Caliope ago

That is one stupid, fat, ugly sheboon. Quick get her resume posted to the 'xecutive sweet!

Joe_McCarthy ago

I had a nigger, albeit male and older, say to someone that Hitler wanted to rule the world. So at least he had the establishment talking points down pat.

Frankly though any view of Hitler that is equated to full blown approval or full blown disapproval is pretty retarded. Or maybe approval isn't even the right word. Neo-Nazis and normies lack nuance on the issue.

Ina_Pickle ago

Good artist. Very Charismatic. Appeared to be physically fit even in his later years which is to be lauded. Would have looked much better without the stache. Unfortunately appears he was as handsy with children as Creepy Uncle Joe.

Hitler and Child 1

Hitler and Child 2

Jiggggg ago

I've never thought about how Hitler's name actually could be mistaken for a rapper's. Like she said, they have all kinds of names. Someone incorporating "hit" would actually fit right in.

Now I want to make rap music using Mein Kampf for lyrics

anoncastillo ago

I be tossin out jews like an old pair o shoes

Droppin them kikes like I'm droppin the mic

Caliope ago

We be popping 'em in daa oven;

Killin' dem kikes by da dozen;

Yo! what he be, wat he wuz,

Hitler done do what Hitler does:

gazillions ago

The nails!!

How the fuck are those fingernails such a genetic trait? This should be studied. I bet they'd find a genome crying out for three inch fake fingernails. Dey so byootyfull. It means I don't do no work for nobody no how. Dem babies get no toilet training from me.

chrimony ago

The nails!!

They're nasty as hell.

Sitnikoff ago

They probs be fake

Quasiman ago

Adolf Hitler and all of the senior Nazis were Jews post the slaughter of Ernst Röhm and the SA Brownshirts the non Jewish Nazis, in the Night of the Long Knives Massacres of June 1934, after H was sworn in as German Chancellor Jan. 30, 1933.

Jews infiltrated German politics then perped the Holocaust in the name of the German ppl, like they infiltrated US politics perped 911 then established the bogus War on Terror, like they infiltrated Turkish politics then perpetrated the 1915 Armenian Genocide.

Hitler arbitrarily Declared War on the United States Dec. 11, 1941, following President Roosevelt's Declaration of War on Japan three days earlier in response to the False Flag Pearl Harbor attacks .. after having declared war on France and England June 10, 1940..

Benito Mussolini Declared War on America on behalf of Italy on the same day as Hitler, thus between the two of them they deliberately caused Germany and Italy to be on the losing sides in WW2, which was a Zionist sponsored exercise in white genocide in any case.

At that time Jews were pulling the political strings in Germany no less than in England, Italy, France, Japan and the Soviet Union, the same way they were pulling strings in those nations and in Turkey when they started WW1. The ZioNazi Hydra.

"Jews Engineered the 1917 Russian Revolution, they killed 66 million Christians burnt their churches & built synagogues, at no other time in the history of the world has a country been so saturated with Jewish influence as the Soviet Union 1917 to 1953.

You must understand the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians they hated Russians, they hated Christians, driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse.

It cannot be overstated, Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time, the fact that the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators."# Alexander Solzhenitsyn, 200 Years Together.

"The Jews who brought communism to Russia starved to death or slaughtered 150 million, the most murderous system the world has known!"

ItsOk2bArian ago

Nope, wrong Hitler. "He makes bomb music"

Firevine ago

He was amazing alright.

WNwoman ago

Teehee. Even after all that indoctrination of holocaust crap in the public schools the average nig still doesn’t know or care about it.

SIayfire122 ago

(((They)) don't need niggers to know who Hitler was. All niggers need to know is that someone killed a bunch of jews.

It's more important to jews that Whites believe the tall tales of WWII.

con77 ago

proof of deevolution

7e62ce85 ago

You have to evolve first before you can devolve.

Sitnikoff ago


She naturally thinks positively of Hitler

coldsoak ago

He didn't use auto-tuner.

Merchant_Menace ago

Oh he's a real gas

MrPim ago

Our next act needs no introduction. Just back from a tour of France, Poland and Russia...Dropping hits like bombs...LADIES AND GENTLEMEN GIVE IT UP FOOOR HITLER!!!!!

AngelofDeath ago

That sheboon graduated with honors from Yale! ... She'll do the intro work.

7e62ce85 ago

.. "give it up fũhr Hitler" you mean.

philmchawk ago

He definitely was amazing fat nog, he definitely was.

NoBS ago

He had the most successful Socialist government in the last 100 years. If success is measured by changing the face of humanity.

Sitnikoff ago

And economic prosperity

NoBS ago

Seizing other peoples money is called prosperous wealth to a pinko commie fag. So you have a point.

Antiracist10 ago

Hahahahahahaha. Give Hitluh a hand.