hetzer ago

Dont forget all the European countries that helped in their Civil War or in the cowboy era.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

The Puritans were only a small group. Virginia, Carolina, and Georgia were all business interests. Maryland was formed as an escape for English Catholics in much the same way New England had been for the Puritans. The founding and histories of the original colonies are really fascinating, especially when you include New France and the Spanish colonies in North America.

bourbonexpert ago

No shit

OldGoatNewKid ago

How exactly does the "pure blooded american man" achieve this goal without using violence? You can't vote to get it, because your numbers are dwindling every day and are only presently bolstered because of "boomers". Niggers and shitskins breed like crazy and then they also breed your women.. Mixed race mitts being the fruit of that unholy union.

So as Twitterguy said, you need to revive the spirit of the European within you, which of course means shedding your american identity for one. You can't be " European" and american. Doesn't work, because you can also be a nigger and American. Or a spic and american.

No other nation/race can be a nigger, that's only true for Americans. Nigger German? Lol doesn't exist. Nigger Chinese? Lol no. Nigger Australian? Hahaha no. Nigger Swedish? No. But nigger American? Yeah. 100% works.

They would just be american.

So ponder on that for a moment and please let me know your thoughts. Because I personally don't see an answer that doesn't involve violence. You can't even breed the number you would need, let alone find women who were both worthy of and willing to be bred.

Just my 2cents. Curious what the rest of you think about our dilemma.

PaddyMcInfidel ago

Had you been a founding father, would you have changed anything?

I would have put in place strict requirements for voting which is not a right. Welfare and charity can never be functions of government. And dueling. Lots of dueling.

123456788 ago

Key word... European. I hope our 2024 President uses this slogan:

Make American European Ancestry Again

Sometimesineedhelp ago

For those that find this subject matter interesting:

Dmitri Orlov knows what's up. I give him a few bucks a month on subscribe star and think it's worth it. Orlov.blogspot is his blog, "5 stages of collapse" is his classic book, "communities that abide" is his most hopeful book, and here is a talk he gave: https://youtu.be/kySDKESt3_M

aliasunknown ago

Dude, that’s a black pill... this shit ain’t over just cause some nihilistic Russian says so.

Doglegwarrior ago

the problem we face is laid out in idiocracy... the enemy within is multiplying much faster while the strong old gaurd is not reproducing. half of the whites are traitor liberals that are so brainwashed it is hard to even comprehend it is like nothing that has ever been seen before. whites around the world are actively destroying their own society to give it to groups of low iq people who will not only not thank them but will literaly kill the whites that handed it over. a great book called (the camp of saints) does a good job of explaining what ia going on right now in Europe but does it in an over the top way to explain the dire situation.

please read it.

SearchVoatBot ago

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RoBatten ago

Once the [D]'s win with mail in ballot harvesting and take away our guns, we'll be slaves to whatever system they decide to put us in. There will be no restoring of the Republic.

Unless Patriots fight. How many will be willing to grab our guns, go to DC and assemble and let them know we aren't having it? I will.

rndmvar ago

I see you haven't learned from the American Revolutionary War, or Vietnam.
Guerrilla tactics, are how you successfully defend against, and then defeat an NPC military that quashes original thought.
Communist Russia spoke of how they used spies to steal our military's technical manuals, orders, and tactics.
Only to find out that those documents were only loosely followed at best.
The biggest issue they faced, time and again, was intelligent individuals willing to risk their name and rank, by improvising on the spot.
They couldn't handle that aspect of our military culture, as theirs was heavily top down oriented, and punished individual thought, regardless of good outcomes.

Phantom42 ago

and punished individual thought

Part of why the Wehrmacht and definitely the SS did well. Individual thought was encouraged.

Muh-Shugana ago

I might be reaching here, but considering how many americans are germanic, can't we just combine the two countries histories and call it good?

German history is fucking amazing, and if you thought hitler's revitalization of the country was an amazing fluke, then you ain't seen nothin' yet since his was just one in a long line of MANY such revivals.

There's a lot to learn from and to take pride in- and the formation of america itself would honestly not be out of place.

Just look at the germanic argentines of you want another example of germans taking over a place and making it great.

(just woke up, sorry if this out of left field.)

i_scream_trucks ago

< all with little to no help from their european brothers

except for the entire white european population who moved to build the country.

thebearfromstartrack ago

I think we were SOLD long ago. the ELITES are handling the transfer now. They THINK they will survive. They WILL NOT. NO MATTER WHAT happens to US collectively, THEY WILL DIE!!!

Diggernicks ago

Your arms must be HUGE from circle jerking with your militia non stop

thebearfromstartrack ago

Sex? There is NO sex. Deprivation is PART of the experience.

i_scream_trucks ago

the funniest part of all this is all of these fucking shapeshifters gloating that they are going to take over..... nigger.... if your puppetmasters are truly taking control, you think theyre not going to outjew you too? you think every jew is going to be allowed to inherit everything?

no wonder they hate each other so much, while they gloat about being the masters they alternately know that their masters are gonna do the same thing to them....

thebearfromstartrack ago

Niggers are SO stupid. Thing is, WHY have white people fallen from favor? Or HAVE they?

gazillions ago

That would be great but Trump just made witty smack down comment, so it's all OK. Everyone can back to drugs and internetting.. Comments are just like as if they're real life action. Really.

i_scream_trucks ago

... can go back to drugs and internetting

/me reads your comment, has a bong, moves on

BjornIronside ago

I'll smoke to that.

jobber ago

We're still on republic.

Ken_bingo2 ago

lols. That is how I know when someone is hopelessly delusional.

jobber ago

The kyklos isn't finished yet.

The future empire has already been stolen from the prospective tyrants by the new republic.

Diggernicks ago

I was with him until his tinfoil buttplug showed itself