xenoPsychologist ago

it would be one thing if theyd left us alone. but they invaded our space. worse, they actively try to kill us. it didnt have to be this way, but they chose for it to be. their deaths would be justice.

voats4goats ago

{{{My fellow yids}}} please kindly shut the fuck up you damn hypocrites

nobslob ago

This lampshade isn't going to make itself

allahead ago

Oy vey, the lack of self awareness, or she's just a deceitful cunt.

auto_turret ago

Whites ought to determine the future of all jews is "well done."

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago


if someone else makes my lunch for me, then i don't have to make my own lunch

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago


a guy robbed my house and punched my wife in the titty...

so I gave him a ride to somewhere I can't see him or know what he's doing.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago


we should let niggers cure coronavirus for us

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago


If you do "Let someone else do it" or "transportation", you're definitely a kike.

Gorillion ago

Man, now that's a tweet that's begging to be stapled to her face.

jewsbadnews ago

Would love to shove a menorah down her stupid kike throat.

beefartist ago

If some jew cunt posting on social media upsets you...YOU are the death of the "white" race

anoncastillo ago

Just a friendly reminder that jewish people have no right to rape white children to blackmail political leaders in white countries. We are the only ones who should be able to determine our future not you.

fuckfuckfuck1 ago

I'm willing to colonize Antarctica at this point. Oy Vey remember the 6 million penguins.

Well_Deserved_Brew ago

This is exactly what's wrong with Britain in a nutshell. They've got a whole generation of people who were born there and for the most part have no interest in anything British.

AdolfHitler1 ago

this Austrian guy i read about would disagree.

MAGAAyaBish ago

Go choke on a fucking falafel, pig.

Angelique ago

Hey man, falafel is delicious and not jewish. Jewish food doesn't exist- it's German, Polish or Arabic/Mediterranean in Isntreal. Matzo is the only jew food I can think of- flour and water, a really creative gastonomical treat.

MAGAAyaBish ago

Thanks for clarifying. I personally enjoy falafel, i was making the reference because it's a staple of kosher restaurants. Matzo is shit. It's disgusting and i have a story about it literally making me puke.

Angelique ago

No problem, I knew what you were going for. Their food is like anything else they steal and pretend is their own culture or invention. Matzo is worse than cardboard, maybe the blood of gentile children livens it up in a real Passover di Sangue.

MAGAAyaBish ago

It's funny, but you're right, most kosher joints do rebrand a good bit of mediterranean fare with a hebrew name.

Angelique ago

There are plenty of good jewish delis, everything they serve is European: Reubens-corned beef and cabbage are Irish, pastrami-Romanian, latkes are Slavic, all of the wursts and kugel (Spaetzle) are German. Better to find an actual German or Eastern European deli, they are just more off the beaten path than the kosher delis serving their foods.

ScientiaPotentia ago

I couldn't agree more with her.

Just a friendly reminder that Jewish people have no right to invade White spaces or talk about White issues. We are the only ones who should be able to determine our future, not you

Encovoc ago

Just a friendly reminder that jews have no right to invade White spaces or talk about White issues. We are the only ones who should be able to determine our futures, not you.


anoncastillo ago

And by invade white spaces we especially mean stop raping our children. Epstein alone justifies a second holocaust and there were/are dozens more like him.

Angelique ago

We literally mean: GTFO kikes, white spaces must be judenfrei. They can't kidnap/rape/consume our kids when they are not in "white spaces". Isntreal can't survive w/o American military protection. W/o American fighting their neighbors for them, those that surround them will tear them to shreds as soon as they are left undefended. Their Israeli Diaper Force has great propaganda, but nothing to back it up. They are faggots and cowards, half of them women. The IDF sent 0 troops to Iraq, Afghanistan or Syria (though they did treat their ISIS larpers in Israel and send them back to Syria).

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Israeli Diaper Force

And they shoot rock throwing Palestinians with Ruger 10/22s

Angelique ago

Sure enough, there are also hundreds of Palestinian children held in military prisons every month, most commonly for throwing pebbles at armed faggots in body armor. So ki kike "settlers" bulldoze their homes in the middle of the night and then violently cart off and terrorize their children. There is nothing these disgusting subhuman are incapable of

in their psychopathic behavior, especially against children:

73 percent experienced physical violence following arrest

95 percent were hand tied

86 percent were blindfolded

49 percent were detained from their homes in the middle of the night

64 percent faced verbal abuse, humiliation, or intimidation

74 percent of children were not properly informed of their rights

96 percent were interrogated without the presence of a family member

20 percent were subject to stress positions

49 percent signed documents in Hebrew, a language most Palestinian children don’t understand

Since 2000, an estimated 10,000 Palestinian children have been detained by Israeli forces from the occupied West Bank and held in the Israeli military detention system.

Israel in 1991 ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, which requires that children should only be deprived of their liberty as a measure of last resort, must not be unlawfully or arbitrarily detained, and must not be subjected to torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

Despite sustained engagement by UNICEF and repeated calls to end night arrests and ill treatment and torture of Palestinian children in Israeli military detention, Israeli authorities have persistently failed to implement practical changes to stop violence against child detainees.

FUCK THE UN and UNICEF in particular.

SearchVoatBot ago

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thebearfromstartrack ago

What if we want YOUR future to be OUT of OUR midst? You realize YOU did NOT conquer this land/nation. WE DID. You stupid cunt. YOU have NO right to exist IN OUR MIDST. Do you understand that SIMPLE fact?

King_Freya ago

There should be a movement where we flip what Jews do.

Even if you’re not Jewish, start your posts “As a Jewish person...”

SearchVoatBot ago

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Water ago

So can we cut off non-Jewish funding of Jewish spaces?

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

cutting funding is an appropriate reaction to crime lol

you're a whore

Heathcliff ago

Is it ok to say, "Jewish people have no right to invade white spaces or talk about white issues. We are the only ones who can determine our future."

Angelique ago

No, the truth is never ok when dealing with jews, which is why it's so important to rub their faces in it.

WD_Pelley ago

I fucking hate them.

goatsandbros ago

Jews project instinctively.

SaxonWolfcock ago

There is no escaping the wrath to come, jews.

Plavonica ago

A man can dream.

theKiernut ago

And vice-versa!

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

jewish spaces = zionist

nice job

LettItBurn ago

Jew hatred of White people WILL determine their future and it won't be good for them. Best thing they can do is remove themselves from every western nation and live within their walled country. Let them eat each other, the rest of the world has had enough.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

Transportation... Let someone else do it.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

You sound like every other kike zionist on this site. Verbatim.

Transportation... Let someone else do it.

We deserve to be able to kill you jew. You realize that. We deserve it.

SparklingWiggle ago

How many jews have you killed?

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

Did I say that I did?

tom9152 ago

Sitnikoff ago

Just call it semitism.

Yuke ago

I agree, now fuck off to the space that was stolen and given to you and shut the fuck up and leave the rest of us alone. Oh no, can't do that part can you's! They NEED to be in our spaces, NEED!

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago



Ducktalesooo000ooo ago



LetTheMongoloidsDie ago

Invade all of their spaces and determine all of their futures.

Ol_Hickery ago

Seal off their spaces and start pressing "g". For real tho this time.

kingdomhearts123 ago


Ol_Hickery saving jews again.

Ol_Hickery ago

Hows my fuckin dick taste faggot?

kingdomhearts123 ago

like it's attached to a corpse who was executed for helping jews excape a swift death.

that's where your imagination went? to a gay blowjob? really?

you're going to need better camoflage than that slick.

anoncastillo ago

No wooden doors!