Have you never seen the conflation of two similar designs? It happens all the time here. Apparently things that are designed once anywhere are immediately associated with that one thing forever regardless of how known the original is.
People here forget that, while the jews have been the main perpetrator of evil throughout history, they are not they only perpetrator of evil throughout history.
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Ken_bingo2 ago
Coincidence of geometry is not a cohencidence.
Tb0n3 ago
Have you never seen the conflation of two similar designs? It happens all the time here. Apparently things that are designed once anywhere are immediately associated with that one thing forever regardless of how known the original is.
VicariousJambi ago
People here forget that, while the jews have been the main perpetrator of evil throughout history, they are not they only perpetrator of evil throughout history.
i_scream_trucks ago
.... i dont think menorahs were designed after the layout of the senate of a million different nations throughout history mang...
VicariousJambi ago
I think this is just a logical way to make and light a room. The arms to the lights aren't connected similarly, theres no star of remphan, etc.
We don't need to make shit up to say that jews run congress.
GrayGadfly ago
Agreed. I always figured it was based off of roman forums
SearchVoatBot ago
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RoundWheel ago
Correct. This shape is commonly used for two primary reasons. One, sound propagation. Important for orators. Two, lighting. Important for reading.
This is why many historic meeting rooms and gaming rooms are circular. Or are we now claiming the romans are jewish?
capnflummox ago
Um... no.
i_scream_trucks ago
how the fuck did this even get so many upvotes...