notanexit ago

I wish there was a children's book that illustrates all the crazy ways Hitler had the jews killed.

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alacrity167 ago


vonbacon ago

If only it had happened

SouthernCracker ago

Great story. Kinda shit meme. Needs more pixels.

ciaozuzu ago

Oooh I guess she wins the holocaust Olympics.

Almighty1776 ago

It was just posted about a week ago but can anyone link me to the picture that claimed infants were put into soccer balls and kicked around?

horatioherbert ago

There’s a little bit of monster in us all

LeopoldXXII ago

We're really scraping the bottom of the barrel for posts at this point.

"Millions are being brainwashed everyday!"

*posts a screenshot from an obscure suburban elementary school's website from twelve years ago*

thebearfromstartrack ago


LettItBurn ago

Remember that time Hitler pulled a whole section of scientists and engineers that were working on the atomic bomb and transferred them to Auschwitz to design and build a roller coaster with cars that could hold 15 jews and rush them down the track to hit a wall, tilt the carriage and send them flying into fiery oven to be burnt alive? Sure, it was entertaining, but it probably cost him the war.

High_Sierra_Trail ago

Fucking Holocoasters.

angryspin ago

It's the original and the best, it's the vanilla of holotales.

AnonymousLex ago

I'd laugh if this wasn't so crushingly true. I used to think this. What did I know though? I was only a kid trusting that the world around me had my best interests in mind. Thank you government indoctrination camp. Just remember if someone can believe this and eventually grow to learn the truth there's always hope and people are never too far gone. You'll probably never have that grand moment of OH SHIT right before your very eyes in someone else but bread crumbs over years will lead someone in the right direction and as long as you speak the truth you are doing your part

HammerHeartHDL ago

I don't even care if the lolocaust was true or not. 60 million Europeans died, who gives a fuck about the kikes?

OandAPartyRock ago

I don’t know one person who has ever convinced by someone screaming in their face jewjewjewjewkikekikekike the Holocaust was a lie jewjewjewniggerniggernigger!!!!!!

I do know a lot of people who were forced to confronting these things before they were ready and took comfort in the official narrative, to come for that they were right, and are lost forever. That’s why I’m not upset that people like Tucker Carlson won’t name the Jew. If people aren’t ready yet, they will be turned off forever. Everyone I know who is open minded to the JQ got there by themselves. That doesn’t mean we can’t help them and nudge them and show them. Things have to be done very carefully otherwise they get scared and sprint off and wrap themselves and what the history books tell them for comfort.

ThereIsAGoldenRule ago

"Everyone I know who is open minded to the JQ got there by themselves"

I've come to see the same thing in my life.

Fuckinginsanegoat2 ago

And then had no description of what would happen to the cart after that

TooLateItsHere ago

Christians don't do that.

Mongols did worse.

Solstiare ago

At one point, getting caught with a bible would get you burned at the stake by other 'Christians'. The church didn't want the bible in the hands of the commoners, because then they would see that the church was waaaayyy out of line with the teachings of Christ.

TooLateItsHere ago

What event? All I can find are social breakdowns. Romans nearly burnt the city down at Caesar's funeral. Florentines burnt their possessions. Every now and then, some Christians would set someone on fire then be horrified by what they did then accept a deprived life like Jesus.

TooLateItsHere ago

This prayer of thine...I have not understood.