itstheirculture ago

This is why whites hate blacks. Not because of "white supremacy", not because our racist grandpa told us to, but because blacks think it's acceptable to punish every single white person, even children, for the "crimes" of a tiny, tiny handful of us. Or even for people who are long dead. They are violent by nature. You don't keep a wolf or a bear as a pet, so why keep niggers in your neighbourhood?

SearchVoatBot ago

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HeavyBrain ago

Oh somone is salty after the realisation that everyone wants white women and nobody wants sheboons, no mater how much rethoric you pump out.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

we need to start eradicating these dumb ass fucking niggers

ThenThatMouth ago


Mind_Games ago

"Fuck all niggers" ?


"Kill all niggers" ?


Stop being an emotional nigger.

NoTrueScotsman ago

They had to be traumatized... By living as a black person, presumably? They keep saying their existence requires us to apologize and give financial penance to make up for. Isn't that sort of suffering why euthanasia exists?

CheeBooga ago

Until a big white coffee table cock smacks the counter top

Ayatollah-Naghi ago

Here's the archive:

XSS1337 ago

Who has a rope ?

Blue333 ago

Well that's just lovely

Ocelot ago

Niggers are fixated on penises and sex. Pure subhuman.

Mind_Games ago

Ted Nugent when responding to a "gotcha" question about the last thoughts from a deer by some twat in an interview responded...

“They aren’t capable of that kind of thinking. All they care about is, What am I going to eat next? Who am I going to screw next? and, Can I run fast enough to get away ?"

The question was " “What do you think the last thought is in the head of a deer before you shoot it? Is it, “Are you my friend?” or maybe “Are you the one who killed my brother?”"

Reinhart ago

we had to be traumatized


The rampant and (mostly*) self-inflicted drug use, STDs, crime, unemployment, poverty, and regularly-scheduled chimpouts?

Or was it the part where more than 600,000 white men died in yet another brother war fought for you ungrateful fucks**?

Maybe it's the incredible financial burden you retards impose in the form of welfare, food stamps, more welfare, myriad public assistance programs, urban blight and decreased property values caused by your very presence? Not to mention the economic costs of the aforementioned regularly-scheduled chimpouts?

Could it be the preferential treatment you cunts receive in hiring, military officer accessions, and college admissions?

Perhaps the trauma comes from the fact that the entire political and media complex in this country caters to your every whim, and yet you're still allowed to act like you're the most oppressed group of people (aside from your true (((masters))), that is) ever to inhabit this planet?

Fuck you.


*While their natural tendencies account for much of their ills, jews have played a hand in... exacerbating the issue.

**Yes, I know; the American Civil War was not about slavery on its own. Let's call it the excuse.

wonderfuldonut ago

Lets call a spade a spade!

Clearly carmen @ creole plug uglyx you are to infantile or not evolved enough to understand the Evil Whitey's Graphs the ones that show More Negroids off Other Negroids than Whitey or Cops do!

You and your kind prove that 'Its be only raciss when dem bad whitey do to poor black mans" oh forgot you dont believe facts unless they back you twisted logic

con77 ago

lets get this party started chimp

GrizzlyDark ago

I tried to find her on the twatter. Eventually did but it would not load so I could not comment. Somebody said it was deleted. Strangely, my 10th+ account with 0 followers or following received my first follower. Spelled Karmen.


Deceneu ago

It's an obvious troll. Mixes interracial porn with Trump retweets.

elfmaster5 ago

Time to buy another thousand rounds. Fuck around and find out bitch.

When the time comes, don't forget to canoe their skulls open and carve a warning on the skin.

Ocelot ago

I'll do that with the last one of the day, but if I do that to all of them it'll be incredibly inefficient, brother.

elfmaster5 ago

good point

CognitiveDissident5 ago

This is what they do to Whites in South Africa.

PlateLipsMcGee ago

Looks like that account was banned.

ChiCom ago

Twitter is such a black pill

Recyclops14 ago

Don't get triggered by some random bitch. Black twitter is almost as bad as leftist liberal twitter. Don't waste your energy on being bothered with them.

Niggertoes ago

They truly mistake our patience for a weakness.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

They truly mistake our patience for a weakness.

Except that it is actual weakness disguised as fake patience.

WHY are we patient in the first place? WHY are we more patient than our ancestors would have been?

It is very obvious that the more often the apes chimp out, the more "patient" we become, and the more "patient" we become, the more they demand and the more often they chimp out. That downward spiral is the pretty textbook definition of showing weakness.

Look what the good old Rudy had to say bout that:

It is always a temptation for a rich and lazy nation,

To puff and look important and to say: --

"Though we know we should defeat you, we have not the time to meet you.

We will therefore pay you cash to go away."


And that is called paying the Dane-geld;

But we've proved it again and again,

That if once you have paid him the Dane-geld

You never get rid of the Dane.

You're not only weak, you're too weak to even admit that you're weak.

Niggertoes ago

Extremely valid points.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

It does have the appearance of a weakness. Some would say it's better not to wait until you're knocked unconscious to respond to attacks. I tend to agree.

VeryToughMan ago

The movie office space is about what happens when the ever-so-patient white man finally snaps.

UlyssesMcGill ago

An autistic freakboy is gonna burn down Amerika, cleansing of us of our crimes?

Then 2/3 of us will go back to the new shitty society, and the Peters will work the soil for themselves?

I'm trying to find parallels or interpretations. Was this your vein of thought as well?

VeryToughMan ago

I agree without further intervention from foreign powers, we will always make due on any frontier, but I'd think some nations are salivating, watching what happens next.

Call_Of_Goat ago

I'm starting to mistake that even

So I'm sure they truly feel empowered and unbeatable right now

NarrativeControl ago

Niggers are retards for the most part. They could feel unbeatable while Whites are massacring all their kin.

HeavyBrain ago

Hey feels is all that counts in this day and age.

So as far as I am concerned, they can feel all they want.

Skystriker ago

Niggers are literally retarded, yet they’ll survive and whites will go extict. First ones ever to be wiped out VOLUNTARILY. How fucked up is that? I’m so fucking pissed whites have fallen so low.

Charilko ago

White men aren’t out there raping you en masse

anoncastillo ago

And most of the people who did rape them back in the slavery days were jews.

Holy shit, I just realized why American blacks are even worse than full blooded Africans despite their higher average IQs.

Charilko ago

I think African males do a lot more raping than blacks in Western countries. Obviously not migrant blacks, such as Europe has.

cattarhero ago

I know, I would be traumatized too, if I looked in a mirror and discovered that I was a nigger!

realmonster ago

already happening, stupid fucking kike puppet

gazillions ago

Being black is traumatic. Corparate JewMerica says so. Corporate Jewmerica is disgusted by the very idea of not being White.

I wouldn't expect my dog to work that out either.


They didn't have their fathers in the house growing up now they want to give their daddies to white families? How is that fair to all the other little niggers growing up without dads?

Drkadrka ago

Niglets. Little niggers are known as niglets.

Mind_Games ago

"nig-nugs". are nigger nuggets . aka. the "chill-ren".

CerealRapist ago

Also acceptable: milkduds.


Nah sometimes they're full blown niggers just littler

anoncastillo ago

They grow up from nigglet to nigger by about age 12.

Ocelot ago

Niggers, much like animals, mature mentally and physically more quickly than humans. The physical maturation of a creature is linked to its mental capacity -- Europeans and Asians undergo slower physical maturation as their brains develop strongly into their 16th, 17th, and 18th years, with a subsequently less intense development until the average age of 25. That peak brain development that Europeans reach around 16 years old is reached by africans around 12 or 13 on average. Wish I had the relevant data, it's something I saw a while back. It included very detailed information such as maturation of muscle fibers and cartilage.

Jiggggg ago

If you ever come across it again, ping me or post it please. That's really interesting

Ocelot ago

I certainly will.

tankingwrong ago

I'm actually surprised there's not been more rape reported over the last week.

Phantom42 ago

It's because they're too fucking scared to report it.

CerealRapist ago

I can see it now. Like the one who runs up to them saying he works for "blm" & tells them to get on their knees, but it'll be the muhdik version.

tankingwrong ago

"Can you prove to me, can you prove to America right now, that you're not racist by taking this big, thick, nigga dick in yo privileged asshoe?"

"I mean, I've never had anything go up there before--"

"Privileged racist! Fuckin' cracker cunt racist! Ey ey ey ayo ayo we have a regular klanswoman over heah!"

{throws up skirt}

"Okay! okay okay okay okay just, do you have any lu-UUUUUUUU"

anoncastillo ago

She's lucky, she'll only be infested with aids. Most of the others will become single moms too.

CerealRapist ago

We joke, but its coming. Clown world is rule now.

tankingwrong ago

I wouldn't be surprised if one of the gonzo, outside of The Valley porn outfits isn't doing a take on it right now.