Hermesthriceborn ago


Islamiscancer ago

Lol reddit

Possibly_a_Carrot ago

Woah, and...seriously? People on Reddit commonly offer to have you taken to an undisclosed operating room and give you "the mommy make-over"?

Jesus...where the hell were you hanging out on there? Sounds like a happenin' spot!

Islamiscancer ago


Possibly_a_Carrot ago

You keep using that one, but it still doesn't even have meaning other than what I already laid out...You've GOT to get better at flame-warring if you're going to step up like this, ya little bitch!

Islamiscancer ago


kytha ago

That article links to another article in German that reads:

In a secret Facebook group, between July and November 2015, crimes were committed nationwide within the meaning of paragraphs 86a and 130 of the Criminal Code. The main object of the communication that took place there was the glorification of national socialism, as well as the exchange of xenophobic, anti-Semitic or other content and commentaries, which were to be judged as right-wing extremist.

The nationwide day of employment also serves to sensitize the citizens to dealing with right-wing statements in social networks. Anyone who hits hateposting on the Internet should make a complaint to the police.

The hate crimes of politically rightly motivated hate criminality on the Internet have also clearly increased in the course of the European refugee situation In the network must not poison the social climate, but attacks on refugee housing are often the result of a radicalization, which also begins in social networks, which is why we have to put an end to the brutalization of language and consistently pursue criminal content in the network.

Lord_of_the_rats ago


i am working on important projects. no time to manipulate internet points anymore, even though i have a (now dysfunctional) bot to do it for me.

HunkHill ago

Time and money is spent on wrong think, while Muslims continue to actively attack their country.

TendiesHitTheFloor ago

Lowered expectations~~

Whitemail ago

One eye covered. Illuminati!

I mean (((illuminati)))

dayofthehope ago

She's the devil.

Lord_of_the_rats ago

oho! when i pretended to be normal, you said "i don't think people should downvote him if he just wants to use the site"

and now you say "pretend to be normal? fuck you" to a different persons.

gazillions ago

Canada's the same. They can call anything hate speech and throw you in jail. They're trying to pass a bill to make sure they can punish Canadians for breaking sharia laws about criticizing islam, mohamed or allah.

AnarchyChad ago

That'll end really well.... You know what they say, if you have a problem don't talk about it and it'll go away.

isikhequanimity ago

What. The. Fuck?

Possibly_a_Carrot ago

Other countries do not have the same freedom of speech that we in the USA enjoy. Like it or not, praising Nazi beliefs in Germany is illegal (and has been since LONG before Merkel took power).

If you're going to break the law on the internet you should always apply the same rules as you would if you were about to fuck a partner that you know has herpes (the bad kind). Wrap it before you tap it.

dmt455 ago

What's also ironic to say the least, for those that condemn the tight freedom of speech in Germany, is that it's forgotten that Germany literally has currently the best freedom of speech in its history. During the "much praised" Nazi period, you would be investigated by the secret police if you made jokes about the Nazi regime. You would get the death penalty for small things like disseminating opposition to the state. Also, for a variety of thought-crimes, you would be sent to concentration camps in which life was terrible (beatings, humiliation, etc). In Kaiser-ruled Germany, freedom of expression was about on same levels as the Nazi times.

Drop_Nukes_On_Israel ago

I don't share the opinions that many Americans have on free speech. Giving speech to marxists has led to America's downfall. These people abuse speech to it's limits; lies, subversion, and deceit is not off the table for marxists. They literally wreck nations if they're allowed to have free speech.

Of course, the matter is who gets to control the speech? What happens if the authoritarian in charge becomes a tyrant? That is the never-ending puzzle between authoritarianism vs. liberalism. I think a properly done military hierarchy which feeds the political class is the way to go. That would be in the spirit of ancient Rome. There should be no birthright noble class, but instead a meritocracy where you prove your worth through the military before being allowed to become a politician.

Porphyrogennetos ago

So you're saying that Nazi Germany basically never went away but now it's Jews running it.

dmt455 ago

I'm saying Germans never really full comprehended the concept of democracy & freedom of speech. And of course, the enemies of nationalists now control the microphone.

In USA you have much more freedom of speech and the government just hasnt been able to crack down on it as much. Though it cracks down on it through other means (media harrassment).

EllenPaosEgo ago

Illegal opinions means they have crossed the threshold into banning free thought. Quite literally arresting people for wrongthink.

Possibly_a_Carrot ago

Except that's not what's happening, nor is that what the meme says is happening.

Other than the completely irrelevant title repetition and image in the middle, this post has nothing to do with "free thought".

These raids have been going since LONG before Merkel, and they will continue for a LONG time after she's gone.

Islamiscancer ago

You are retarded. No one is saying "this is merkel and only merkel" - everyone is saying "you arent allowed freedom of thought in germany" and thats exactly what is happening.

Possibly_a_Carrot ago

Then YOU are fucking retarded, because even the MEME isn't saying "you don't have freedom of thought" in Germany, but rather that "you don't have freedom of speech".

I mean, seriously fucking read the thing. Other than that stupid shit in the center, what here indicates ANYTHING about "thought crime"? Pretty fucking explicitly says "speech" from what I can see.

Islamiscancer ago

Nice comeback. An Opinion is a thought you dumb fuck. I am of the opinion that you were raped by a nigger.

My opinion would explain why you are such a reddit faggot.

And now im saying it, and telling you that you are retarded subhuman filth - speech.

Go back to sucking Tyrones BBC.

Possibly_a_Carrot ago

Oh for fuck's sad, sad fucking idiot. Study some god-damn reading comprehension before you breed. Please.

Islamiscancer ago

What a comeback Reddit! Wow!

Consider me SHOCKED! Reddits wit is well known, but we are seeing it here in a whole new form!

You go Reddit!

Possibly_a_Carrot ago

Bitch, I predate you on this site. If anyone here is "reddit" it's your moron-ass.

Go kill youself, nigger-fucker.

Islamiscancer ago

Hahahaha "my account is older so i must be better!"

I bet you get butthurt when you see people younger than you who are way more successful.

Pathetic TM! Reddit has trained you well :)

Moron-ass.. Nigger-fucker.. Look at me mommy, i used big boy words!


Kill All Niggers

Possibly_a_Carrot ago

Not my fault your daughter ran off with a nigger-muzzie, guy...go cry elsewhere. But while you're at it, learn to read better than the average nigger.

Islamiscancer ago


Is that your fantasy? Reliving your childhood nights sucking Tyrones BBC?

Keep trying to make me the fool here, you are obviously too mentally inept to understand.

"Go Reddit! Being angry about my own stupidity is what i do best!" - You

Possibly_a_Carrot ago

Geesh, you're the one who keeps talking about your boyfriend's cock...

It must be really painful being such a little bitch, and I'm sorry for your pain....but seriously, learn to read before sperging off with a bunch of dumb shit like this again.

Islamiscancer ago

Lol what a Reddit response!

Great scott you have some skill!

And your reading comprehension is fantastic! So great!

All these attacks, so effective Reddit!

Here i was thinking you were just a mouth breathing invalid, but you sure did prove me right!

Possibly_a_Carrot ago

Not my fault that you're so addicted to nigger-cock that you bring it up in every other post....just like it isn't my fault that your daughter ran off with a refugee.

You've got a lot of misdirected anger, bro.

But let's be real here. your insatiable need for muzz-cock isn't the topic at hand, is it? I mean..I'm sure it's the topic in your hand, but...I really hope you're not too stupid to understand the difference. We're talking about "Thought Policing" in Germany, right?

How about ya take that anaconda out of your mouth for a moment and go over there to try and fix it?

Islamiscancer ago

Hahaha Reddit Tier arguing at its best!

Craving black cock and unable to stop the BBC Lust your wife and her son have.

We have always been talking about Thought Policing. But thats obvioualy not the issue here, the issue is Freedom of Speech. So i can think what i want, but i cant ever speak about it, so if no one else speaks about it ill stop thinking about it, and most people will stop thinking about it, and then we dont need the law to restrict our speech because we will all speak the things we think about which will be good because we wont think bad thoughts are normal or acceptable.

You truly are brain damaged if you cant see the link between Freedom of Opinion, and Freedom of Speech.

Mmmm Big Black Cock. Yay Reddit!

Possibly_a_Carrot ago

OH!!!! It's about freedom of SPEECH now, is it?

Goal-post moving Faggot. You're no better than a god-damn SJW.

E* This was playful before, but now? No...seriously, fuck you. Go back to your fuckin SJW training camp, you whiney little cunt.

Islamiscancer ago

Nice job deflecting. You lost. Its not the end of the world.

Its just you were, and still are, an SJW Reddit Tier Faggot.

Either Kill Yourself or better yourself. Either way, kill yourself :)

Possibly_a_Carrot ago

Sure, bro. I'm so sorry that your life has led you to such a pathetic place that you literally use the same fucking tactics that SJW's use, THEN try to accuse the person you're arguing with of being an SJW...which is yet another SJW tactic...

I really hope your life gets better, dude.

Islamiscancer ago

Lol its ok my dude. We welcome Reddit fags here. And we like to remind them og their Reddit Level Faggotry :)

Cant debate worth a shit? Check

Attacks the debater, not the debates central point? Check

Gets overly buttmad about everything? Check

Well my dude, you really are doing Reddit proud here!

Possibly_a_Carrot ago

Uh huh....again, broski ...I've used this site considerably longer than you have, and if anyone fits this "Reddit" insult you keep throwing around, it is certainly you.

Lets make a checklist:

  1. Tries to censor civil opened this up by outright insulting me, and did not bother to offer a counter argument.


Jeez...seems like the only thing you're missing is actual censorship power on this site!

Islamiscancer ago

inplying that account age makes you less of a faggot.

Thats the best you have got? Thats your defense? "My account is older, ignore my actual Teddit Tier personality, and juat focus on the account age. It doesmt matter that i created it and still keep my reddit faggotry hoing, cause my account is older."

Thats a weak defence.

Also, no one is censoring anyone, commenta are deleted.

Possibly_a_Carrot ago

Jeez, took ya a long time for that one. Thought you might have fallen asleep.

Doesn't matter though, as I mentioned to another faggot-bitch, I'd been jackin it to this troll-sesh for a while now and finally managed to spray all my little proto-carrots into a much like your mother after she made me that (sub-par) sandwich, I'm done with you.

Go cry to someone else about your lack of reading comprehension.

Islamiscancer ago

Lol what a comeback! Im hurting real deep. I dont know if i can survive that brutal onslaught of big boy words... /s because you need it ;-) Mother jokes and all!

You are so witty and clever!

Possibly_a_Carrot ago

Glad you're telling yourself that they were "jokes". It's good for the healing process, I hear.

Islamiscancer ago

Lol so BRUTAL! Im hurting so bad ;-)

Islamiscancer ago

.... I dont get the reference you are making.

Are those your lips? Thats disgusting. You should see a doctor, jesus christ.

Also Merkel is Shit. But Germany has dealt with Shit since the end of the second world war.

Thought control is achieved by speech control (and all the other propaganda).

Germans are Brainwashed. When someone is Brainwashed they are unable to commit illegal thought crimes. Which can never manifest themselves as Illegal Speech Crimes.

Germanys Grundgesetz actually states you are entitled to that opinion, ans you may voice it. But you may NOT say bad things about people without first prefacing that it is merely your opinion.

Also Kill All Niggers

Possibly_a_Carrot ago

Nah, baby, don't worry about it, baby.

Islamiscancer ago

Great response. Really thought provoking.

Top Debate Skills!

Possibly_a_Carrot ago

Seriously. Name 1 thing that is "thought provoking" to you...and I swear to god if you say anything more advanced than "my mother's key-ring" I will literally fall over and die.

Islamiscancer ago

My fathers key chain.. Ohh so provoked!

Reddit tier!

Possibly_a_Carrot ago

What can I say, boy, that really rocketed my red. Really clocked my glock. Really riled my rifles, and potentially ruffled my rooster....but god-damn it, I'll fight to the DEATH to defend your right to say it. It's the least I owe you after what your uncle did to your poor little brother. :(

(((I might have paid him to)))

Islamiscancer ago

(((So you are a jew))).

This is till reddit tier. I even threw you a bone and restated my original argument for you in much clearer language. And you keep going on with this.. Whatever this ^ is..

Its Reddit Tier. Better yourself.

Kill all Niggers

Possibly_a_Carrot ago

(((I actually am, and am very open about it. Only on a genetic level, though. Grandma was in Stutthof for being a Journalist in Warsaw at the beginning of WWII)))

That change what I'm saying about you being such a stupid nig-nog loving fag, though? Sadly for you, even (((we))) rank above nigger-lovers....sorry, bro :(((

Islamiscancer ago


Possibly_a_Carrot ago

Laughter is a common reaction to deep personal sadness that one can't cope with. I understand.

Islamiscancer ago

Lol so deep

Possibly_a_Carrot ago

Must be really scraping the bottom of the barrel with ya at this point, huh?

That's wife says the same thing. I'll give you a day or two to rest up.

Islamiscancer ago

Your wife says she is scraping the bottom of the barrel with you? That makes sense. You "Flame War" like a Genetic Mistake would .

You arent good at this either.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

watch out for NSFW tagged posts simply because of "bad words"

fuck that nigger bullshit.

Islamiscancer ago

Everyone hates you. Reddit tier nigger bullshit..

Best of luck buddy, if you have voat at heart and hate niggers - then i do wish you luck.

Kill all Niggers

derram ago

Also keep an eye out for the term 'verbal conduct'

MinorLeakage ago

Yikes. What's the actual source for this? Like the name of the paper. I'd rather share that than a photo, if you've got the info.