High_Sierra_Trail ago

Why does height keep coming into this? Asking for my midget lover...

TheAssMaster ago

Also a manlet

Yuke ago

Checked on Facebook. There is an account for him still up and it's definitely him. There are pics with this dodgy facial hair and pics showing the green stretcher earrings too. Convicted in 2002 so he would have been 18 years old. That mugshot is far more recent so he must have other convictions.

thislionsheart ago

Ok niggerfagots, then let me be hypothetical

I was going to stay out of it, but let me play devil's advocate

The kid really got life already? Very quick

What if the whole thing was a fucking mkultra job? They have always had shooter patsies brainwashed

What if the whole thing was done and then they'll say he was a nazi and that he was on voat and used this fucking subverse you fucking niggers?

His suspects were all jewish, they find that he had anti jewish manifestos and all sorts of shite

This is why I try to tell to people that the jewish thing is half of them like god and the other half are talmudic and are pretenders, but essentially they are into babylonian black magic

AlfonsHilter ago

I think the media would already start saying that shit if that was the case + in these kind of setups there never is such a clear video evidence of what happenned.

goatsandbros ago

race: not reported

Really makes you think

AlfonsHilter ago

They can't have a white victim and they can't say that the "white" rioters are actually jewish.

jewsbadnews ago

5 foot three?! Thats Ben Shapiro's height! That explains their hatred..

Optional_Reading ago

Pedophile = jewish

ItsOk2bArian ago

Hello fellow height supremacist

UncleDoug ago

5'3" hahahahahaha

ThisMachineKills ago

So it seems like he was 18 when he was convicted, how old does the victim have to be to charge an 18 year old with sexual conduct with a minor?

MrDarkWater ago

Under 15 for level 3

QuickFYI ago

I noticed that as well.

I think some states are 17, some could be lower than 15.

The guy deserved what happened because he was one of the many attackers.

For sure they would have killed him.

I saw many posts saying here is a pedophile and it made me happy he is gone...

But.. Now knowing he was charged at 18. Maybe it's exactly like that.

He still deserved.

And short pedo guys date minors shorter than them (usually really young).

Scyber ago

"Shoot Me Nigga" Steve Austin

Needs to have that on his grave.

ciaozuzu ago

The only Whites at BLM protests are mud sharks. The rest are degenerate satan worshipping jews ... so you know, regular jews.

VAT ago

The only Whites at BLM protests are mud sharks. The rest are degenerate satan worshipping jews ... so you know, regular jews.


He shot 4, I believe, but all were jews , i also believe, as you state.

One jew tried to legally change his name (the OP jew (((Joseph Rosenbaum))) , age 36 - Jew and non-compliant CONVICTED SEX OFFENDER :


Joseph changed or attempted to change his name in AZ. Looks like a petition in 2003 AFTER first sex offense conviction, and another in 2010. Not sure what the other case is in 2014. AZ court site requires access for documents.

refer :


The shape shifter jew denied two shape shifts because most felons CANNOT LEGALLY CHANGE THEIR LAST NAMES!


Another criminal felon Jew he shot attacking him was (((Gaige Paul Grosskreutz))) ; a FELON and a prohibited gun possessor

Yet vaporized arm guy had an illegal gun and tied to shoot first but was late by one second as he stated, and shown in high rez forensic photo here :


arm vaporized jew guy says he wishes his incapacitated arm pulled the trigger first! HAHAHAHA :


arm vaporized jew guy (Grosskreutz) was dressed with hat claiming Paramedic, but he was a armed combatant and attacker, not a real paramedic, plus NOT registered as a licensed paramedic in that state in todays database search as seen here :



So that jew, subverts as an armed paramedic to get closer to frontlines to attack Trump voters, and also is a fake paramedic as well, and (((Gaige Paul Grosskreutz))) had a criminal record too, banning him from owning or carrying a handgun.

The other two jews were just as vile scum that attacked this poor kid, this american HERO teen!

60 minutes prior, the County Sheriffs Dept LOUDLY inform Kyle Rittonhouse that "We TRULY APPRECIATE YOU GUYS, We Really Do!"

Country Sheriffs Dept give Kyle Rittonhouse bottles of cold water as reward for looking out for Antifa with his rifle. They tell him how much they appreciate Kyle Rittonhouse.

WATCH!! Its True:


Here Kyle is, many hours before, cleaning spray paint off a Getty Museum in town that BLM vandalized ! He cleans up properties!:


Kyles facebook page was festooned with him supporting Blue Lives Matter, but kike shills and their kike shill anti-libertarian army on voat kept downvoting that fact today. Kyle HATED antifa jews and HATED BLM, and was willing to die for his formerly White community.

Other than that video above, testimonial from another patriot that the county sheriffs WANT the armed patriots to "take care of it" because they cannot, and the cops will funnel them toward the armed patriots:


Hilarious! Cops not allowed to use bullets, so they use patriots as proxy.

An online militia posse site organized the patriots, and "Mr.Obvious Show" on BitChute predicted this shooting outcome. PREDICTED!:


And do not forget, for each of the 4 Kyle shot, They attacked him FIRST. And all four attacks caught on video above.

Until Jew bankers and SPLC interfere He has a hefty legal fund started with over $70,000, but Juvenile court has no Jury to sway.




GoFundMe wont let him on there because he is White Male. fundly.com is up to about $70,000 until Nancy Pelosi gets the Jews to apply pressure.

GoFundMe allows BLM Rioters to Receive Over $1.4M in Bail Donations via shady Soros sources.

George Floyd’s family GoFundMe page has racked up the staggering sum of $14.7 million

Maybe Kyle Lewis (Kyle Rittonhouse) is not the "Hero We Want, but the Hero We Need".

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fellowkikepeople ago

Yet on the police charges he's listed as "Caucasian".


BlueDrache ago

Shape-shifting lizardjews.

we_kill_creativity ago

Sooo...were all 3 people he shot jewish...? If so, what are the chances of that if they're 2% of the population...at a Black lives matter rally...? What percentage of the people at this attack (I won't even call it a riot) were jewish?

Soyboy69 ago

And yet nobody who's been paying attention is surprised by these incredible odds.

MomsDontMakeGoodDads ago

Most "whites" at BLM riots are actually (((whites))), so I'd say pretty good chances.

we_kill_creativity ago

Exactly my point. I wonder what the actual percentage of jews is. Like...if it's 90% jews...does that mean most whites and blacks aren't going with their bullshit and MAYBE that's actually the white pill in all of this? I've been wondering why, lately, all this "rioting" is going on in very isolated places. Portland...now Kenosha...but not in 50 cities simultaneously...?

SixBajillion ago

Nah, I know some BLM protestors who are white and not Jewish. And pretty much every jogger under the age of 30 is a full-fledged BLM supporter. I had to work with a couple of em during the George Floyd fiasco and all I heard all fuckin day was “white privilege” this and “black lives matter” that. And then, every time, they would look at me like they were expecting me to agree and be like “Yeah!! Please, impregnate my wife right now mr negro!”

But I’m not some soy fag so I just turned around and walked away. If I said some shit back I would have gotten fired... now THATS black privilege.

we_kill_creativity ago

So....what are the actual statistical chances that he'd shoot three jews...?

SixBajillion ago

US Jew population: 5.7mil

US total population: 330mil

1.73% chance of each shot being a Jew


0.0005% or 1 in 200,000 chance.

BillNye_TheSoyGoy ago

If you want to work you really cannot say anything. At my work we cannot wear anything or talk about anything political, except for the lazy nigger who i work with, he is the "naacp chapta prezidents n sheeeeit". All day every day he thinks about race while wearing his blm swag. I go to HR and my boss, i guess its just his cultcha.

He is just baiting my co-workers and i so we might fuck up and he gets to sue.

toggafreggin ago

You can hear it in the nasal nature of the protest chant leaders' voices!

sjwtasi ago

not surprising

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