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RabbiPuttitout ago

The kid has the instincts of a navy seal and the heart of a saint. He's only 17 and he's one of my heroes.

GumbyTM ago

Kyle is more a man at 17 than many here will ever be. (a.k.a. @RevDrStrangelove)

According to totally-not-a-jew @RevDrStrangelove Kyle went 'looking for trouble' and being a standup citizen is 'throwing your life away' and 'falling for traps'. Just hide in your home goy, that is sure to make things better.


RevDrStrangelove ago

Reality is where we live, not some juvenile action movie fantasy - says raised Lutheran Revdrstrangelove.

You're a little faggot.

theshopper ago

Nice that you care enough to do all that, I totally agree that people should be fighting for what they believe in. If people will fight for the jews and communism, if no one makes a stand, who will stand against them?