25770393? ago

The Skull still looks Native American, maybe a more yellow brown person, slightly the same shapes of maori hawaii samoa Skull but not a Negroid

25121277? ago

There is no such thing @Ralemlol /u/Ralemlol

25103960? ago

So that fag negro @Kot88 has a nigger sock puppet alt called @Krotik ?

25100929? ago

Ok that's the science with Ethnicity but on this 'voting' thing whats happening with these Daul Citizens? @indoctrophobe @fightknightHERO ? @Samsquamch ? @trofa @remainselusive https://voat.co/v/HDLunited/3966327/25099622

25114918? ago



When one understands the WAR that's been going on for thousands of years ... They can understand why dual citizenry is even an issue. And the churches have been instrumental in this sin ... You know, "the Jews are God's chosen" and all ... when they're not even the people of the book.

We're supposed to kill them off, or drive them out. Eventually, there would have been none and nowhere for them to go, as we expanded. He made the world for the white race to have total dominion. Never gonna happen as long as one thinks the niggers are "equal", and mongrel Edomite CHAZAR claimed jews are "God's chosen".

Numbers 33:55-56

55 But if ye will not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you; then it shall come to pass, that those which ye let remain of them shall be pricks in your eyes, and thorns in your sides, and shall vex you in the land wherein ye dwell.

56 Moreover it shall come to pass, that I shall do unto you, as I thought to do unto them.

25094330? ago

About a hundred years ago, one theory was that the cranial bones fuse earlier in blacks, so there is no room for the brain to grow, particularly in the frontal region.


Not saying this is so, but interesting. There was another recent posting of an old text here that recapitulated that theory.

25094529? ago

some stuff also posted in quora.com , /v/ScienceAnon , SicEm365, The Apricity Forum, slashdot , anthrogenica.com, City-Data Forum , polishforums.com , theconversation.com, historum.com, medium, steemit, minds, and others but eventaually all of this might be BANNED and CENSORED to protect 'globalism'

25094261? ago

The brain is smaller and mouth juts out in the nergoid @BeerNinja727 @TyroneDeNiggero ? @Will0890 ? @Reverse-Flash @SirNiggsalot

25121268? ago

25101523? ago

They can not speak English? https://voat.co/v/Niggers/3966685/25100901

25094202? ago

Dey wuz Kangz n sheeeit

25094215? ago

The Skull looks more Nigger-ish than usual, this could be some stoneage dindoo, modern Dindus have been given more modern weapons https://voat.co/v/Niggers/3965927