mcdowell_ag ago

I don't go above the recommended quantities (which can be tricky for fat-soluble vitamins) but I do take a supermarket multivitamins and minerals. There is circumstantial evidence that avoiding Vitamin D deficiency will help against covid, but people are wary of claiming this because nobody has done a randomised trial and Vitamin D has form for looking good and then failing randomised trials. As it happens, the UK NHS declared that everybody should make sure they get enough Vitamin D this winter, but they have been careful not to commit themselves to claiming that this has anything to do with covid. e.g.

It's important to take vitamin D as you may have been indoors more than usual this year.

You should take 10 micrograms (400 IU) of vitamin D a day between October and early March to keep your bones and muscles healthy.

There have been some reports about vitamin D reducing the risk of coronavirus (COVID-19). But there is currently not enough evidence to support taking vitamin D to prevent or treat coronavirus.

itsxera ago

The best way to get Vitamin D, other than the sun of course, is by eating fish roe (eggs). One teaspoon of roe contains almost 6000 IU of vitamin D.

This is how people in far northern areas (such as Eskimos) maintain adequate levels without much sun exposure.

RubberHead ago

i know you can get it from food, not everyone eats fish in mass quantity and eggs everyday. there is links to seasonal depression to D definicancy too.

plus are stuck inside these days

Ifyouonlyknewhowbad ago

Kind of pointless to say “take this” without explaining why. Entire comment section is guilty of this too right now.

summerwind_US ago

Purely anecdotal, but I find when my mood sags, extra D3/K2 helps a lot.

Ifyouonlyknewhowbad ago

Thanks, that’s actually useful since I know why you like it. That’s all I meant :)

ex-redd ago

op is trying to keep niggers healthy in unnatural latitudes--the White Man was built for the winter (B vitamins give you energy though--big fan)

Kat-the-Cat ago

This exactly. Unless you're a nigger or an absolute shut in... most whites don't need to supplement when they're outside every day.

Ifyouonlyknewhowbad ago

I’m all about it, I’m just saying that very little information is given. It’s a very lazy post and the comments are lazy too. Maybe I’m old school but there’s no reason to praise low effort posting that gives incomplete information.

RubberHead ago

well, a simple search will show you. why, dont be lazy

Ifyouonlyknewhowbad ago

Yeah that’s my point. If all the information is coming from Google searches then there’s no need for a post in the first place.

RubberHead ago

call your doctor and ask then

Ifyouonlyknewhowbad ago

You’re the worst kind of faggot you don’t deserve the internet.

RubberHead ago

telling you to refer to your doctor, okay

Ifyouonlyknewhowbad ago

Yes. It’s the most useless thing anyone could ever post. It’s pretend advice. It means you don’t know anything but still want to say something.

RubberHead ago

apperently the +10 upsets you, you are just boring to me

Ifyouonlyknewhowbad ago

Are you talking about your stupid points? I didn’t even look but I guess I’ll downvote now since you care so much. You’re at +6 now btw.

RubberHead ago

seek help

Ifyouonlyknewhowbad ago

What from a doctor lol? Fuck off you upvote vulture. Niggers like you are the reason clickbait exists.

summerwind_US ago

D3 and K2 combo. As a seasoned citizen, I take it year-round, but more when I can't get outside, and in the colder months. Thanks for the reminder.

RubberHead ago

OH, and another one i discovered a herbal supplement is milk thistle, it supports liver function

RubberHead ago

K i get plenty of through food and suck, brocolli is all you need. D & B and a daily... also Magnesium I try to take every day

itsxera ago

Broccoli only has vitamin K1, which is not nearly as useful as Vitamin K2 that you find in animal fat, including dairy.

K2 does everything K1 does and much more, including bind to Calcium before it builds up in soft tissue like arteries, and even removes calcification! Eat plenty of grass fed raw cheese, butter, and the fat of animals raised on a pasture to ensure you're getting enough of this crucial vitamin.

summerwind_US ago

I make my own magnesium oil, and spray it all around after shower. Skin takes in exactly what it needs. No risk of the cough possible unpleasant side effects. and helps muscle soreness. Easy and cheap, with Ancient Minerals and distilled water, 50/50.

Good about the K in broccoli; hopefully others will read this who don't eat broccoli

RubberHead ago

interested about the mag oil, what do you use/follow.. a link would suffice. Most if not all insufficient in magnesium, it also strengthens bones. side effect, yeah I know, after you adjust tho, your body gets use to it. first few days stay close to the bathroom.

yeah brocolli is great for K, and other stuff I forget. its easy to steam it, a lil butter you dont even have to salt it... its so good

summerwind_US ago

My whole family loves broccoli, no matter how it's fixed. I sometimes add it to a crockpot of chili.

Got most of my information from oh geez. Lol haven't been there in so long. Lots of good information from around the world, anecdotal, some holistic practitioners, information for pets and kids, too. I like the old format better, if it's still available. Have picked up odds and ends more recently from lol. Occasionally get a referral from Amazon reviewers. HTH!

And due to our generally poor use of farm land, Americans are generally insufficient in most minerals.

RubberHead ago

I agree if you dont amend the soil plant cannot absorb as much. idk... this is a whole other topic i dont feel like getting into right now.

I check out that site, thanks... have a good day

RubberHead ago

2 people that like their soy