'd like you to report that to the discord staff. They should be aware of a bug that enables the members of a server to delete it.

He moderates 's official discord No I do not. I am an inner circle member only. Not a moderator.

You'll forgive my mistake on that one.

He owns the 14 Words discord server and is a member of Identity Europa I am no longer in Identity Europa, but I do own the 14 Words discord.

Don't see how it's a smear.

TexasVet's real name is Sean Sweat, a self-professed army veteran from Texas. Very active on social media, Sean/TexasVet has leveraged his position to launch a successful GoFundMe asking for money to buy food and gas because, in his words, he has "skin cancer and failing kidneys" and can't find work or drive to the VA. All true. But framing my gofundme as some form of leverage is an unfair representation. The gofundme only happened because I made a post on the_donald complaining about illegals getting treatment and veterans were not. It was at the suggestion of many reddit users that I start a gofundme, and I was in dire straits, so I did. Here is the original reddit post...

Everything is deleted, the suggestion isn't back even on unreddit.

I only set a goal of 500 dollars not even expecting to get that much. I mean all I was asking for was grocery money anyway. The response to my gofundme was overwhelming though, and once it hit 2500 dollars I went back onto social media and told people to stop donating. That I was fine. Here is that post...

If I was trying to scam people why the hell would I tell them to stop giving me money? Well my honesty sparked another wave of donations instead and the fundme quickly climbed to 5200 dollars. Now to address the fact that I did eventually buy a rifle with some of that money....

It's one thing to tell them to stop when you go 10x the goal and it's another to shut down the gofundme which is still up.

However, at the same time, Sean/TexasVet was bragging about his new purchase of rifle accessories, something that a person literally having to beg for food and gas money clearly couldn't afford.This "sick, unemployed veteran" has been scamming people out of money with a pity story, using their charity to buy luxury items. Calling a rifle a luxury item when BLM and Antifa are rioting and attacking us in every major city is ludicrous. First off was I supposed to use every bit of that money to buy five thousand dollars worth of food? Of course not. Secondly I have a large family of which many of them do not own any weapons at all. They have small children that are priceless in our stuggle to survive as a race so I used less than a thousand dollars to buy a good AR-15, a scope and a box of ammo just in case it fell to me to protect these family members. Even if you think it was wrong of me to use a small portion of that money to do this I don't care. You can kiss my ass. I will do whatever it takes to protect my family whether you like it or not. Now as to the last accusations...

I recall you also saying you have other guns so that isn't the issue. The issue is getting stuff which is clearly not a necessity.

But is Sean/TexasVet even unemployed? in this videoYouTube, he claims to have to cover up his face because being outed could cost him his job. Said video was also linked to from his public twitter profile, which is under his real name and features a selfie as a profile picture, so it's not clear what's going on except that this guy is lying through his teeth. He has tried to build an image as a prominent right-wing speaker, only to leverage it for a cheap charity scam. Yes I was unemployed. The gofundme was started on February 24th and that first video was recorded on May 4th.

That's one of three things. How are your kidneys and skin cancer?

Remember that these are the same degenerate fucks that are attacking multiple online white identity communities and flooded this very subverse with interracial porn and dead baby gore pictures. These are the types of sick young men that will be sitting in front of their sperm covered keyboards while men like me are out fighting to save our race. They are disgusting on every level and should be ashamed of their immature destructive behavior. I dont know or care how many of you will even care enough to read this all the way through, but I promise you I am prepared to be the tip of the spear in the fight for our race's survival when the time comes while these miscreants like @G_Petronious, @The-Chronic and @RamblinRambo cower in fear.

Which white identity communities are we attacking precisely?