25369399? ago

Some are even using the "kike" word. It's amazing.

25369499? ago

You know....There was a vid called 'Waking Up' by Emily Youcis

25369396? ago

Hanging at Voat has definitely affected them.

25369549? ago

The Donald refugees from reddit got scared they ran back to reddit crying and asked to be abused again ... i guess in a way we should be proud of those Q retards. Within one hour, Twitch banned Trump, Reddit banned 2000 subs including thedonald, YouTube banned multiple users and channels, and the media had article about it ready to go. ...all coordinated, and yet Donald morons ran home to reddit for more abuse? now they have this thing called donald.win or something? https://files.catbox.moe/fzld37.jpg

25369629? ago

The Q guys were kind of forced here. They came, fled to the chans and Q sent them back here to QRV. But once they came back they were absolutely determined to stay no matter how much abuse was heaped on them. That was still just following orders but they've grown I think.

The pedes came, returned to reddit and I can at least give them credit, they then went and built their own thing. They definitely found out they weren't going to take over Voat like they thought they were. That's still my favorite migration. Three days of hilarity.

25369334? ago

Bout time!!!! Damn$

25369511? ago

after 2 years of water boarding, motor boating and tea bagging these kikes, fags and sand niggers they finally crack? https://i.4pcdn.org/pol/1598605676561.jpg , https://i.4pcdn.org/pol/1562635179643.png