capnflummox ago

Good. Two morons; one accident.

Rellik88 ago

Its called lane splitting and its legal in a lot of places.

capnflummox ago

Actually, he was on the shoulder. So, nope. It's not called lane splitting. It's called illegal use of the shoulder.

herbert_west ago

Motorcyclists are the perfect organ donors.

notYOURfriend ago

Too bad they both survived. The only correct way to handle motorcyclists [who do shit like this] is to flatten them under a truck.

glassuser ago

When you get on a motorcycle, just keep in mind that everyone out there is trying to kill you whether they know it or not, and act accordingly. That will significantly improve your chances of survival.

Ocelot ago

I already have this mindset in the car, it's just tempered by the fact that there's a metal cage around me.

WireResource ago

I honestly think my driving has improved as a result of riding so much. Awareness.

ThePoliceTookMyGuns ago

Everything is improved through awareness. You can tell who would be useful just from 2 or 3 seconds of interaction with them in the aisle of a supermarket. There are people who do their best to stay out of the way of people and move efficiently, then there are the fat fucks, cucks and mombies who think they own the world and seem to intentionally get in peoples way every time possible. I was riding the other day and some fat fuck in a minivan waited almost 8 seconds at a stop sign so I could pull up beside him and pass him, so he could get mad and scream and honk and yell "You're supposed to wait behind me". These people will inconvenience themselves to inconvenience or hurt you, because they're weak fat fucks who are jealous and bitter about their own shitty unfulfilling lives.

WireResource ago

As a certified Old Guy, this situation has not improved since the introduction of zombie/smart phones. I'm convinced that my grandchildren will either be full-on matrix residents (bad) or hey will look back on Steve Jobs/Apple/smart phones as we now view medical recommendations to have a cigarette on your nightly walk.

Ocelot ago

I swear to God minivans make people retarded. Every. Single. Minivan I see is a menace and pulls some stupid shit if I'm in traffic with it for more than 30 seconds. Unfailingly, every single time.

Credible_Hulk ago

I wonder who yelled at who first

SparklingWiggle ago

Both got what thry deserved. What are the odds everyone got out of their cars and clapped?

pdpbigbang ago

Zero. If you actually go outside for a living, people want to help in a scene of the accident, not look like a psychopath.

ThePoliceTookMyGuns ago

lol k

thebearfromstartrack ago

Have to admit. I never once (young) thought of ANOTHER motorcycle pulling out into my lane splitting escapade. I'm betting that is a COMMON occurance.

capnflummox ago

Driving on the shoulder is not lane splitting. It's just illegal.

thebearfromstartrack ago

I was lane splitting fag. Don't you EVER contradict me again.

I was testing my new throttle pedal the other day. PASSED about 13 cars. Some retard cop (narc?) tried to PURSUE me at 80MPH or so. He BLASTED his SIREEEN. Cause he was, I don't know fag, then he got beside me, his windows were OPAQUE (fag). THEN, He bolted off before me like a fag. I got his license plate. Anyway, I'm like WTF? HE didn't PULL ME OVER, he just BLASTED his siren AFTER pursuing me so I was FUCKED (later) in TRAFFIC.

I THINK, he KNEW who I WAS. Anyway, he LEFT my area. I moved on. ALONE.

capnflummox ago

That's not lane splitting. That's driving on the left shoulder. Highly illegal. In every single State.

You have no counter argument.

thebearfromstartrack ago

no COP WANTS to interact with Me

capnflummox ago

You're literally retarded.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

he's a pedo too, outed himself a few days ago, I pasted a link to it somewhere in one of my comments.

thebearfromstartrack ago

I used to lane split on my Harley. and my Honda. I KNOW what it is. shit weasel. Why don't you go eat lunch at the Brown Derby poophead. Order yourself a shit sandwich, then poop your pants, like you do every day.

capnflummox ago

We're discussing the video. The video shows an two entitled faggots trying to buttfuck each other in the left lane. That's not anything other than illegal, 'shit weasel'... (what a faggot thing to say.)

thebearfromstartrack ago

The tractor trailer was MERGING into MY lane, the cop, apparently chasing me for questionable reason ( I was doing 80, HE was too). He ended up BESIDE me and I was BETWEEN the merging tractor trailer and the cop SUV (he sounded his SIREEN), but NO lights (unmarked). ANYWAY I'm CAUGHT BETWEEN THEM because the stupid cop was CHASING me, just because I passed the SHIT out of them on the previous ON ramp, just because, (new road and entrance ramp) there was a DUAL lane turning lane now, and not the single lane previous. SO I could BLAST past them ALL, as the light (turn left) changed to green JUST as I arrived in the RIGHT turn lane and like 20? cars were lined up in the LEFT turn lane. So I BLASTED past them ALL merged onto the highway at 80. OUTPACING EVERYONE on the road. Suddenly the fag cops were ON MY ASS, and caught me, in MY lane

But then, he road beside me for a second (windows blacked out, I was just looking at him, not yelling...SIREEN), THEN he blasted off down the road and left. me. We were SHARING my lane JUST because he was chasing me and jammed me up. the tractor trailer was JUST to my right.

Get with it fag. Are you a nigger or something?

capnflummox ago

So you admit you weren't lane splitting. Why did you try to lie and say you weren't?

Also, why are you constantly SHOUTING at me?

Seems like you're the real faggot here.

Riding on the shoulder is not lane splitting.

thebearfromstartrack ago

No. I was CAUGHT between the tractor trailer and the cops SUV for a few seconds, until the cop sped off. There were only 2 lanes available for me. I had nowhere to go. I SPLIT the lanes with my presence.

It was ONLY an issue because the cop was CHASING me for passing him in the traffic line. HIS FAULT. Oh and I was doing 80. But I was JUST getting to "CLEAN AIR" (past traffic).

There was NO riding on the shoulder. WHERE do you GET that? WHERE did I SAY that?

capnflummox ago

snore... Now shut the fuck up about your illegal driving on your fag-mobile.

thebearfromstartrack ago

Fag mobile? Mercedes? What do you drive? Some kind of ragged out dodge challenger?

capnflummox ago

Was this supposed to be funny?

thebearfromstartrack ago

Of course. You probably have to have a car though.

capnflummox ago

Okay then.

OyGoy ago

Oooh this is satisfying to watch.

Helena73 ago

Cool guys will be chillin’ in the ER.

GuysBeforeFries ago

Probaby nogs, the ones in Philly were always pulling this shit. Satisfying

MomsDontMakeGoodDads ago

Probably not. The sign is in Russian. Or Ukrainian. Or whatever else uses Cyrillic.

ScreaminMime ago

Oh, I didn't even click the video. I just read the title and assumed it was this one.

prairie ago

When two cool guys meet. Second cool guy didn't look back because what are the odds another cool guy is zooming along?

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godamn ago

Fucking motorcycling in bike lanes is how pancakes get made.

i_scream_trucks ago

youre correct.

you fucking look where you want to put your motorcycle before pulling out in front of another motorcycle and put them at risk.

filtering is absolutely safe when retards dont do retarded things.

Not_a_redfugee ago

Well, the guy filming did seem to be going too fast for safety

WireResource ago

I think he may have been on a scooter to boot. Smaller wheels means smaller brake rotors means you need to manage your speed even more than on a motorcycle.

Pretty dumb.

edgecrusher99 ago

Kind of a dumb post considering there are retards everywhere at all times and you have zero control over them.

i_scream_trucks ago

You just made my point for me

9C5F0DBCBA49 ago

This guy wasn't being safe at all. Much too fast in relation to the traffic he's passing.

i_scream_trucks ago


A dead stop freeway can easily be filtered at 50kmh safely. Providing some fucktard in a car doesnt pull across without indicating, open their door on you, or a dumb cunt on another bike doesnt switch lanes without checking all of which are illegal.

9C5F0DBCBA49 ago

A dead stop freeway can easily be filtered at 50kmh safely. Providing some fucktard in a car doesnt pull across without indicating, open their door on you, or a dumb cunt on another bike doesnt switch lanes without checking all of which are illegal.

That shows your ignorance as a driver, which may get you injured or killed eventually. You're expecting people to see you in a situation where it's impossible to see you. At 50 kph you're passing 2 - 3 car lengths per second. Even if a driver is trying hard to look for retards on motorcycles before switching lanes there's no way he's going to see someone who's 10 car lengths behind when he looks over his shoulder and checks his mirrors. It's just basic geometry. Likewise, you're not going to be able to see any turn signal in traffic until you're within a car length or two, which is giving yourself less than a second to react.

Never in my life have i been taken out filtering.

That's always true until it isn't.

I have raised a foot and accellerated through the wing mirror of a taxi who thought roadraging a biker was funny.

Ah, to be in my 20's again so stupid and full of anger at nothing in particular. It makes my day when we have to respond to yet another idiot biker who smeared himself across the highway badly enough that we just basically hose what's left of his body into the storm drain.

copper_spartan ago

Well, they were both being retards. You're supposed to lane split between lane 1 & 2.