@Cheesebooger said he was gonna delete and take a break and maybe return some day under a new account. (voat.co)
submitted 6.8 years ago by gabara
lordbeatlejuicethe1 6.8 years ago
dat nigger was cool
gabara 6.8 years ago
cooler than me
nope a bit gayer than you
ExpertShitposter 6.8 years ago
Yeah, told him to drop a line when he does. He didn't say how long he will be gone.
TheBuddha 6.8 years ago
That sucks. He was a great addition to the weekly guitar thread. Hell, I just uploaded some shit just for him. He was a good guitarist, too.i even had some questions for him tonight. Damn it...
pours one out for my homie
@friendshipistragic @lordbeatlejuicethe1 @heygeorge @Caveman_in_a_suit @expertshitposter
Caveman_in_a_suit 6.8 years ago
Thanks for the heads up
friendshipistragic 6.8 years ago
Well balls...
lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago
dat nigger was cool
gabara ago
cooler than me
lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago
nope a bit gayer than you
ExpertShitposter ago
Yeah, told him to drop a line when he does. He didn't say how long he will be gone.
TheBuddha ago
That sucks. He was a great addition to the weekly guitar thread. Hell, I just uploaded some shit just for him. He was a good guitarist, too.i even had some questions for him tonight. Damn it...
pours one out for my homie
gabara ago
@friendshipistragic @lordbeatlejuicethe1 @heygeorge @Caveman_in_a_suit @expertshitposter
Caveman_in_a_suit ago
Thanks for the heads up
friendshipistragic ago
Well balls...