Skeptic5000 ago

All those people should be behind bars or in the chair. I guarantee most of those old men are pedophiles.

dummythicc ago


Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

Congregation of degeneracy, otherwise known as the synagogue of Satan.

Blork_Blorkinson ago

Christianity is over.

Maybe society is over as well.

markrod420 ago

Jesus christ. Kill those women.

QueensNewYorkGuy ago

As soon as they introduced the kid, I clicked off. I had a basic idea of what was coming next and it sickens me. At 46 years-old, I was never a degenerate, but I wasn’t a Bible thumper at all. Lived as an agnostic. Now, I realize that women need to be governed by the Bible and righteous men. On their own, Marxists will use their own vanity and emotions to destroy them and consequently the children in their care. That is one thing Islam has right: You’re allowed to beat your wife within reason. The ol’ rule of thumb.

massiveprivilege ago

Well thats ok. As long as it doesn't make you get up and do something about it.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Utterly disgusting!

LurkedForever ago

That woman needs jail.

TheGook ago

God will punish them all.

Doglegwarrior ago

what the holy fucking shit did I just see and how do we fucking arrest these people or maybe we should just fucking get pitchforks and torches and go old school in minecraft world and burn the fucking witch pedophiles at the stake

Shotinthedark ago

Where's Dylan roof when you need him

Faua ago

Can you imagine the extremist comments on a vid of someone telling a boy that age that he is a boy and can't be a girl?

xenochrist15 ago

Some people will cheer at this, some people will smile, but secretly disavow it in their hearts, others will laugh at how “crazy” some people are, while others will say “if they aren’t hurting anyone, then what’s the problem?” Voat seems to think race traitors are the first that need to go when the cleansing comes, but it seems pretty clear that child abusers, people the willing manipulate an innocent, naive child into their own sick, solipsistic delusions to the point of mentally and emotionally stunting and handicapping their own child, should be unquestionably be first in line behind pedos. Children have no autonomy in this and they sure as hell can’t fight it physically or mentally, which makes it that the more sick. It’s pure abuse and the fucking NPC brainwashed automatons that clap like salivating retards at their own virtue signaling are the enemies of everything decent and natural. If you want to take this a step further - this is why democracies are the most vile form of mob rule humans have ever created and dressed like 2 bit hooker for idiots like tranny factory workers to gobble up as being “just for all”...because it feels right.

Valcgo ago

I wouldn't be surprised to read about one of these kids killing their parents in their teens because of this child abuse.

123whatevs ago

The sad part is that these kids would be better off by being orphans. If you think about it, that is truly fucked up

voacoal ago


Kaptaan ago

I'm not shocked. But can't understand how every one of them isn't in prison or worse.

LettItBurn ago

Wow. That is some kind of deep psychological torment. Liberal women suck.

Tyrone_Biggums ago

A majority of the books Hitler burned had to do with research at the transgender (((institute)))

Hand_of_Node ago

At least this title isn't calling it a church.

fightknightHERO ago

This makes me want to burn some jews

absolutely sickening

reason247 ago

FAT FAT FAT. I didn't even turn the sound up lol.

Pissed_Mapleboi ago

Munchausen by proxy

GetWoke ago

Unititarians get the rope

AngelofDeath ago

Fucking sick bastard women churches. Burn them for witches they are.

HiJoker ago

Fuck this planet, nuke it to cinders from orbit.

aristotle07 ago

Woman pastor, progressive bitch in heat, ruins everything.

lepersbell ago

Why shoot up the black churches

Why not shoot up these monstrosities, Dylann? What a missed opportunity.

test_pattern ago

this is why they hate Putin. he authorized a law that forbid sexualizing children. we seriously need to think about how to "reimagine" child protection in this country.

WhatWomenWant ago

I remember watching the news talk about how Russia beat their gays like it's a bad thing. That's when I started thinking about Russia as a getaway place. Ideally it would be cool to get the German people get some self respect again though.

AtheistConservative ago

This is like someone having a vegan cat or dog. We know who's behind the bullshit.

TheManyHands ago

What did I just see? Can't leave Boomers alone with children.

test_pattern ago

that mom was no boomer.

TheManyHands ago

Everyone else was.

j3wish_fabl3s ago

VoatsNewfag ago

Ugly pedophile hags.

cantaloupe6 ago

These people are so fat. What kind of trash do they eat?

lepersbell ago

It's actually part of the cause/effect. Their brain chemistry gets altered from their body having to counteract its own fatness and that creates degeneracy.

Fast food, soda and snack corporations are largely responsible not just for making people fat, but for the indirect cause of transgenderism, pedophilia and other mind-altering fetishes.

TheManyHands ago

Anything in a shiny package because the government guarantees those foods are safe.

CryptoBard ago

Positive male role models aren't a suggestion, it's essential to proper development.

FrodoTheGoldpiller ago

Read siege

fusir ago

This is why divorce shouldn't be a thing and having children out of wedlock shouldn't be allowed. There were steps to this degeneracy and some of the people here are supportive of those steps.

Ps37-27 ago

Farcical dogma with dictator discipleship.

SearchVoatBot ago

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iSnark ago

Absolutely disgusting that the child has more sense than the parent or the demon parading around as some kind of religious authority! If anything deserves the CULT label, it's this!

thebearfromstartrack ago

Girls are dumb. Why even BOTHER sucking up to God? God sends STRONG delusions to the damned (Bible). Pretty sure that means people who are an ABOMINATION to him.

111MrGuy111 ago

Women were a mistake.

j3wish_fabl3s ago

Helena73 ago

Like 40% of the people in that church are men

Oh but they’re fags it doesn’t count.


111MrGuy111 ago

Men don't allow things like this to happen to children.

Helena73 ago

From the same documentary.

TheManyHands ago

Is this what happens to Irish after White Flight?

Helena73 ago

I don’t know? Do these people look Irish? I mean theoretically yes but I don’t follow.

TheManyHands ago

The atomized individual devoid of community. The Irish ethnic enclaves were systematically broken up. This is the result.

Helena73 ago

Well the people in the video aren’t irish as far as I can tell so you confused me. But yes, we fled from more urban enclaves to the burbs. And we stopped going to church. We had no extended community and no extended family. Nuclear. And then even the nuclear family was broken up.

These parents should be beaten within an inch of their lives. That’s what my grandfathers gen would have done. And they would have done it to family. They beat the shit out of great uncle billy for turning tricks at the RR station.

111MrGuy111 ago

Allow me to rephrase: MEN don't let women allow things like this to happen to children.

I'm emphasizing 'men' here because that is clearly not a man judging by how his family is in complete disarray.

Helena73 ago

Women being bad parents => “women were a mistake”

Men being bad parents => “ um that doesn’t count as a man. Also man’s role is to not let women let thing go bad, err, something-something........WOMEN SUCK, yeah!”

I see. That’s very consistent of you.

111MrGuy111 ago

Found the woman.

Helena73 ago

Found the faggot.

Women were a mistake

If you just want to rub your greasy loins against the other male goats and Im the the inconvenient frau in this scenario, just say so fag.

111MrGuy111 ago

You clearly knew the lingo from the beginning, yet you're still so unhinged.

Get over yourself.

Helena73 ago


Psilocyber ago

How long does the other boy have until mum announces he's a girl too.

Helena73 ago

Did you notice at the beginning when they’re getting up to go to the altar there’s another boy that wants to go too, but he is shoved back in his seat by mom— not trans so no special moment for you, cis scum— I mean son.

Plavonica ago

Classic Munchhausens by proxy move there.

murface ago

I'd upvote, but I'm not into supporting child abuse.

fuck2020 ago

"I don't wanna do it..."

"Phoenix here would like to tell you that she is a girl and prefers she/her pronouns!"

Also, what kind of name is "Phoenix"?

QueensNewYorkGuy ago

A gender ambiguous one. He is probably Phil.

Helena73 ago

The kind of name you get when your mom is a moron.

You’ll love this one from the same documentary.

Eric_A_Cartman ago

That bald guy either fucking the kid or contemplating to kill the deranged whore that brainwashed him.

Helena73 ago

He’s just cucked. He’s a fucking eunich. He’s been lobotomized.

jpu ago

I figured as much just from the way he looks / his expression...

Ps37-27 ago

nothing other than a fat slob will emerge from the burned ashes of ‘her’ childhood

hollywood2020 ago

child abuse, but politicians are into that

ilovejuices3 ago


Plavonica ago

There's not much difference these days. We are reaching bolshevik levels of infiltration.

obvious-throwaway- ago


Plavonica ago

They haven't started shooting yet.

TripleZ ago

They know we're armed.

ThAssOfHats ago

Unfortunately, neither have we.

jthun2 ago

i'm no Christian, but where the fuck are the meteors that should be sodom and gomorrahing these people to death? (Not the kids, but certainly the adults)

BlowjaySimpson ago

God can't do all the work

TripleZ ago

Fairy tales. Metaphor for what happens to society when it goes off the moral rails. I wish there was a god with lightening bolts, volcanos and earthquakes to set things right. That said, there may be an asteroid heading our way - part of the great reset. The elite will go underground and everyone else will be fucked. It's time for a cleansing.

McFluffy ago

God gave us the ability to invent nukes for a reason.

NeoNazarite ago


ReadPastHeadlines ago

It's those dang 10 good people stopping it from happening

Canbritanon ago

Find out who they are and invite them to an out of state event.

possiblezombie22 ago

What the fuck.

Never mind the fact that the kids mother is a grease goblin so the kid has no shot at a normal life anyway

Is this a lefty cult? A rainbow cult to indoctrinate them early?

Soyboy69 ago

It's allegedly a church, though I'm pretty sure that there's less sin in a whore house than their is in that one short clip.