whitesrbetter ago

The difference is niggers are terrorizing a neighborhood over a nigger criminal. What they are doing is by definition is a hate crime its not a public government building its a residence.

This should of got a equal response right back at those niggers from law enforcement and charged with ethnic terrorism. They have done it to Young Whites over Confederate flags multiple times.

So now you can see the goverment doesn't protect Whites its fair game on those nigger terrorists.

Jiggggg ago

Jesus. Imagine living on that street, or anywhere in that town. Your quiet little town, infiltrated by paid rioters who will inevitably chimp out when they get acquitted. I'd be boarding up my windows and upgrading my property insurance right now

ADaniels ago

in 1900, before the world wars, White people were 50 percent of all people on earth..... now we are less than 14 percent......

Jiggggg ago

That's so sad

Buff_Awesome ago

The two aren't even comparable. The first group is protesting against government overreach. The other is trying to intimidate private citizens at their own homes. There's nothing noble about that.

ilcattivo ago

Yesterday I found out a perfect example of leftist brainwashing logic: Charlotte Gilman, American writer, most known for her short story "The Yellow Wallpaper". She was a staunch feminist and was inducted to the National Women's Hall of Fame.

What they DON'T want you to know is that she also addressed the "Negro problem" in the US at the turn of the last century by proposing a system of state-organized labor. Those living in society who didn't met a "certain grade of citizenship" (guess whom she meant by that) should be taken hold by the state and put into service of those who actively contribute to the progress of society.

It's time to remind these double-standard leftist zombies ALL that their self-proclaimed heroes stood for in their lifetime, not just what's convinient for them to remember. Charlotte Gilman - utopian feminist and social darwinist. Mahatma Gandhi - the pacifist hero of Indian independence, but also he who urged Indians to fight in WWI by enrolling in the British Army. And so on, and so on...

Let's run them out of arguments by turning their own weapons against them!

Jiggggg ago

Gandhi was kind of a perv too if I remember correctly

ilcattivo ago

He vowed to abstain from sex, but reportedly slept naked with several women in his own bed after his wife's death, in 1944. He justified it as "a test to his own resolutions", and claimed he never had intercourse with any of them.

So yeah, he was a pervert, devoid of any sense of moral behaviour in his private life.

Jiggggg ago

Yeah... And those "women" were young, and related to him. Sheesh

BraunF14 ago

That's pretty fucking hilarious. Funny enough my brother in law's comment is in the second picture. He's a raging leftists who acts like he's libertarian. He's beyond pilling, I've tried.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Meanwhile, I'm the only user on voat who cheered BOTH groups.

Everybody should have a fucking gun!

Octoclops ago

You cheer a bunch of nigger terrorists threatening white neighborhoods?

whitesrbetter ago

Guns are for Whites only. Non-whites can't handle the responsibility and its our invention.

kishind ago

Natural selection will correct for that, if 1) most non-whites own guns and 2) they keep to themselves.

They'll work out a balance somehow.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Chinese people aren't white.

whitesrbetter ago

The Chinese didn't invent firearms or the gun powder we use. You realize the salt peter the Chinese used is entirely different. Also Romans and Greeks already had discovered combustible materials centuries before that mirrored salt peter and for launching projectiles ever hear of greek fire.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

In that case you're not allowed to own any guns because you aren't French.

See how stupid your argument is? No, I'm sure you don't.

whitesrbetter ago

You realize French and all Europeans are included in White people and Europe has had empires spanning and connecting the nations.

Otherwise you can't even strawman correctly by using French. Do you see how don't have a argument because you are using retarded logic , I can tell you're a shitskin.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

You're not French, and you're disrespecting basic genetics and history, not to mention our proud cultures, in a weak attempt to defend your false idea.

It's ok if you didn't know the French invented modern ammunition, but that excludes you from being allowed to own guns, under your own arbitrary rules.

How does that make you feel?

whitesrbetter ago

You acquitted Chinese fire works to modern firearms do you realize Chinese civilzation was started by Yamanaya tribes who brought the Chinese from the stone age. Yamanaya tribes are Scandinavians since you have 2nd grade level of historical knowledge. Then you compared French a European ethnic group as if they are separate, to

non-whites abusing White inventions with zero reciprocation of their own. You realize Whites are the biggest victims racially of unprovoked

non-whites gun crime compared to any other group. Having access to Whites and their contributions entirely proved by them isn't a right for shitskins.

Since you are far too stupid I lined out how you have proven yourself to be a idiot and lacking complete awareness of it. Most of all you showed you aren't just a idiot but, a low iq shitskin with canyon wide logic gaps in your absurdly wrong and hypocritical statements. Go be a retarded faggot on reddit you fit in better there queer.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

You acquitted Chinese fire works

*equated, *fireworks

[incoherent rant about Chinese being white]

No, Chinese are Mongol mutts. Try looking at literally any genetic study.

Then you compared French a European ethnic group as if they are separate, to

non-whites abusing White inventions with zero reciprocation of their own.

Reformat this correctly so it's legible.

You realize Whites are the biggest victims racially of unprovoked

non-whites gun crime compared to any other group.

There aren't enough armed white people. Reformat this part, too.

Having access to Whites and their contributions entirely proved by them isn't a right for shitskins.

Thank you for admitting this.

You're a real piece of shit

Ok, I'll remember you said that, [Member for 11 months]

"right to guns"

Sarcastic quotes? Really? And such a strange wording... Pretty obvious you're a disarmed European.

Download this gun and free yourself

If you have a pair.


whitesrbetter ago

No its acquitted retard. As in performing in a specific way your vocabulary level is atrocious, you said chinese fireworks are the same as modern firearms. Otherwise you lost your own argument before it started ,you provided no rebuttal because you don't what you're talking about, your only point "we are equal in White countries". Which was disproven.

You are far too much of a idiot and a faggot to be on voat. Reddit is where you will fit in, its a website where you will feel comfortable being a shitskin mushhead.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Can you explain what you meant by "you performed in a specific way Chinese fire works"?

Also, where are you from?

SexMachine ago

I don't know. I guess when the race war kicks off I'd feel less guilty about shooting an armed black man.

Edit: I'm joking, Mr FBI agent.

AR47 ago

I explained this difference to someone recently.

With white people taking city hall it is about symbolic more than force. Often being the quiet majority in many cities across the USA, they put up with shit till they just fucking don't anymore. There was never any danger or even the feeling of danger within that block. Cops saw it as a demonstration is all. Just some people that needed to get out and let themselves be heard.

With blacks.....it is about superiority and getting it by fear as it is all they know. They don't know diplomacy or anything like it. They are accustomed to immediate gratification, and when they can't have it they think it is because of racism or bias. It doesn't occur to them that change takes time.

In season two of the wire there is a part where the union president handed over a shitload of money to a lobbiest and said he was doing it so that he would talk about a grain pier to bring in more work, and that would get the council to talk about the pier and the house to talk about the pier.

Same episode the drug dealer nigger threatened a city builder to get some permits when he explained that you have to bribe people. Drug dealer says I did already and when the city builder said that was for last round.....nigger looked at him like he was crazy.

Lots of thought went into that series to show how the cops, drug dealers, and city all work to make a balance and the niggers always fuck it up.

trypanon ago



SparklingWiggle ago

It would be fun to add niggers to the protest, until we find maximum density; where it turns into a nog-on-nog firefight.

kishind ago

Niggers don't protest in order to go back to work. They mostly only protest when a nigger criminal gets what he deserves.

antiracistMetal ago

Those are different posters...

PeckerwoodPerry ago

It's the community reaction, you fucking faggot.

Jiggggg ago


celestial-skylord ago

Isn't holding a weapon with your face covered a felony?

maaaxheadroom ago

Not wearing a mask is verboten. Catch 22

Jiggggg ago

Honk honk to the extreme

Bottled_Tears ago

Can anyone explain to me how the term of this man dying became lynched?

Do people know what the word lynch means?

Truly are in the age of decadence. People are just fucking making shit up using the wrong language and molding words into their own fucking narrative.

DeltaBravoTango ago

Because they believe it was vigilante justice. They think that the white guys went out there with the intent to kill the black guy because they suspected him of a crime. Just because lynching in the past was usually by hanging doesn't mean it has to be.

SexMachine ago

I got into this argument just the other day on reddit before getting banned from whatever subreddit I was commenting on.

But apparently they believe that every time multiple white people kill a nigger, it's a lynching. But, on the other hand, every time a group of niggers kill a white man, which is a much more common occurrence, it's just business as usual.

They're so brainwashed. It sucks, so many white people are going to have to get the rope too. Imagine how many of them will be singing a different tune when their time comes. No mercy for them.

LarryWhiteContrary ago

Lulz, no optics on either rifle, iron sights deployed, doubt its been on a range

SexMachine ago

Most gun loving negroes I know aren't Democrat meat puppets. Weird huh?

AlexanderMorose13 ago


dodgesbullets ago

It's one thing to protest like this outside a government building but doing it outside a private citizen's home is another.

Especially if that person lives in a neighborhood. These fucking coons don't realize they're redpilling hundreds.

jewsbadnews ago

If that was my neighborhood I would have shot those niggers dead.

dodgesbullets ago

As much as I like the idea, that's a losing proposition bro.

First, you're outnumbered vastly.

Second, a regular house is nearly indefensible.

Third, nothing they're doing is illegal just dickish.

SPAMsammich111 ago

The left hates whites. They can disguise it as "woke" or find some way through mental gymnastics to justifty their hatred for whites as just, but you should NEVER play by their rules. Whenever you see "white people should....", white people need to....", stop reading. They hate you and don't think for a second they would take your side if you were the last white person on Earth and the clear underdog. They still will not take your side. There is 1 thing and 1 thing only that not only pisses off leftists but effectively combats them. Have. White. Children. Lots of them. This is how we win.

The more the left hates us, the more we should love our own.

Dr3dpierat ago

5.56 would knock the smirk of that nigger real quick.

Seventh_Jim ago

Fuck it'd be funny if someone just slotted floppies and shut the fuck up about it.

Don't even care if I'm glowposting.

Encovoc ago

There is no depth the hypocrisy of the left won't sink to.

ordinarymike ago

always the way with these soft heads

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Le_Redditeur ago

 >Please report all racist comments so we can ban their fragile egos from this sub

Just when you thought their self-awareness couldn't get any lower...

gazillions ago

Oh they're aware. They aren't accidentally spreading hate and venom based on imaginary people they speak on behalf of. They do it deliberately..