Maddmartigan ago

You can tell she is actually really hurt because her family doesn't want anything to do with her. As she grows older the pain will increase. The TV, media, magazines, music, pop culture etc also known as the jews have twisted her image and value system making what's right wrong and what's wrong right. It is truly a sad affair.

ScreaminMime ago

I have no idea how to view these videos without downloading them, is there a link to a video site or a way for me to put it on there?

Deceneu ago

It's your browser.

Most modern browsers are able to play this kind of video (.webm) in the browser.

In the old days (00s) one used to have a separate player like Windows Media Player being called from, and embedded within the page.

Then Flash came along and the players were served with the page itself.

Then Flash was replaced by HTML 5 Video and the player is, most of the time (like in this case) the browser itself.

Evileddie13 ago

What's this bitches name so I can jerk off to to her?

jewsbadnews ago

This is the most popular pornstar in the world, how a coomer like you not know?

Evileddie13 ago

i don't watch porn you commie jew faggot.

Kill yourself.

jewsbadnews ago

Sure you don't.

ToFat2Fish ago

Just Google lemon party and you'll find her

Evileddie13 ago

I did. All it got me was pics of your dad blowing two old homeless men.

LatoreCon ago

You gotta be 1 hell of a beta to be following porn acters online. This is the second time recently one of you fags have posted this whore ... Why? What the fuck are you thinking you're doing?

jewsbadnews ago

I got it from 4chan ya spaz.

LatoreCon ago

You're clearly interested in it, you're saving it to yo computer and you're posting for others to see. And you wete probably the one who wrote all tbis on 4chan

i_scream_trucks ago

its very rare that i will ever use this expression.

but i mean this from the bottom of my heart with all intent.

go fucking kill yourself slut.

you chose to be a fucking slut now you got disowned. i got disowned for standing up to a child abuser.

fuckfuckfuck1 ago

She sure does squirm a lot.

DrSelfAppointed ago

more of these? They are delectable

theshopper ago

I think the father just doesn't have anything in common with her. His daughters entire life, ENTIRE LIFE, is sucking some guys cock on camera.

There isn't even small talk left. By not seeing her he is sheltering himself from the pain of feeling like he failed as a father, and he very well may have. The problem is the power of the electric jew and our current degenerate society is so strong that no one is left untouched. He may have fought like hell only to lose in the end.

Notice how she smiles throughout the video too. She doesn't care about her relationship with her father, just the attention she is going to get from the video. I think another problem in our society is the fact that this is being seen at all. We used to self organize and put the least productive people to society on the bottom, now we are glorifying whores and niggers 24/7 on all jew controlled media outlets.

When DOTR happens we need to hang media executives as well as politicians.

Vhaine ago

Under rated comment of the thread and spot on.

bunnysupreme ago

Put this clip everywhere young women congregate. Let them see the true cost of doing porn.

no family.

no friends.

no career prospects.

Important video. Thanks for posting.

fuckfuckfuck1 ago

They are brainwashed to think that the father is wrong.

steven_feelsperg ago

Sad to say, this is ultimately her father's fault. Women do not have agency and simply follow the strong horse. The father allowed the electric jew be a stronger influence than him.

AlfonsHilter ago

The only way he could fight the jewish propaganda would be to lock her up in the basement and not let out for the rest of her life.

kenlane ago

If you notice at the start of the video she called it "the industry". She does this because calling it the porn industry is a shameful thing and she knows it. She knows it is dirty to do porn, so she only mentioned porn once in the entire video, avoiding calling it that every other time she references her job.

DFC, dumb fucking cunt

DicklessAndAfraid ago

Hi OP, I'm not trying to be a reediting faggot, please don't think I'm trying to belittle you.

The saying is "Whore wants to eat her cake, and have it too".

Again, I'm sorry if this seems reddit, redditors are gay.

MikeyMo123 ago

Was it you or your boyfriend that played "bottom" this evening?

DicklessAndAfraid ago

I was too busy fucking your dad.

MilkSteakGuy ago

Listen to Mikey

BeanNYourPotatoSalad ago

"stepmom"?? That explains the daddy issues.

TheBookWasBetter ago

Probably boomers.

Drstrangebeard ago

she is completely oblivious. so sad. one day these girls are going to wake up and snap on the scumbags using them.

Rival67 ago

Pretty much a child is talking.

MilkSteakGuy ago

Pretty much you're not wrong, never could advance past that state.

Vhaine ago

Women are the most mature teenagers in the house.

theshopper ago

No she will die in her delusion. The universe couldn't give a shit about her or her beliefs, nor ours for that matter.

Drstrangebeard ago

no wonder so many people without god are killing themselves.

MilkSteakGuy ago

Probably should give Jesus a chance. His teachings were spot on for a prosperous civilization

Maddmartigan ago

He is the only chance anyone has.

Drstrangebeard ago

I've said this myself many times.

metricisokay ago

I wonder if those daddy issues existed before she did porn

noob_tube ago

Dad's remarried. A real man would have kept (or killed) his first wife. This bitch is the produce of a weak father.

123456788 ago

A man ditches a woman who doesn't treat him well. We have no idea of the context here.

MrBateman ago

or killed lol

NoTrueScotsman ago

As soon as she said she had a step-mom, I was like, "ohh."

constitutionranger ago

If he was weak he would hang out with his daughter. Instead he is in vast minority of men that actually disowns his whore daughter. I have respect for this father for telling this cumdumpster to fuck off.

Tb0n3 ago

Unconditional* parental love

*conditions apply

NNdmt ago

you can love your whore daughter and still not want to be seen with her

MikeyMo123 ago

Womp Womp. Guess she will just have to continue eating nigger cum.

DoOver ago

lol how is not wanting to have anything to do with your whore ass "taking advantage of you"?

AlexanderMorose13 ago

In the terms of family to whores, she means money. They only spend time with her when she's paying the bills. If she's not, she has no genuine "value" and the family doesn't talk to her. The irony here is that she doesn't realize that her ill gotten wealth is what is poisoning her relationships more than her job.

constitutionranger ago

Whore logic

Apathy ago

It's sad, but to some extent she needs to realize she didn't lose her family, she's simply facing the consequences of her actions. It's not her dad's fault he feels embarrassed to be seen publicly with her. Imagine how he feels knowing his daughter is a whore for the whole world to see, bet it hasn't even crossed her mind.

CheeBooga ago

Isn't this the chic who exclusively does black monkey fuckin porn?

Gigglestick ago

... that’s a thing?

MrBateman ago

But she's got all the media and tv shows on her side!

AlexanderMorose13 ago

The mental gymnastics of whores is beyond comparison; even the fat people and trans people have nothing on these mental obstacles. Most prostitutes don't want to admit that their job makes them lesser human beings because it means admitting that the one useful "asset" that they have is nothing more than a temporary circumstance. How many old prostitutes are out there? The other side of the coin is that many believe that they are the ones "exploiting" men and somehow gaining some power or dominance when men hand them money. They're not even self aware enough to understand that THEY are the ones who are always going to be exploited.

RogueWaveofGoats ago

Member that chick from Duke University that did porn to pay her tuition and acted like she was proud of it? It was so obvious she was lying to herself I actually felt bad for her. It's jew subversion at work.

Chuga ago

Then there's that Libyan one who's a sports reporter now and get angry anytime anyone mentions it. She literally got the job and fame because she did porn. Needless to say she married a swede

RogueWaveofGoats ago

Ewww, she's gross.

MrPank ago

Kike money sure is worth it.

Chuga ago

Reminds me of Hannah hays. The chaos dug into her and she's a prime example of being exploited. She was in a car accident when she was a teen and it essentially made her retarded to the point that she acts like a child. Her mother and father are dead beats so Hannah went into porn to help pay for living expenses. She does everything black gang bang you name it. Ive seen pics on 4chan from her families fb pages where she still talks slowly. There was one where she had a mental break down because they didn't let her keep her service animal then made her do the porn anyways.

Look into the history of Hannah hays anons.

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