Le_Redditeur ago


Drstrangebeard ago

that's a prime example of illogic

LettItBurn ago

Yeah... don't look. :::BLAM:::

Where does Katie Ravioli live?

thebearfromstartrack ago

It is AMAZING how many whores are trying to parlay their useless asses into a MARRIAGE (family, etc)!!! Only they have NO IDEA (or desire) to live the way that makes that POSSIBLE for the long run.

Phantom42 ago

This is why we hang every fucking whore, but you cocksuckers are like all "defend muh wyte wymyn".

I do not see a White woman. I see a degenerate to be purged. Soon, all of you will too.

keksupreme ago

feminist whore logic

Niggertown ago

It's the appropriate reward for a warcrime-committing Zogbot cuck.

Cpt_Falcon ago

To me, there is nothing more disgusting than someone who cheats on their spouse while the they are deployed. When I was young and degenerate even then I had a standard never to hook up with a married woman much less a military wife. Theres a website for shaming these pieces of shit. I think it may have gotten shut down for revenge porn

MrPancake ago

she misspelled "stoned to death"

Phantom42 ago

No. We are superior, act accordingly.

We have glorified stone throwers that throw 9mm stones.

HeavyBrain ago

Bullets are too valuable and honorable form of execution for dirt like that.

massiveprivilege ago

The absolute cuck of things.

HeavyBeefCurtain ago

sign up for zog games

win zog prizes

TrialsAndTribulation ago

When a military husband exits his home country for work ...

"For work". Right. This bitch has no idea what men in the military actually do or why. It's not a fucking job. You can't just quit when you don't want to do it any longer.

dummythicc ago

If your not conscripted, join voluntarily and get paid like a regular job, how is it not "work".

Hell your fighting for a foreign power, I wouldn't even say your soldiers, just mercenaries.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

"You're", asshole. Fuck, I hate barely literate, argumentative faggots like yourself.

dummythicc ago

So what's israeli cock taste like "hero"?

Personally I hate sanctimoniously preachy war criminals who should eat their gun. Fucking useless piece of human garbage.

HeavyBrain ago

She can, even if she is in the military.

Take a look to Norway and Israel, just get knocked up and make it diversity to be bulletproof.

Point is, even when they are in the middle of it they won't know what men do because they have a complete set of different rules for them.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Don't care about your point. You missed my point. Men just can't quit.

HeavyBrain ago

Are you retarded?

where did I say that soilders/ men can or should quit?

I agreed and supported what you said you fucking degenerate.

Also the downvote is not a disagree button.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

You started off quibbling with me. Didn't care after that. The your tack was to say "point is". Downvoted because you didn't contribute to the conversation.

Quaintarrow303 ago

Fuck that

HeavyBrain ago

My wallet my choice, not my genetics not my responsibility, alimoney is sexist.

Teledildonicist ago

What in the fuck?

23556965? ago

Sluts gonna slut and cucks gonna fight for kikes instead of against them.

Newaccount9 ago

I never been note certain if anything than this Twitter account being a kike bitch

Diggernicks ago


Sounds like a brainwashed catholic you retarded tinfoil buttplug enthusiast

SIayfire122 ago

Must be real rough on her going 6 months without her husband there with her.

Doglegwarrior ago

so man logic for all of history except the last 60 or 80 years. go to war. come home wife is pregnant. and it cant possibly be your. kick to the stomach like the guy kicked the guy down the well in 300. all the other men in the village or town would consider the war vet a hero and the stupid whore would be buried with out a marker. or fed to the scavengers

Smokybubbles ago

Fucking cunts on their golden pedestals have all the rights and none of the responsibilites. Fuck that, I'll jack off to my bank account growing.

noob_tube ago

This is genocide in action: making reproduction a losing proposition.

Phantom42 ago

So commit genocide in return. Raze the earth. We're losing it all anyway.

3dk ago

What else did do you think the bank account is for?

CheeBooga ago

The black baby should be addressed by the man's military rank.

Deshy ago

Oooh low blow.... geez, yeah if he cucks for it, let him own it.

123456788 ago

Women will do anything to mitigate their own responsibility for their actions. It is not their fault, it is just their natural way. It's up to men to slap reality into their faces, which hasn't been a problem until recently. Unfortunately, men have become too big of pussies to properly shame women so we now have people who truly believe this slut logic.

i_scream_trucks ago

thats the family i stopped having anything to do with 2 years ago.

sometimessage ago

Dude, you need to start chasing after different women. This is not what all women are like. There are American women who work harder than their grandmothers. They have children, work, and still do 75% of the housework. Let's be honest, most of the guys with dependopotamus wives married them for the money. They practically asked to be taken advantage of because they wanted to take advantage of that extra paycheck.

123456788 ago

I agree that not all women are like that, but coming from a large extremely liberal city, they are few and far between. I'm sure if I moved to a different location in the US I'd be able to find more with those positive characteristics.

sometimessage ago

I think you're just running in the wrong circles. There are women like this in nyc, you have no excuse!

Tzitzimitl ago

really its much better that you dont even give them the opportunity. in this case anyone going off to do israels bidding deserves to be cucked.

Granite_Pill ago

men have become too big of pussies to properly shame women

Because you can have your career and entire life destroyed by doing so. You can be accused of rape or harassment without a shred of evidence and be ground up in the legal system indefinitely.

GusStappo ago

Unless you are a democrat or commie.

CharlesVI ago

murder has a higher standard of evidence and a shorter sentence.

noob_tube ago

Yeah, nothing like getting murdered by the police to remind you that you're not allowed to control your women.

i_scream_trucks ago

ive actually told the woman that gave birth to me if her daughter ever sees me and approaches me, i will break her fucking jaw, and i will explain to a court in detail that it was self defence against a real and impending threat to my life.

fat cunt never once has been held accountable for her behaviour. If i had overcome my programming back when i was 10-11-12 years old, i would have broken that bitches jaw the first time she sliced my hand open with the cutting edge of a glad wrap packet, i would have been in shitloads of trouble, but she never would have touched me again, and its quite likely she never would have kept getting more and more violent over her life with me and others.

noob_tube ago

That's rough buddy

darkpiecez ago

Underrated comment (number of down votes). Even if you do shame women properly, they can always go back the endless simps online/person for constant validation. Look at the number of thots on IG. If she's not a whale, you're bound to find somebody who worship the ground that she walks on. Her hamster will keep on spinning as long as she has some dick people to justify her actions.

Some dipshit will put their nose where it doesn't belong and spin her hamster until she does destroy your life. My ex was a whore but I was too stupid to realize it. I found out how much power she had over me once I started questioning things (not her but her orbiters). A lot of people tend to underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

Why go above and beyond to attempt fix somebody that you can't fix? Espcially if that ends up destroying.

Her enviroment needs to change before she changes and that won't happen. Jews did a real good job turning our country into degenerates.

i_scream_trucks ago

i do a bit of redpilling on this as well. a lot of social workers that come through my class back me up, i tell people to make sure that if they work around men who are usually chatty and happy and stuff, after a traumatic situation at work if they go dead quiet afterwards for anything more than a couple of days go talk to them and make sure theyre ok, we dont get to tell anyone what our problems are, and some of us, including myself, are actively told to shut the fuck up, from everything to your sister stealing money from you in front of everyone, to telling your niece she smells like a fucking whore in front of the childs mother and grandmother then blaming me for being rightfully furious about it. Easier to pretend that i just have an anger management problem than admit that your daughter is a flat out child abuser, and you have been defending her child abuse and domestic abuse for 30 years.

Deshy ago

Honestly, woman should be shaming woman also as they surround themselves with smut and degeneracy and hardly practice critical thinking, they naively walk down this horrid path then to find themselves defending their actions, even if wrong, till the bitter end, to save face due to pride. Ignorant woman often act like low IQ animals and herd with others that will cover their shame, if more woman rose up for wholesomeness and stuck together we’d see a difference.

My problem is I struggle to find woman IRL my age that have common sense. It’s a crying shame :/

Loyalty, faithfulness and effective sane communication with one another is beautiful and should be encouraged!

One certainly wonders if those woman who promote infidelity will allow their husband to bring back a child from another relationship for her to rear? I doubt it, double standards and lack of responsibility go hand in hand with entitlement and immature behavior.

123456788 ago

Totally agree that women need to also be shaming other women for being sluts. It used to be that away until it became too politically correct to do so. Women used to get shamed for simply getting a divorce!

Well men and women are different in terms of what their deal breakers are. Men don't want their wife to cheat and to raise a child that they think is theirs and come to find out isn't.... while women don't want their husband to cheat and potentially lose out on half or all of his resources. I've had this conversation with many women who are honest and they agreed that men care more about their spouse physically cheating (and can more easily forgive emotional cheating) while women care more about their spouse emotionally cheating (and can more easily forgive physical cheating).

Some girls still value loyalty, faithfulness, and communication, but my problem is that I can't seem to find one who I am genuinely attracted to. Seems the best place to find this type of girl is from church who has both parents still married. Most other girls have been too involved in the online dating culture, hook up culture, party culture and are automatically off limits for a serious relationship from me. What a shitty time to be alive as a man who wants to get married and have children.

Phantom42 ago

Seems the best place to find this type of girl is from church who has both parents still married.

Churches are among the worst, man. Don't fucking do it. Unless you are just that determined, CHURCH IS BAD ADVICE NOW.

It may have worked for your parents back in the day. We live in a brave new world though. The church is filled with sin, the empires have fallen, and the conquerors are conquered.

Deshy ago

Yeah, just don’t give up hope Sir and in the meantime just focus on improving yourself to become a well-rounded individual for your own growth.

Also if I may ask, what do you find attractive in a female?

123456788 ago

Physically: Stays active and has a somewhat athletic build (ie: no flat or saggy butt). Nice skin. Prefer light color eyes, but not a deal breaker by any means. I tend to not be attracted to flat chested women.

Personality/Traits: Easy going, giving, has hobbies outside of Netflix, cooks (I can cook and want her to be able to as well), prefers a traditional relationship where I make the decisions and she gives her input (essentially what 90% of marriages used to be)

I can find the personality traits without the looks I am personally attracted to and I can find the looks without the personality traits that I am attracted to.

And if we're being brutally honest, I've been able to find these traits in women when I was living in latin america and asia, but I want to have white children that look like me.

Deshy ago

You know these traits don’t even seem that hard. The hardest part is the emotional scars a lot of woman carry with them. It’s like it hinders them from experiencing life more fully, forgiving themselves and viewing life through clear sight not hindered by misconceptions or filters.

As a woman this is hard to do as the world is good at indoctrination and misconceptions and woman being herd animals, in a sense, do find it hard to form good honest well thought out viewpoints.

Life is busy and if woman are not busy with the idea of family she will get lost in the hullabaloo. She absolutely must love the idea of kids and show maternal instincts, empathy and social awareness to navigate her environment wisely.

BlackWattleBay ago

The thing is women used to always shame other women for being sluts and degenerates. The did that because Christian values were dominant which they adhered to.

Now the dominant values are that of degeneracy and so women shame women for not being sluts and not fucking multiple men. They are sheep, they follow whatever the dominant doctrine is of the day.

Slipstream ago

Judeo-Christian bud, and don't you forget it!

Diggernicks ago

Christ cuck sheeple should be slaughtered

Slipstream ago

I'm Catholic so I'm above those useless eaters called Christcucks.

jewsbadnews ago

lmao! Cathcucks are just as bad if not worse! Sin all week and then confess to your boy lover priest on Sundays!

getshanked ago

The Catholic Church is weak, no question. It has been infiltrated by globalist proxies in the form of Jesuit homosexuals. But for several hundred years the Church was the only force keeping the Jews in line. Sadly that’s long gone.

Slipstream ago

I was baiting niggerdicks. You chomped on the penis. Nice move faggot.

jewsbadnews ago


Slipstream ago

Very profound my nigga.

ChiCom ago

Non cuck Christians are the best at slaughtering and will be back in action again shortly.

You atheist furries won't be happy then either.

BlackWattleBay ago

You don't think the western world has been shaped by Christianity? The religions had a stranglehold on us for centuries.

Slipstream ago

It's a sarcastic poke at jews hijacking even Christianity. Point being jewish thought is the antithesis of Christian thought. Ideally and practically most jews are predatory. Ideally and sometimes practically Christians are moral, compassionate giving people. Judeo-Christian values is an oxymoron.

Granite_Pill ago

Maybe so, but the main difference between now and then is now we have a welfare state. Women are married to the state, they no longer rely on men for resources since the state is now their benefactor. Giving women the right to vote was a vote-buying scheme enacted by the socialists in the government in a successful attempt to grow state power to a virtually unlimited level. The Founding Fathers knew women and non-whites, and non-property owners would simply vote for unlimited state power, which is why they limited the right to vote to white land-owning males only.

When women get the right to vote, they vote to be able to marry the state instead of men. When non-whites get the right to vote, they vote to strip white people of their resources and well-being out of revenge for being inferior. When non-property owners get the right to vote, they immediately vote to take property away from property owners. Democracy is 51% of the people enslaving the other 49% at the point of a gun.

I do think Christianity had a role to play in the regulation of morality to a certain extent, however I think the main contributing factor to degeneracy is not a trend towards atheism, but the trend toward ever-increasing state power. The welfare state needs to be abolished first if we're ever going to get our liberty back--and if we ever want to get our women back.

BlackWattleBay ago

The welfare state can never be abolished because no party has the balls to do it in this political climate where women and minorities hold majority of the vote. You can however collapse the welfare state by having it overburdened by recipients.

Deshy ago

You have nailed it Sir... it’s awfully sad as we see this world spin out of control.

This virus is probably a blessing in disguise as people are less likely to venture to extremes right now but I shudder at the thought of how careless, selfish and irresponsible most have become that they will just continue down the only path they have grown to know.

Praying for their souls, conscience and their common sense to wake up and kick the living patootie outta them before it’s too late and irreversible.

Sadly, a lot will not come back from this path. I hope men will have enough discernment to know the difference and not fall for the traps of womanly affections and sexual gratification above common sense also.

acheron2012 ago

While an harsh solution the Saudi approach of flogging women that go outside their home unescorted is a law that we shouldn't dismiss as meritless.

Granite_Pill ago

"Islam is right about women"

noob_tube ago

Its better than what we have in the west. Islam is right about women.

Solstiare ago

Never trust a dependapotimus.

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AmericanJew2 ago

This has to be a troll post. Otherwise, I am going to simply give up trying to understand this world we now live in.

Phantom42 ago

No, it isn't. I've been around about... Five girls I can remember that more or less believe that.

Deshy ago

Probably but most likely very probable in this world we live in.

Let’s just say it wouldn’t surprise me in the least as people are pretty messed up.

MisterGrieves ago

I think that usually ends with the serviceman a DD and serious jail time.

elcob32 ago

And women wonder why less and less men are interested in marriage.

MisterGrieves ago

Military cuck.... Is that a thing? I have a hard time picturing that. Lol

dummythicc ago

You mean fighting in another country on the other side of the planet on behalf of a foreign country while the US flag is sewn on your outfit? To literally put your life on the line to fight for a foreign power who openly shows their disdain for you in your own homeland? You mean that kind of cuck?

BjornIronside ago

It's pretty much the norm.

darkpiecez ago

Military faggot here, can agree. We have mostly niggers that smell like skunk. The military is not known for being smart.

Phantom42 ago

Military Intelligence is an oxymoron.

HeavyBrain ago

And yet when you come home after 12 months of deployment and find a 1 month old at home you still have to pay for atleast the next 18 years.

MisterGrieves ago

The getting preggers while he is away, yes. What about the Guy raising sunshine else's kid?

H3r0n ago

I’ve seen plenty.

MisterGrieves ago

Plenty that raise the baby?

H3r0n ago


MisterGrieves ago

Yeesh. That is messed up on a bunch of levels.

H3r0n ago

They aren’t happy people, and the child suffers for it.

Repeal the 19th, women can’t handle autonomy

HeavyBrain ago

Well I dount they have very much of a choice not to "raise" it.

They just pray that the laws don't change till they are 18.

(In some countries you can make the man pay till the kid is 21 when the stars are just right maybe even till 25.)

MisterGrieves ago

She was hoping the guy would get killed so she could get the benefits. She never wanted to marry him to begin with.

H3r0n ago

I was fucking a girl who later informed me she was dating my friend who was deployed at the time.

I told him about it and that her baby wasn’t his (wasn’t mine either, I’m not so stupid anymore), but he married her and is still with her.

She messages me on Reddit from time to time complaining about him, I never respond.

MisterGrieves ago

Well dating is a bit different. They aren't married and supposed to be committed. The guy I am dating might die in the war is much different from the guy I am married to might die in the war. It sucks she put you in that spot. What if two had gotten "might get married" serious? Ya know?

H3r0n ago

I never would have gotten there with her, she is just a self-warming fuck doll.

They were very serious at the time, he had an engagement ring and the families were already informed.

Don’t try to defend her treachery, even if they are “just dating” she shouldn’t be fucking with other people. She and every person who defends this garbage might as well be niggers.

MisterGrieves ago

I am not defending her. Just saying that there is a big difference in dating someone and being married. Besides, if he had died over there a girlfriend doesn't mean shit to anybody. Did you know they were serious?

H3r0n ago

I didn't know, because I had just returned from a tour myself.

There is a difference between dating/marriage, but the respect for your partner should be there from day one.

Women like this respect no one.

MisterGrieves ago

Yep. She should have broken up with your friend first.

H3r0n ago

Well she messaged me asking me to knock her up because she doesn’t want her first to be with him.

I screenshot and sent him the message along with my response of “then you shouldn’t have married him, you’re a discredit to humans everywhere.”. He’s still with her to this day, they have no children, yet

HeavyBrain ago

Should have replied with "best I can do is knock you out, but I rather have Tyrone do that as he won't be charged"

MisterGrieves ago

That just sounds bizarre. "I don't want my first baby to be by my husband" what kind of weird shit is that?

H3r0n ago

It’s jew subversion shit