26220775? ago

Now that's a game I'd play.

There's a great market for games that involve killing jews, but nobody has capitalized on it yet.. because the jews control game shops and won't allow it.

26222895? ago

What the fuck is a Semetic anymore, is it an African Negroid, a old Greek culture, some group in Iran? Is it Tigre, is it Arabic is it Indian, maybe Somali, Tigrinya and people from Malta or Europe or Maltese language? Are the Jews even Semetic, its like a meaningless word that covers Afro-Euro-Asian or some shit?

26220756? ago

One IVF weirdo guy a sperm donor Ari Nagel, an American who has fathered 33 Jew children, with 10 more on the way, has been banned from donating his sperm in Israel ... At the fertility clinics the most popular donors are the Germanic DNA ? https://voat.co/v/whatever/4079984/26107830

26220877? ago

Asia is weird its probably about presentation, colors and looks. Dont know about Jews and clinics, I believe the Jews were the people who originally founded the whole dating newspapers and aps to avoid their own inbreed genes, they would try to make sure one smaller inbred Jew tribe didnt re-marry another. spread out the gene pool. I believe the Asian thing is also aesthetics, the yellows in Korea, Thailand, Japan like the hollywood pop star look of Westerners, they want the cartoonishly big eye lashes, they want long legs maybe more White than tanned, they often dress up like video game anime characters and dye their hair, they also dress black in S.Korea but this seems to be more of a mockery of rapper culture @voatuser1128 @carnold03 @HiJoker the filipino is sought after in Japan as a date or prostitute because of their Spanish–American-Asian hertiage and 'exotic' look, most older Hollywood stars get a second life doing commercials for big companies in Japan.

26220689? ago

what the ...

26220700? ago

what the ... 25 meter high pile of ashes. 75 feet. https://voat.co/v/QRV/4012021/25517243