1anddone ago

I met an Iraqi college age female recently and she asked me if I liked politics. The talk naturely led to me telling her about how the Jews intentionally destabilize the Middle East so they can fill the power void. She said, “Your words make me afraid but I feel they are true.” One of the most positive conversations of my life. That culture despite all its faults is certainly doing something right with its women.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

I wonder if the irony is lost on her that her mask says "I can't breath"?

koalling ago

We will never be equal, because I'll be alive after all this is over and you won't.

Anzac5665 ago

Wouldn't fuck that thing with a BORROWED dick!

Nukeisrael ago

Well then no peace. Equality is cope for retards.

ilikeskittles ago

What is that? I’m sure I don’t want to know what it is.

areyoumygaffer ago

fire, hammer, big rock. whatever. steamroller.

Cleanhouseindc ago

Maybe we are doing things wrong. Maybe we should have a government program that makes it simple for folks who hate here can leave for their choice destination. The money being burned up in riots and hate could easily fund giving folks $10k, and a plane ticket to The home they think will be better. Want to live in Afghanistan as a child or slave bride? Here some cash and a ticket outta here. Think it would more fun living in socialist Cuba or Venezuela? Here you go. Vamos muchachos. Here’s some cash to start your new life, here’s your ticket, be gone! PS.. you can’t come back!

There is no reason these folks should have to suffer such mental anguish as being here causes. So let’s help them solve their problem, and it will free up some space on the roadways too!

ciaozuzu ago

Equally mentally ill?

Also that might be a male.

Doglegwarrior ago

we have no fucking clue what that is. I think a flamethrower is the only option at this point.

everef ago

So was Christianity before it was infiltrated by faggots, kikes, faggot lovers, and kike lovers.

Doglegwarrior ago

Christianity the first half of your holy bible is a sand nigger book invented by sandnigger gypsies who have the highest rates of mental illness in the world. it was based off some sandnigger talking to a fucking burning bush! aka a mentaly ill ficking sand nigger. this bullshit sand nigger religion somehow cucked white Europeans or we woould have taken over the world by now.

When the LORD saw that he had gone over to look, God called to him from within the bush, "Moses! Moses!" 

      And Moses said, "Here I am."

    5 "Do not come any closer," God said. "Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground." 6 Then he said, "I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob." At this, Moses hid his face, because he was afraid to look at God.

Exodus 3:1-6 (NIV)

yep makes total fucking sense now some crazy fucking sand nigger talked to a burning bush... fucking christcucks

everef ago

I didn't say the Christian bible was true, I just said Christianity used to be right about women. We don't need to look to Muslims for guidance on how to deal with women. We need to look back to how Europeans dealt with them hundreds of years ago.

Doglegwarrior ago

100% agree. good call we are on the same side of things fellow goat

Diggernicks ago

So never.

Got it.

buckhorn ago

Islam is probably right about whatever that is.

Landrictree ago

There will be peace when they are in the ground.

goatboy ago

Agreed. People are only equal in death. Let all the world Rest In Peace.

anoncastillo ago

So there will never be peace?

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RM-Goetbbels ago

kill it with fire

Drkadrka ago

We should really be using killdozers for pure efficiency reasons. Even snowplows on F350s would be a step in the right direction.

RabbiPuttitout ago

..or whatever's handy.

Nosferatjew ago

Stones would probably work just fine.

Diggernicks ago

Is it right about child brides as well?

Larry_C ago

Is right about women not children

Diggernicks ago

Cool hypocrisy bro

xenoPsychologist ago

you do realize its possible to be right about one thing and wrong about an entirely different thing, at the same time, right?

Larry_C ago

Do you know what hypocrisy means?

anoncastillo ago

No. But it's pretty close on the gays.

Steelerfish ago

Is it right about the proper usage of sheep as well?