o0shad0o ago

That's funny, I always think of Leonard Adelman.

Edit: Oh, and of course, Phil Zimmermann.

Anson ago

atheist jew

isn't that like saying "i'm eating beff chicken leg?"

just ignore these people or find a way to systematically shut them up

rail606 ago

Holy shit. I have never even thought of that lmfao.

Chiefpacman ago

Except most jews are apologist on Israel issue. Except for actual Israelis. Bernie hates Israel, for example. MSM hates Isreal.

jewsbadnews ago

Bernie hates Israel, for example. MSM hates Isreal.

No they don't, lmao. You fucking shill.

Chiefpacman ago

I'm not Hitler/nazi/shill, and I won't lower myself to that standard by calling you a name and moving on.

You're saying the EU/UN doesn't constantly try to get Isreal to set up a Palestinian state?

You're saying Democrats love Israel? Because Obama tried to defund Isreal, feds stepped in.

FromGoyToMan ago

You're missing the fact that bad things NEVER happen to Israel. Whenever free palestine/defunding/sanctions gets brought up it is solely to score the votes of old-breed democrats and more intelligent liberals. And then nothing fucking happens. Israel reaps the same benefits as before.

Also, the MSM is totally pro-Israel, that is undeniable.

Chiefpacman ago

At least you answered. Lost faith in y'alls message a while ago.

If you want to recruit rational thinkers and not angry autistic kids who shout nazi, you guys need an answer for this

FromGoyToMan ago

There is so much evidence regarding Jewish control and subversion it's staggering if you look at the info objectively and without fear of antisemitism.

Statistics, history, books (Culture of Critique, etc), Jewish testimonies, Jewish world leaders, massive holes in Holocaust claims, the list goes on and on.

Yes, the progenators of this movement were mostly autists on 4chan. However, these are some highly intelligent and read autists who do nothing all day but analyze information and discuss politics. They discovered the truth and helped break down the stigma around it. Don't worry, you'll be one of us soon enough, once you've been exposed to the Alt Right you don't go back.

Chiefpacman ago

Don't talk about your philosophy like you're up on a high horse. It's not attractive.

I believe that western Jews are destroying our society for their own gain, however all of the evidence suggests that they do hate Israel, so why would I lump them in with my aggressors.

Mainstream media is not pro Israel, I don't know how you could even think that. Never seen a good piece run on Israel

jewsbadnews ago

Mainstream media is not pro Israel


FromGoyToMan ago

I don't give a fuck if what you think I'm saying is "attractive" or not. Do you think that we're "attractive" to most normies? You sound like a kike shill but I'm still trying to hear you out.

Hard to do though if you are too fucking stupid to do a basic fact check and realize that 90% of media CEO's and execs are Jewish. But according to your (((logic))) apparently they're not zionists, they are just all profit motivated. Wow, very smart conclusion you came to when media is doing worse and worse because people can't stand their horseshit narrative and they STILL keep operating, probably at a loss, without adjusting their story. But (((you))) are right, it's just profit and has nothing to do with the Jewish race and creed.

Chiefpacman ago

I don't give a fuck if what you think I'm saying is "attractive" or not. Do you think that we're "attractive" to most normies? You sound like a kike shill but I'm still trying to hear you out.

Look if you're here to reinforce your ideas and pat yourself on the back, there's no point in pretending to discuss anything with me.

Re read over your 'retort.' Its just you screaming. Hope I made you consider some new ideas mate, good luck out there.

FromGoyToMan ago

You don't have any new ideas lol, you are a civic nationalist who refuses to recognize obvious threats. Enjoy shilling and countersignalling tho, oh wise one.