25633291? ago


25505681? ago

You can't make things like that up!

25504672? ago

What is with the paranoid Q-anon number shit?

25501275? ago

"McNeil had asked a friend to stay with her because she was afraid of Mahone"

Then why did you associate with and bail the nigger out in the first place?

25499314? ago

Lmao what a moron

25498629? ago

The get what they DESERVE.

25498453? ago


25498272? ago

The jews did this.

25497942? ago

later nigger-lover

25497887? ago

Trey Mahone had a history of being accused of violence against women. At least three women have taken out restraining orders against him claiming assault.

"This time it will be different."

25497768? ago

... Sometimes things work out

25497574? ago

Expensive toll.

25497563? ago

Sorry, don't have sympathy for stupid people.

25497534? ago

Paid the bail and the toll.

25497406? ago

Get it, you dumb fucking slut. I know way too many race traitor little blonde skanks that have been subjected to the KIKE plan via music and tv. Kinda sad but if they're too retarded to open their mind then fuck em.

25497279? ago

Double toll

25497028? ago

Happy ending. Physical removal for everyone involved.

25497079? ago

like that dancing fire guy! https://i.4pcdn.org/pol/1568816272023.gif

25497023? ago

What makes them go for them? Ive seen a bit of bit about here too. Ad on tv, internet, everywhere you look but make up your own mind, whatever happened to that, base your opinions on reality, not feelz and jew emote Hollywood bullshit.

25496818? ago

Serves her right. At least she won't be popping out any (more) worthless bigger babies.

25499583? ago

Those worthless Bigger babies. We demand smaller children!

25499621? ago

Damn autocorrect.

25496759? ago

What a waste.

25496499? ago

Nothing of value lost.

25496462? ago

... Maybe someone should call the coal fax, what happened to all the coalfax websites?

25496744? ago

For the original one, the owner suspected that the developer was (((contacted))) so he quit working on it and it went tits up.

25497284? ago

I thought the mudsharks freaked out and got it shut down twice

25496333? ago

her alleged killer, Trey Mahone

So there is no proof he is the killer. Also, mr. Mahone's race is never once mentioned in the article.

25501313? ago

Assuming you're not just making a joke, your comment reeks of kike. It takes two seconds to google this nigger's name and see that he is, indeed, a nigger (as if the name and story didn't already give his race away to begin with). And it's plainly obvious by the facts of the case that he is the killer.

25516913? ago

Late reply, but I was joking indeed.

25525841? ago

Okay, thanks for confirming. I can usually tell when a comment is sarcastic, but I'm seeing more and more faggots on Voat saying shit like that seriously.

25496312? ago

Good riddance.

25496219? ago

Darwin award goes the chick for not breeding

25496482? ago

Porno media promotes 'Shitted' culture https://voat.co/v/Hiddenlol/4009813

25496093? ago

Burn the coal. Pay the toll.