BigFatDaddy ago

I wish Trump really was NatSoc.

kishind ago

There's clearly factions going on, Clinton didn't know she'd lose for example. Surely there's some kikes smart enough to know that ritual child rape and murder is the one thing that really gets the gas chambers going, and they want jews to survive.

Not saying it's a moral issue for them, just a practical one.

SouthernCracker ago

That's right boy. fuck those dirty beaners!

SturmUndTrinker ago

I was undecided, but after watching that, I'm voting for Trump.

folkov ago

I give up

You found me

Can you just keep this between us?

petevoat ago

Isn't Hitler jewish and Trump isn't?

BB-3 ago

You got that backwards mate.

petevoat ago

Dude, we all know Hitler was a Rothchild, come on...

Just google "Hilter is a Rothchild". So many sauces to choose from.....

BB-3 ago

Rothschilds don't fight in the trenches.

petevoat ago

Rothchild funds both side. They don't give a shit as long as they make money.

BB-3 ago

This just shows how much propaganda you swallowed. Hitler created the reichsmark and outlawed interest to throw off the kike bankers control. Do more research.

petevoat ago

I have. Hitler was a Rothchild playing both sides.

folkov ago

Now Trump is pedophile?

Any good memes about Chuck Schumer being pedo? Or you will pass? Because he's Jewish.

folkov ago

I think is funny.

prairie ago

Literally all projectiong. Passivity and acceptance of violence? Wait, wait, this sounds familiar...

Smallest_Skil ago

wow someone has a sore bum.

Smallest_Skil ago

It was a good video and although it was pro-trump and raised good points about jews and filthy immigrants the pace was a tad too slow. I did like the references to Hitler though. Overall a fair video and it made me like Trump a bit more.

DoOver ago

lmao the music

theHare ago

The truth is in the middle somewhere.

kishind ago

The truth is not on the mainstream spectrum, but something entirely outside of it.

Nukeisrael ago

Retarded golden mean fallacy. The truth is absolute and far outside both political parties in the United States.

clubberlang ago

Fucking violins dont match the video. Its should be this instead

Broc_Lia ago

I actually thought this was a pro-trump video for a minute.

Smallest_Skil ago

you implying it is not pro-Trump??

Broc_Lia ago

It is, but it wasn't intended to be.

Smallest_Skil ago

I know, but even when they try their best, Trump still looks awesome.

RabbiPuttitout ago

If he stopped deepthroating hebrew dicks he might be okay.

Stubbabubba ago

100% agree but that video was still funny!

Krotik ago

Trump is totally with orthodox Jews. Every western Jew hate Trump because they know that nobody cares about Israel. Orthodox Jews control most powerful intelligence on planet Earth - Mossad BECAUSE Jewish people are involved all over World and they can make difference for Trump.

The_Dogfck ago

You can have ZOG or TURBO-ZOG, unfortunately those are the options. We 🇨🇦 got the latter and I highly don't recommend it.

lets_get_out_of_here ago

Don't get me started on our government, bud. I think this land is done for.

Merchant_Menace ago

They're both turbozog.

folkov ago

You're total idiot if you think that Trump is Clinton's or Soros puppet.

Nukeisrael ago

You’re retarded if you don’t realize that every single politician in the west is a puppet of jews. Wake the fuck up. Voting is not going to change anything and everything will continue to get worse no matter who is the puppet in charge.

fightknightHERO ago

He's not a puppet of the Clintons, he's a puppet of the jews

primely the israelis and the ultra orthodox Chabad Mafia

tell me this (((Folkov))) why did HDLunited banned someone for mentioning the Talmud?

are you a fucking front for Zionshits?

folkov ago

So you pissed because Trump supports far right Jews in Israel and fighting against far left Jews in U.S.

We never banned talmud posts. You can post them every fucking day.

Don't make shit up. Check banned posts first.

fightknightHERO ago

Let ask you this, Does israeli right wing supports Gentile Independence from ZOG?

or rather they just want to keep white goyim alive long enough to subject all sand-niggers in the middle east?

besides, left jew right jew, same fucking jew

they both support holohoax denial laws, anti-semitism and all that shit

Trumpstein is literally no different from a democrat president, just with an extra sauce of Israeli Nepotism

folkov ago

Why your American Jews wants to impeach him? Give me 10 reasons.

Don't hold yourself to criticize left wing Jews.

Glowing intensifies

fightknightHERO ago

Oh resorting to Jew Jitsu are we?

alright then (((Folkov))) i'll play along

why would the jews criticize trump when infact he's the best pro-israel president they ever got?

i understand a kike would wanna shill for a pro-jewish president

but come on, get creative on your jew jitsu

folkov ago

This is fucking deal.

Since you're glowing and attacking every post in our sub.

You will be temporary suspended.

To unlock suspension you need to name 10 reasons why American Jews hates Trump:)


I don't think there is a political solution, but how awesome would it be for Trump to start naming the jews?

It isn't that far of a stretch, all he has to do is start asking the rhetorical questions: Who controls the news? Who promotes diversity? etc

So close yet so far away.

BlowjaySimpson ago

"So close yet so far away."

Symptomatic of controlled gatekeeping poison-the-well judentricks.

TheGook ago

but how awesome would it be for Trump to start naming the jews?

round eye stupid. Trump told you himself who he side with.

Nukeisrael ago

Boomers short circuit when they see this video clip. They ironically call you a “shill” or “kike” for even posting it. Weird.

kishind ago

They're still being divided along artificial ideological lines. Everyone hates the jews already, but most are confused about who the jews are. Anti-corporate types think they're "rich white males", some bristle at authoritarian government or authoritarian banking, but Every Single Time is more than a meme. We just have to connect the pre-existing villains everywhere to their ethnic group.

Nukeisrael ago

I’ve never met an anti corporate red team voter boomer in my entire life. In fact they unironically believe ancap would be the best thing ever. They just don’t know shit about what jews have done and just tried to be cool when the flooded to /pol/ and now use “shill” and “kike” as “I don’t like what you posted.” Boomers ruin everything they touch with their lolbertarian bullshit.

aristotle07 ago

Call out his jew daughter and son in law? I don't think so.

Shlarb123 ago

Who’s my son-in-law?

Drkadrka ago

He's the guy who is buddies with that Israeli fellow with the key to the White House. Schlomo Kushner I think it is.

Jefferson1776 ago

Could definitely see it happening once he gets reelected

hels ago

He wouldn't. He knows who pays his bills and pads his bank account.

Nukeisrael ago

Based on what? Hopium?

fnbs010 ago

That was my first thought also, once re-elected Trump may and hopefully raises up a notch