Uncle_Slob ago

Apparently your view of "developed" is different.

NemesisPrime ago

Fuck you @blumen4alles!

OverlordOverdrive ago

Fuck you @blumen4alles!

ToFat2Fish ago

I'll let my basement wife know this. Thanks

OverlordOverdrive ago

You have a basement wife too? Basement wife friends?

ToFat2Fish ago

BFF's 4 life

cthulhu69 ago

is waifu pillow, like yours

Bottled_Tears ago

Wtf is with this pedo normalizing shit? Sick fuck.

There are a shit ton of undeveloped traits of humans in the past 50,000 you fucking retard. God im actually going to use the block feature on this fucking freak.

OverlordOverdrive ago

blummen4ailes ago

Fuck you, gabara!

icantstopswearing ago