sasha1998 ago

Ah, an orientation I can identify as

NULL_state ago

I miss read that as shoplifter (it's late).

ExpertShitposter ago


Mr_Wolf ago

glad im on mobile for this shitpost. my desktop couldnt handle this shit.

Summerofgeorge1 ago

it certainly makes me sexually attracted to op!

heroinwinsagain ago

UN SI offending

ElectroGypsy ago

You can put on a dress and lipstick and call yourself Nancy if you want but as far as I'm concerned OP is always a faggot.

ExpertShitposter ago


lord_nougat ago

That's cool, Nancy.

goatboy ago

What is the greatest forum you've ever shit in? What forum is the impossible "get" for you? In other words, if you could shit in an otherwise impossible to enter forum, which forum would that be?

ExpertShitposter ago

Man....i was banned from every forum on the planet, and i was rarely being toxic. I hate moderators with a passion. The one i remember clearly was my last ban, after witch i stopped posting for a decade. It was the forum. A gametrailer for the game Rocksmith was posted and the actors in the video were kind of faggy and hipster, so i made a simple comment ,"haha feg". That's it. Not, "Look at these FUCKING FAGGOTS!". Just "haha feg".

Result? PERMABAN. Reason? "Zero tolerance of homophobia". Nigga wtf? I said "haha feg", that is hatred to you? And it was like this on every forum. After that feg ban, i stopped using forums altogether. Eight years go by, and i start posting to 4chan here and there, but even on 4chan i keep getting bened. Go to /v/ and say consoles are for brain-deads, get bened. Go to /soc/ and call a turkish person "roach", get bened. The ride never stops. So i discover reddit through 4chan calling it a faggot board, and i start lurking with no account. At that time the fattening was about to go down, and through that, i discover voat. A bastion of free speech, and the rest is history.

So there you go, no shitposting for me for close to a decade before voat. And here, i'm DEDICATED to escaping the harsh realities of the political world by shitposting. Thank you Atko and PuttItOut. Now i don't have to put up with cucks and trap porn on 4chan.

Moral of the story? KILL ALL MODERATORS.

As for the second part of your question, i would just like to be an un-benebel hax0r, so i could shitpost my revenge on all forums and shit them to destruction.

Edit: company went bankrupt about a year ago. I waited a decade for justice. Take that shitlickers.

ExpertShitposter ago


Sorry but international law clearly states: Any beer that bounces of ones head, becomes their property.

MickFaggot ago

No. You clearly owe triggly beer. Throwing beer does not equate to giving up ones ownership of beer. One is within ones right to expect ownership of spilt beer too.

ExpertShitposter ago

She wants the beer? She can come to my house in Molvania and try to take it from me.

ExpertShitposter ago

Yeha, i showed up at his house in papua new guinea unannounced a week ago. It ended with his wife chasing me off by throwing beer cans, cats, and a bong at me. It hurt, but at least i got some free beer.

durchfall ago

A magical genie have appeared and is willing to give you a super power, however you don't get to pick the power directly. Instead, birds are associated with a super power and you get to pick one of the bird species. The genie doesn't say what super power belongs to which bird, but assures you that any super power is benificial.

Which bird would you pick?

lord_nougat ago

He picked the shitbird.

ExpertShitposter ago

Well first thing that comes to mind is Eagle. Eagle is the top of the food chain, because nobody fucks with an eagle. So i guess whatever i get would also put me on top of human society.

However on second thought, i would go with owl. Owl is also at the top of the food chain. An eagle could kick its ass, but it doesn't do that as far as i know, so effectively the owl stays at the top. But...owl is suuuuper smart, so i would obviously get: top of food chain in human society hunter killer + genius + sneaky bastard. I love being a sneaky bastard. Owl it is.

Demose ago

I would've picked the turkey, it gets pardoned by the US president every thanksgiving.

jerry ago

who would you rather have sex with; your mom or your dad?

ExpertShitposter ago

Shitfuck, that's a shit question mane. I can't even. Like i cant even, even rite now. You GGnoRE'd me.

LostandFound ago

What the actual fuck? lol just when you think you have seen it all. Cudos to you

DiscontentedMajority ago

OP wins shitposting duel, gender identity confirmed.

Codewow ago

How much shit does a shitty shit poster shit during a shitty week?

ExpertShitposter ago

At least 5 solid shitposts every day in addition to some shitty comments, and at least a big fistful of poo IRL. You wouldn't want to lose your edge.