allahead ago

Her husband works for the CAA.

See this voat link I ain't retyping all that.

Yuke ago


BurqaFart ago

I hope Alyssa Milano gets brutally raped with a knife and bleeds to death.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

A few key differences:

  • Ford was such a drunken slut that she couldn't even remember whose fuckin party it was
  • There are tons of photographic and video evidence of Biden not just groping women, but kids younger than 10

SearchVoatBot ago

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irelandLost ago

Ford never filed a criminal complaint. These wan accusing Biden has filed a criminal complaint. That’s a serious difference.

noob_tube ago

A criminal complaint 25 years after the fact is worthless.

DoOver ago

What's with these retards' obsession with the clapping hands emote? It's like its their way of warning us that they're hyper-emotional autists who can't handle themselves and flail wildly about while talking IRL

SPAMsammich111 ago

It's old liberal hags and future wine aunts that think being a sassy annoying cunt is a positive quality and somehow makes them the authority of all reason.

WD_Pelley ago

that think being a sassy annoying cunt is a positive quality

They honestly do and it's both horrifying and laughable. A lot of Wiccan bitches do it too, thinking that they're "fighting the Patriarchy" instead of being insufferable twats. Maybe that's why witches were hanged back in the day: too many cat ladies would have upset the balance of a fragile, post-Plague society when everyone should be pulling together.

SPAMsammich111 ago

Gave me a hearty chuckle. Thanks anon

WD_Pelley ago

Love you too, no homo.

TVPC ago

I believe only false accusations

CheeBooga ago

I bet she's been molested by jewish producers and other actors since she was a baby.

CowWithBeef ago

I would never hire someone who had unjokingly used the word clap word clap format.

irelandLost ago

What the fuck is it even supposed to mean? Are they mimicking clapping while actually talking, because I’ve never seen anyone do that?

HndrxMn ago

Rhythmic sound can be used as a form of mind control/suggestion.

Skystriker ago

its a way to reinforce a leftard statement, pretty much like chanting HEY HEY, HO HO, ....

Negro_Nazi ago

That's exactly what they are doing.

Usually only super leftist retard women do it.

noob_tube ago

super leftist retard women


ilikeskittles ago

Hypocrisy of the left knows no bounds.