Manintights ago

If this kid goes to jail then we know trump is just controlled opposition.... My first time seeing so many angles to this, and it's obvious he was under the threat of being killed by these clowns...

Irish_Amnesia ago

May God Bless Our Nations.

ninjajunkie ago

Вместе мы победим евреев.

RonBennington ago

I'd rather see this in some form on someone's lawn over a Trump sign

Neverendingpissstory ago

If the courts decide to prosecute him........

"come at me bro."

clubberlang ago

some how the media will spin this as a covid spreading event and get silent like mentioning soros about all the mostly peaceful fiery terrorists

areyoumygaffer ago

Regardless of how things end up, that kid has a legacy at 17. hopefully he doesn't grow up to "see the error of his ways" eg becoming a braindead programmed jew bootlicker.

clubberlang ago

You mean like what happened to Bradley Manning?

areyoumygaffer ago

he was too high visible to mysteriously die so they opted for programming and propaganda to make him insane and think he's a woman.

I read something recently wherein cops need 10 different vehicles to tail a car and the driver not notice they're being tailed.

Think about the resources of a police department. 10 diff. vehicles just to tail someone.

how much reach and influence can the gudment and US military muster?

PizzaGate-Is-Real ago

Who, when, and where is this?

ForgottenMemes ago


Probably Bulgaria.

fuzzysaucer ago


Ultras=euro soccer fans

CSKA=club name

Sofia=capital of Bulgaria

doginventer ago


markrod420 ago

I feel like poland. But thats a pure guess.

SlawaAK ago

Bulgaria. Bottom of the sign says Sofia.

markrod420 ago

Thank you person more diligent than myself.

Irish_Amnesia ago

Thank you person whittier than myself.

Wormself ago

I like you Betty

clubberlang ago


blumen4alles ago

Thanks for the fresh content goat, best part of my day is when I see this sub light up.

Niggertoes ago

He never appeared to be afraid.

voatuser1128 ago

I just wished he killed a nigger (he shot and missed one) and that he used a .50 Beowulf AR. I want to see some pink mist.

altrightisdumb ago

Your life must be sad ❤

voatuser1128 ago

Well I wish we lived in a loving world. But I had many negative experiences with blacks which provided enough proof that they can't be civilized and will always be a drain in humanity.

altrightisdumb ago

Hmmmm I hate to disagree

For me it's quite the opposite, I had many great experiences with black people. Love them. I have been to Africa too, it's not the shithole they show on American TV with slavery-justification propaganda bias. And if I did have negative experiences with them then so what lol? It's not like I'm some sensitive little bitch. I'm not gonna hate a whole billion people because of 5. I don't know, it seems like some of you just think and talk about blacks all day, it's an obsession at this point. That shit's unhealthy.

Anyways still sending you love you miserable ,negro-obsessed piece of shit ❤❤❤❤❤

AnotherGrayman ago

Eat a shotgun shell you virtue-signaling loser.

whiskeytangosailor ago

Yeah, I've been following this story closely. They picked the wrong kid to make an example of, also why are they trying to find dirt on him, I mean compared to the others that night. Kyle the kid did an amazing job cleaning up. But it's still sad we are in this current state, I wish these politicians who allowed this were afraid to sleep at night, I wish they feared and respected us. But hey, this 17 year old, better post his bail at 2 million for putting out fires and cleaning graffiti.

clubberlang ago

because in their delusional thinking he's the poster boy for masculinity and toxic male privilege in which their satanic cult is trying to rid the US of

ThAssOfHats ago

Kyle is the result of parenting done right. I want to shake his father's hand.

clubberlang ago

Name checks out.....fuckin clown shoes.

RabbiPuttitout ago

The kid has the instincts of a navy seal and the heart of a saint. He's only 17 and he's one of my heroes.

GumbyTM ago

Kyle is more a man at 17 than many here will ever be. (a.k.a. @RevDrStrangelove)

According to totally-not-a-jew @RevDrStrangelove Kyle went 'looking for trouble' and being a standup citizen is 'throwing your life away' and 'falling for traps'. Just hide in your home goy, that is sure to make things better.


RevDrStrangelove ago

Reality is where we live, not some juvenile action movie fantasy - says raised Lutheran Revdrstrangelove.

You're a little faggot.

theshopper ago

Nice that you care enough to do all that, I totally agree that people should be fighting for what they believe in. If people will fight for the jews and communism, if no one makes a stand, who will stand against them?