22820845? ago


22818058? ago

Already deleted.

22817543? ago

Another example of Jewish parasitic undermining predatory strategy.

22817212? ago

criticize whites.

22816937? ago

Mandatory Imgur downvoat...

22823402? ago

what is wrong with imgur? is it jew owned?

22824137? ago

Yes. And it is the reddit tool and it is censored.

22816871? ago

Doesn't claim to be white in those tweets

22817300? ago

Look at the twitter you see many 'Dear Fellow White People'

22816451? ago

“Rub their hands,” lol.

22818884? ago

Came here to point out the same line, lmao.

This world is a farcical play put on by the Creator and the villains are cartoonish and self-aware by design. Satan is bound to Hashem's Will in entirety, with no room for resistance or opposition.

22817409? ago

the merchants of smut and alphy’s soda pop Club? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3695698/22816584

22816405? ago

Where does she consider herself white?

At least in the image you posted, she only refers to herself as a minority / Jewish. Never as white.

What's the "chameleon" part here?

22816685? ago

It's implied. She gets to safely say these things about whites because she's "white."

22819371? ago

I don't know, I got a strong vibe of "I'm a poc, and am complaining against the evil whites that oppressed me"

Like the first tweet in the pic:

Pit minorities against each other so we're not united against them

And is implied in her other tweets as well.

What makes you say she's implying she's white?

22816291? ago

when i think of the years spent trying to get folks to stop using imgur . . . .

22817343? ago

Everyone was looking for alternatives to imgur and youtube, we did we had slimgur, vid dot me, mixtape.moe, Vimeo, Medium, Twatter, Sealion Club, Wordpress, PewTube, Full30, Real. Video, magaimg, image goat, many of them got hacked, subverted or simply closed