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25692391? ago

Looks like no-one wants sheboons. They can't get white males to even pose with them.

25692743? ago

Dating websites are typically scams, or else spyware, criminals often use the sites for theft, the dating users are sometimes weirdos and the dating companies full of bots snooping at your messages, the evil eye recording the mails, invading privacy, the Websites also reveal certain facts and Bias to Racial type. Online Dating sites - OkCupid run by Jewish Max Krohn and son of Syrian immigrants, Al and Dr. Haifa Yagan Americans Lost $143 Million in Online Dating Scams. is a well known scam.

Florida Woman Loses $1 Million In Online Dating Scam

Even the male negroids don't want to fuck female niggers. , the Angry Hulkout Apeface? high rates of STDs, obesity, children out of wedlock, poverty, criminal behavior, and low intelligence don't exactly make them look like a catch.

Oh, and they're usually un-womanly, agressive but also ugly as fuck.

Statistics is raciss!

Neofaggots would say Its okay for every other race to have a dedicated dating site, but its racist if its dedicated to white people. , Online White Dating Platform | WhiteDate.NET - This site must get some serious heat from the (((Usual Suspects))) ....but it also reeks of alt-right fakery honey pot.... Make sure you have COALFAX open in another tab? giving people the tools to act on racial bias is profitable; and second, it is not fair to users who are discriminated against to be matched with people who are biased against their racial group and, as a result, will dismiss them as potential matches.

The rest of the piece quotes SJWs in the online dating industry who encourage whites to date niggers.

Few white guys are oil drillers. Some white women are coalburners and the online dating industry seems to view its mission to encourage more white and Asian women to burn the coal. Shitavious likes him some tight white. Muh dick, muh dick....She also got tats, Deeeessgusting!! 4Chan Human Races Thread Anonymous ?

25697383? ago

The nation of Sweden and Britbong's BBC got occupied by Brood Parasites