GhostskinIsAfaggot ago

Once you go black you go blue as well.

Napierdalator ago

She appears to not understand, she's niggers' property now.

Rockfish1000 ago

Don't want ya.

Smokybubbles ago

This is the dating pool we have to deal with.

Sanpa33 ago

Grew up around Hispanics in Colorado. No problems whatsoever.

thebearfromstartrack ago

WE DON'T WANT YOU BACK NIGGER LOVING WHORE. You should be HISTORY as far as the white race goes.

Credible_Hulk ago

Spanish could mean from Spain so given her benefit of the doubt ,still damaged goods. Now only if she would abort maybe just maybe she could pull it off.

Sympozium ago

Toll partially paid

TheSeer ago

She might have said the N word, guys. Don't jump to conclusions here!

SparklingWiggle ago

She has only begun to pay the toll.

AltUserMe ago

Beastiality should be made illegal.

TheGook ago

why she not mention the herpe he gave her?

LettItBurn ago

Wait til she understands how cursed she is.

SheaButterVaseline ago

Her eyes look sore. Maybe she should get some ice on those.

Jivicus ago

He dotted both eyes but did he cross those T's?

Jivicus ago

"...he knocked me up." As if she wasn't home when it happened.

SoSickOfBlacks ago

Toll paid

GutterTrash ago

92% abandonment rate. And yet this is the same demographic of women freaking out over COVID's death rate.

jthun2 ago

white women are beyond stupid

kishind ago

And they're the ones with the highest IQs...

fightknightHERO ago

Femoids were a mistake

125227 ago

This couldn't be, black men are known to be reasonable and non-violent.

edwardbernays ago

on TV they're all polite, funny and capable of empathy. would TV lie?

VAT ago

yes, the (((TV)) shows how nice all nigger baby daddies are!

The War On Whites In Advertising : long data essay :


Good vid, thanks for sharing :)

con77 ago

we dont want you back whore

ThisIsMyRealName ago

Something, something toll...

HootersMcBoobies ago

Looks like he told her twice.

Torqueness ago

"Santa Claus is coming to..." never mind.

Dark_Shroud ago

And this is why I am no longer in favor of outlawing abortion.

Interruptedagain ago

If she kills the niglet then she will be free to lie to white men and pretend like she hasn't already ruined herself by screwing a nigger!

No, she has to have it and raise it so that no unsuspecting white man can be deceived by her.

anoncastillo ago

But then there's another nigger in the world. That's worse.

easywind ago

More conservatives need to wake up to this fact. Without it our country would be 50% nigger.

RoBatten ago

Why is it so difficult to take the pill? And she's not mentioning the STDs she now has either . . .

Dark_Shroud ago

Because she's mad at one or both of her parents. So she had to go fuck a nigger. And pretend she was happily with it and starting a family with said animal.

Drain0 ago

or Spanish ppl.

Bitch still didn't learn... Stick with your own kind!


YamaMaya ago

Is she talking about actual Spaniards (Europeans) or ugly spic trash in Mexico and Central/South America?

Sympozium ago

Spanish people are white, you fucking retard. Proof of your ignorance thinking that spanish = latino mongrels. You're just as stupid as she is.

Drain0 ago

Then explain to the class why she would redundantly post "white and white people". She's a nigger fucker, you really think she was talking about the Spaniards? You're thick as a brick.

un1ty ago


Oldmanathome ago

It's a white, you think it can learn?

chirogonemd ago

She got beat, robbed, knocked up and abandoned...

...and she still couldn't even just make the fucking leap to sticking with her own race. She still didn't have the courage or feel she had the leg to stand on to just favor her own race.

Shotinthedark ago

Too late. She is damaged goods

fightknightHERO ago

She has been blacked, there is no coming back after this step

ilovejuices3 ago

A nice twist on the old adage

HeavyBrain ago

Unless she gets rid of the nigglet and covers up her past, then she could sneak her way back and trap some poor fucker.

Jivicus ago

Spanish does not mean Mexican, it means Spanish. Do some research.

chirogonemd ago

Yeah, she dated a nigger. I'm sure she is now picking Spain out specifically as a source of good men. Use your fucking head.

shmuklidooha ago

If she dated a nigger, she's probably not clever enough to tell the difference.

HootersMcBoobies ago

Spanish people get married, don't abandon their kids and a lot of them run successful businesses instead of bitching about how oppressed they are. They shouldn't come in illegally, there should be a better system for regulating, tagging and documenting workers who come in (so we can kick them out if they commit crimes), but I'd take 100 spics over 1 nigger.

fuck2020 ago

*Spanish people who don't go to the United States.

kishind ago

That's backwards. Hispanics are a threat to our existence in a way niggers could never dream of being. Niggers are a plague of feral apes, but spics are humans capable of war and naturally comfortable with violence.

Spics in quantity ruin everything. It becomes trashy Mexico. They're driving niggers out of nog spaces, like compton and harlem.

Stupid enough to fuck up constantly and be violent, smart enough to use violence effectively. They're the real threat.

Sh-shh-shaaa ago

Kill yourself, traitor.

Killer_Werewolf ago

don't abandon their kids

There was a Mexican kid who was in my sister’s class who dad abandoned his family.

We all know about illegal Mexican immigrants sneaking into America.

After getting Citizenship, my sister’s classmate’s dad got bored of Family Life, so he abandoned his wife & kids by sneaking BACK into Mexico.

SouthernCracker ago

You clearly have not lived around them, or you wouldn't have said any of that bullshit. Beaners are far, far more savage and evil than niggers ever thought of being.

lipids ago

Spics are only slightly less violent than the average American. And because 1352, that's not a hard bar to clear. This means they are still more violent than whites.

Nukeisrael ago

Nobody should be in white countries but white people. Where the fuck do you boomers come from?

bfriend13 ago

A delusional land. Boomers did nothing to keep this country for its native citizens and reverse the changes put in place by the greatest generation (like the 1964 immigration act). I'm a boomer and it's horrible what my generation did to this country.

kishind ago

Hey my generation would have done the same thing if they'd been given brainwashing and economic opportunities like the boomers had.

bonghits4jeebus ago

Calling them Spanish, I think, demonstrates the depth of the incomprehension. We're lumping together people that are anywhere from white, to basically white, to Indian, to nigger. Your average Mestizo needs to not be here. Some Spanish-speaking people are fine.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Well, they definitely know how to run a country... uhhh... wait a minute?

Rodjers04 ago

Hispanics don't abandon their kids? What the actual fuck are you talking about? How many unaccompanied minors have been picked up at the border?

J_Dahl ago

that's different /s

UncleDoug ago

Spanish are white European not Hispanic. Hispaniola are WOPs from the west indies, Hispanics are native American spear chuckers or European admixture in Latin America. Spanish are from Europe, not Latin America.

España not Hispanic.

I don't think she, or you know the difference because shes probably chasing spics and niggers.

Cunty84 ago

Amerindians are not European diaspora btw. Def not Caucasian.

UncleDoug ago

Amerindians are not European diaspora btw. Def not Caucasian.

Amerindians are Latin American ethnic groups think Peru, no one has ever said they come from Europe.

Latin Americans definitely are not Caucasian. Which part of the above comment did you not understand, I spelled it out 3 different ways?

Spanish definitely are Caucasian. Do you know Spain is in Europe right?

Amerindians are native Americans (North and South America), Spanish people conquered, raped, pillaged and plundered the Americas. A Mexican only has some Spanish DNA and speaks Spanish because it was a colonial province. Spanish soldiers moved in and killed most of the mesoamerican people like the Aztecs (Amerindians ethnic groups).

You yanks think anyone who speaks Spanish is Spanish. That's like seeing a Paki and believing their native English, or a Pacific Islander to be native French. See an African and assuming their ancestral home is Antwerp in the Netherlands.



You seriously still don't know or can't tell the difference?

Olivefigs ago

So much truth in this comment, couldn’t love it more

dvAwakened ago

A lot of them are missing kids who have been kidnapped by strangers. It's a tactic they use along with the whole undocumented thing. Most of the Mexicans that come to my city have passports and just party in the hotels and go home after. Makes me think that the border jumping is some other foreign attack.

Splooge ago

I’m pretty sure she isn’t talking about “Spanish” so much as she’s referring to spic mongrels. I’ve heard the two conflated often enough that I’m never sure when I hear the term.

BlackGrapeDrank ago


she's too dumb to understand Spanish people are European and not beaner amer indian

Totally-Not-A-Troll ago

Hey guys, she's available.

PeckerwoodPerry ago

Someone catfish this mudshark and show up to the first date in blackface.

dickfitswell ago

Who wants to swipe right?

puggy ago

meet her outside the welfare office on Tuesday

Jippymausen ago

dats raysis

1Sorry_SOB ago

Fact Check: Statistically correct.

Smallest_Skil ago

hahahahaha and it has a nigglet it needs vacuumed out.

VAT ago

Maybe the negro baby daddy will apologize , come back, get a job, and marry her..... the TV commercials show ll the loving nigger mixed race couples! :

Sernie_Banders ago

toll paid

chemlord11 ago

She still lives. Only partial payment for now.

Sernie_Banders ago

Shes knocked up, if she keeps it, she will be a zombie: her life will be over but she will still be physically alive.

chemlord11 ago

Normally they get killed when they reveal they are pregnant. She most definitely fucked up her life though.