26202633? ago

Nothing, blacks were always trash, you were feed propaganda about what niggers used to be

26197657? ago

Dysgenics and cultural decline caused by welfare and feminism, and jews exploiting it.

26192601? ago

They were subjugated into some semblance of behavior in certain areas of history. But no, it isn't drugs and society that makes them this way. Look at tribes in Africa that have never even seen a white person. They are still raping, murdering, thieving, cannibals. Cant build SHIT, dont invent anything. Cant farm. They stil believe cargo planes are sent by their ancestors to deliver them free gibs, and the white devil has fooled the spirits of their ancestors and thats why the great glorious cargo plane of infinite plenty never shows up.

Its nothing except for them and their natural state of being that makes them what they are.

26192414? ago

They went back to normal

26195509? ago

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26192393? ago

Learn something every day, who knew nogs were actually good people in the past. Such a noble group of people.

26192687? ago


26192246? ago


26191728? ago

Back tits

26191431? ago

What happened was we stopped lynching them the second they showed signs of aggression.

26192843? ago

If you actually look at the stats around that it happened way less than people think and White people got lynched nearly as often

26192668? ago

Finally someone who gets it, instead of pretending niggers are just eternal victims and never responsible for their own behavior.

26191430? ago

They got jewed hard, when they should have gone back to Africa and fixed the place... this is what happens when Jews entirely corrupt your race, it becomes a sad joke.

26192697? ago

Jews aren't responsible for niggers behaving like niggers. Jews only exploit this nigger behavior to destroy White nations.

26191394? ago

They were offered to go home too, and chose to stay. They got what they had coming to them. They have a choice and chance to improve their lives as well. Yet again they refuse to try. The whole "We need White people's money for payback cause we was your slaves" is another moronic excuse too. All races owned slaves from other races. Hate to break it to these crybabies. Will those who freed them descendants get money too?

26191336? ago

They never evolved and they never will.

26191240? ago

Property tax, federal income tax, Social Security, Medicare, and the whole welfare state including Medicaid, EBT, et cetera. Get rid of ALL OF THIS, and I guarantee the vast majority of Americans will go back onto the path of normalcy. You cannot expect anybody to give a damn about a country or its people if the country does not care about them. Welfare and taxation are the polar opposite of caring about people. You cannot blame these people for dropping out of a society that they cannot function in without incurring profound moral cognitive dissonance. Nobody ACTUALLY wants to live in a welfare state. People want freedom and to know the true value of their humanity, WHATEVER THE OUTCOME MAY BE. Tax-burdened welfare states attempt to reduce human beings to communist, collectivist worker bees that can never realize the true profit of their work. By the way, this is why criminality is increasing in ALL racial groups.

26191842? ago

This is spot on. Excellent and quick write up of an extremely complex and entrenched system of welfare.

26191441? ago

This is the correct answer.

The welfare state we have devised is incredibly pernicious, because it makes the welfare recipient more secure as their degradation becomes more total. A married couple that experiences occasional unemployment receives less assistance than an unmarried mother who never works at all; over the last 50 years we have seen the black family shift from the first form to overwhelmingly the second form. This was predicted by conservatives and libertarians in the mid-60's, and everything they predicted came to pass.

Today it is even worse, because expanding disability assistance to a wider range of meme mental disorders created new opportunities for people to degrade themselves in order to qualify for more assistance. So last generation's single mother with kids with behavior problems (but still with at least a small chance of escaping poverty later) has been transformed into this generation's single mother with kids she has trained to pretend to have various mental disorders to qualify for SSI - and none of those kids will ever escape poverty and be normal again. Not one.

26193012? ago

Call them what they are, which is African American. "Black" is agitation propaganda meant to further distract everybody from the truth of the matter. I refuse to let stupid people call me "white". I am not "white", and I will never submit to such a ludicrous title. African Americans need to TOLD the same. It doesn't matter if they like it or not. I've had African Americans get angry about this, but I don't care. Words have meaning, let's watch our mouths.

26191232? ago

Like the niggers anywhere have ever been useful. Lol.

26191475? ago

They picked a lot of cotton. That was pretty useful.

26191593? ago

Their pay was essentially in line with pay rates at the time. The food and housing they received was on par with a low skill worker of the day. Sure they werent allowed to do whatever they wanted. But thats because when allowed to do what they want they become destructive rape apes. We would have been much better off leaving them in africa. Not to mention what all those coal burning whores have done to our gene pool now.

26191226? ago

Ah the golden age of blacks. Color me skeptical. Are they worse now? Hard to say. Remember that our people lived in cities like newark, detroit, clevland, and they had to flee for their lives two or three generations ago.

26192747? ago

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26191551? ago

Exactly. I would think people would be over their civnat cuck fantasies that niggers are capable of being anything but niggers.

26193733? ago

People are alway like “ why are old people so racist?” My mom grew up in a small city in the rust belt, booming in the 40s and 50s, now utterly destroyed like detroit or flint. She used to complain a lot about how beautiful it used to be. Before. I swear to god she would cry about it. It is a classic case of post-industrial black hell hole now. My aunt was taken hostage working as a clerk in a gas station. Held at gunpoint. We would go back to visit. It made an impression on me as a kid. People need to be educated about the great migration and what it did to cities. They create problems and then blame those problems on working class white people. And who pays for disasters like Flint? The very same whites who fled for their lives.

26191178? ago

Blues is just a hexatonic scale with half-wrong or "blue" notes. It's not advancement, it's degradation.

They've always been no-good lazy niggers. They've been staying at "the worst that our society will tolerate" this whole time. Tolerance ruins societies.

26191133? ago

Ah jenkem... there’s a fermented shit drug I’ve not heard tell of for some time.

26191115? ago

Because niggers are niggers.