Long time ago in a roach infested shithole far far away a local warlord by the name Mohammed, who liked to murder, plunder and molest little girls, was being chased by some of the local camel-humpers he had managed to piss off. Mohammed hid in a cave and a spider spun his web over the entry and hid the pedo-prophet. But then the village people came with dogs and the dogs smelled the foul smelling little sand-monkey and barked, revealing the pedo warlord to his enemies. Since that day, the people who worship the pedophile warlord believe dogs are evil and if they accidentally touch one they must wash themselves 7 times while praying. And they all lived miserably ever after, til they were all exterminated by a rivaling muslim sect. The end.
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sionblade22 ago
Brings a smile to my face
blumen4alles ago
We gonna need more dogs.
TFS ago
Long time ago in a roach infested shithole far far away a local warlord by the name Mohammed, who liked to murder, plunder and molest little girls, was being chased by some of the local camel-humpers he had managed to piss off. Mohammed hid in a cave and a spider spun his web over the entry and hid the pedo-prophet. But then the village people came with dogs and the dogs smelled the foul smelling little sand-monkey and barked, revealing the pedo warlord to his enemies. Since that day, the people who worship the pedophile warlord believe dogs are evil and if they accidentally touch one they must wash themselves 7 times while praying. And they all lived miserably ever after, til they were all exterminated by a rivaling muslim sect. The end.
NoMoreScreenNames ago
It would have been even funnier if it had been a dachshund.
Firinmahlazer ago
As a country we spent years focusing on Muslims when we should have been focusing on the present threat, Jews and blacks.
Tuftedtitmouse ago
If you don't own a dog, get one now. Don't delay. And no little pussy dogs, at least a lab or bigger.
WhatsThatSkaSong ago
This is a thing? Why do they run?
PeckerwoodPerry ago
They think dogs are unclean, and if one touches them they can't go to pedophile heaven.
Evileddie13 ago
Sand niggers hate dogs.
Bottled_Tears ago
Because the dogs smell evil
Evileddie13 ago
Reaaly? Black people think we smell like dogs.
voatdied ago
I didn't think it was possible to love dogs anymore than I already did.
SearchVoatBot ago
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