Deceneu ago

Her face is golden while the fire already started burning in the alcohol recipient (between 0:27 and 0:30).

GutterTrash ago

She is as bad as that chink that thought the best way to put out a trashcan fire in his appartment was to use dried shreds of paper and proceed to place it under a flammable curtain

Rival67 ago

Barack: Nice camp fire you have there Megan.

varialus ago

It's so very wrong at every point it makes me think that it was wrong on purpose just for the views. It made me actually laugh out loud; it was just a bit too perfect.

Sometimesineedhelp ago

...I can usually guess what most of these fail video science experiments are trying to show, but what the hell was she trying to do???

NoTrueScotsman ago

She was trying to show that the alcohol burns off without burning the money if you do it right.

Sometimesineedhelp ago

OH duh, thanks - it was soaked with the water first? That part wasn't shown so I was extra confused lol

Deceneu ago

I think she missed that step. She says: "First thing..."


Don't be a bigot. We need more girls in STEM!

sitrep ago

Can someone tell me what she wanted to do?

NoTrueScotsman ago

You get the dollar bill wet with water, then douse it in alcohol and burn it. The alcohol burns off without harming the bill. That's also why she had the tub of water there.

sitrep ago


klobos ago

All the pro women in STEM groups and scholarships and diversity hiring will never make people like this into scientists/engineers.

AlfonsHilter ago

They'll just change the definitions of scientist and an engineer.

scoopadoop ago

"don't try this at home if you don't know what you are doing"

30 seconds later

"I don't know what I am doing"

MrPank ago

That big female brain at work!

ALIENS2222 ago

Ahhhh playing with fire. Those were the days.

vastrightwing ago

Another episode of "We're all the same".

tanukihat ago

Ohhh, so this is why we need more girls in STEM. Because they're out here burning their houses down.

Brotherhero ago


Dalai_Llama ago

I better pretend like this is cute so that no one calls me an incell again!

Call_Of_Goat ago

Trump is in bed with Freemasons

Deal with it you jackasses

Dalai_Llama ago

Didn't know your mom was a Freemason.

Call_Of_Goat ago

You never ask

You was busy slamming her pussy

19810708321b ago


SparklingWiggle ago

Just in case there are any women reading these comments. You cover the fire and smother it.

Also, she should be the poster child for 'Women in STEM'.

gazillions ago

And she'll go much further in life and be happier if she capitalizes on her current cuteness and makes men feel great running in and putting out her fires. Exactly why feminists are generally ugly and mad as hell at girls that can do that.

She doesn't have to enroll in STEM or anything else to go far in life.

SparklingWiggle ago

True. She should still no how to put out a fire. They happen in kitchen more than any other room of the house. (This fact not verified.)

ilikeskittles ago

LOL, what a retard.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Look on the bright side she was the only woman I've ever heard in my life to admit that she doesn't know what she's doing

truckboattruck ago

oh theyll admit it....once they have completely fucked up and want you to solve their problems.

Ezekiel_Balderdash ago

That's how you know the video is fake.

IamNottaTroll ago

After saying "don't try this at home unless you know what you're doing".

ThisIsMyRealName ago

Well, she wasn't wrong. She tried it from home not knowing what she was doing, and look what happened.

Phantom42 ago

She was actually quite successful from a scientific point of view. She recorded her experiment and observations, had the guts to carry out said experiment even at great risk, and still learned something at the end of the day (that there are types of fire).

I applaud her effort, though she really should have thought that through more.

See what panic does? It burns everything down. It kills, even. If you are ever in a firefight due to the Coronapocalypse, be calm, have fun, don't miss!

HeavyBrain ago

Yes but she still keept on doing what she didn't know shit about.

This is why the majority of women vote liberal.

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ketoll ago

"70% of scientists are male. Here's why that's problematic."

Ocelot ago

Leave out the gender "scientists" and it's probably like 90%.

fuckfuckfuck1 ago

If she wasn't white, this would earn her a trip to the White House and a full college scholarship.

supergoalie1617 ago

Comment of the day.

AmericanJew2 ago

She invented a heat based alcohol clock! Yay!

tjay ago

Trained by Bill Nye.

irelandLost ago

Where did that child get clear meth spirits? Do they put the purple stuff in it in North America too to stop people drinking it? If so, she got the clear meth from a private or university lab, which would imply she has a parent who works in such a lab. So the child of a professional scientist tried to extinguish an alcohol fire with water, and even went so far as to pour the ignited, and now expanded by the water, alcohol to distribute it further. Few little things you should run through with your kids before giving them half inched lab gear.

Rellik88 ago

Wait other countries color their non drinkable alcohol? Bahahahahaha

irelandLost ago

It’s drinkable. You won’t survive long if it’s your chosen tipple but it can still be consumed. They dye it purple so morons won’t confuse it with vodka or gin, and then they add some methanol to ensure committed morons will vomit it back up if they do drink it. But the stuff in proper labs doesn’t get mixed or dyed cos there’s an assumption academics and the like aren’t skid row drunks. Do North American bums not start drinking this stuff a few months before their remains are found on a park bench?

HST ago

Do North American bums not start drinking this stuff a few months before their remains are found on a park bench?

As if we give a fuck


In America, if bums are too broke to get liquor they drink mouthwash instead. Liquor is cheap enough here that they usually don't have problems finding some cheap stuff.

HST ago

"What about mouthwash?" By Trevor Moore is a great song/video on the subject

Reinhart ago

I don't think it happens enough to matter, though I have seen isopropyl alcohol tinted green (I think?) around here before.

Our bums, when they aren't shitting in the street, usually don't have any trouble finding some bleeding-heart saps to give them money, which will then be spent on booze (and drugs). Only the truly desparate turn to shit like isopropyl.

That's my take on it, anyway: stupid white Americans are too generous, bums can buy real booze

MrDarkWater ago

We don't drink that shit. People or not.

But it's just isopropyl alcohol

dekrak_pype ago

Denatured alcohol is not colored purple in the USA. It is clear.

Harry_Areola ago

In the USA denatured alcohol is not purple. Also, that could be isopropanol instead of ethanol.

i_scream_trucks ago

Oh shit every part of that is a 'do not do'...

irelandLost ago

“Actually don’t try this at home unless you know what you’re doing”

metricisokay ago

At least she vocalised that she in fact did not know what she was doing toward the end of the video.

chrimony ago

That's what makes it even funnier.

Sh-shh-shaaa ago

She's entitled to vote.

BoomerHater1488er ago

The one ones who should vote are white married men between the ages of 35 and 55 who earn an income.

Jimmycrackerson ago

Okay Boomer

ThisIsMyRealName ago

Did you have a loicense for those bacon strips?

no-hurry-no-pause ago

who earn an income.

AND who earn at least the median income (otherwise they'll vote for perpetual increase of the minimum wage)

AND who have no debt (otherwise they'll vote for higher inflation).

AND who own their own paid-off home (otherwise they'll vote for rent controls).

white married

AND with at least two children (otherwise they'll vote for spending in the present at the cost of the future).

McPooperton ago

I agree with all of that except the married part. Blocking out an entire group of men because they choose not to marry due to the shitty quality of women isn’t just. Maybe when we get women back where they are supposed to be we can revisit the married requirement.

Phantom42 ago

I couldn't care less honestly. If us single guys aren't voting, chances are nobody is because we live in a White utopia where the democracy meme is dead.

If there is voting, I'd still just good White men to make the correct decision.

If not, well... I'm a single guy with no attachments to a family. What would I have to lose? Set the record straight and eliminate those that would enact measures that undermine a White National Socialist Ethnostate.

GreenSlug ago

Id argue the same against property owner. Until we do something about the kike landlord infestation and put an end to renting, all requiring property ownership will do is consolidate the voting power into a very small groups hands, a group thats nearly entirely jewish

no-hurry-no-pause ago

they choose not to marry due to the shitty quality of women

As soon as general democracy is abolished and shitty women AND men cant vote for welfare, the quality of women will improve. Women have only become shitty because they can vote for money instead of having to marry.

isn’t just

Who the fuck cares. Theres more to running a nation than meeting the needs of whiny incel MGTOWs.

Let’s swap married for property owner.

Let's not. Youre only arguing for incel MGTOWs because you are one. You would never argue to let incel MGTOWs vote if you were a married father building a future for the next generation.

McPooperton ago

Yeah, ok. I’ll go marry a slut fresh off the cock carousel so I can vote. What could go wrong. How about you quit being a niggerfaggot for a second and realize that not every single male in an incel MGTOW bitch. Some of us would like nothing more to be married to a quality woman but won’t settle for a used up whore.

realmonster ago

the desired outcome is for women to not marry the state and instead be forced to act like humans. provisions should not be made for a boy chosing to never grow up and mate.

you should not vote specifically because of your chosen lifestyle, but thats not a bad thing, life will still be much better for you.

try to understand that you are a leech

McPooperton ago

And what chosen lifestyle would that be?

no-hurry-no-pause ago

I’ll go marry a slut fresh off the cock carousel

So youre not only a whiny incel, but also a retard?

not every single male in an incel MGTOW bitch

But you are.

Some of us would like nothing more

With a little effort, finding a good woman is possible. Obviously you arent interested to invest even the slightest effort other than whining and bitching.

spreadthosecheeks ago

You're pretty fucking retarded.

Phantom42 ago

Really, you're both right.

Though I will say, as a single White guy who is absolutely fucking miffed about the quality of "women" these days, I'm fine with not being able to vote in a White ethnostate. The logic is sound, those who own property and have children have an eye for the future. Any random fucker like me with less than lofty ideals and goals can be a subversive cunt and fuck it all up. That doesn't fly with me.

McPooperton ago

My bad, internet stranger. You’ve solved all my problems. My life is so much better now.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

It would be better if you stopped whining.

ALIENS2222 ago

Either married or debt free property owner. Both have a major stake in the future.

McPooperton ago

I like it.

JohnGaltApproves ago

Should be both property owner and married. I’d even weigh letting only married property owners with children vote, since that means they’re going to at least have some kind of eye for the future.

Also, active duty infantry service for five years required to run for office.

Usernamenameuser ago

Disagree. Families and relationships are God's business, not the state's.

JohnGaltApproves ago

Those who have no stake in both the present, through property ownership, and the future, through legitimate offspring, have no business in governance.

Usernamenameuser ago

You said married, not offspring.

JohnGaltApproves ago

I am altering the deal. Pray I don’t alter it any further.

Phantom42 ago


Usernamenameuser ago

That statement is why it's not a good idea to only have a select few in charge.

JohnGaltApproves ago

First, that was a joke, an out of context quote from a movie.

As one considers what childless renters, particularly female ones, are willing to give away in terms of freedoms and rights since they have nothing to lose at present, and no direct concern for what happens after they die, the addition of legitimate offspring as a qualifier makes more and more sense.

Finally, having an obvious “select few” in charge, especially in a constitutional monarchy, makes more sense than any democracy, because it concentrates blame upon the rulers rather than diffusing it across the masses.

The worst government excesses of the twentieth century arose from people identifying themselves as part of the state, rather than subject to it. That identity allowed the misguided masses, who stupidly believed themselves in charge, to give cover for the evils enacted by the obscures “select few” who actually made all the decisions.

It’s much easier to revolt against a tyrant when the tyrant doesn’t have a valid claim that he’s performing “the will of the people.”

Usernamenameuser ago

I agree that women are the problem, but white Male land owners are invested in the future, children or not.

When's the last time you were out in the dating pool? Shit is way different today than it used to be. There really arent many good women out there. This is coming from someone who has had many girlfriends over the past 15 years. I havent been single for longer than 6 months at any given time since I became a legal adult.

The problem with the welfare state is that the ruling class want it whether or not the people want it, as it is a means of control.

whatdoesthereeesay ago

Wrong.... look at rome. Married property owners will welcome cheap immigrant labour

JohnGaltApproves ago

Rome’s problems were many, but only a mgtow eunuch would presume it was because of marriage and property ownership.

whatdoesthereeesay ago

Elites getting the only vote will stagnate society as the free folk of the middle and lower class would be replaced by a slave or migrant underclass. As it happened in rome......

JohnGaltApproves ago

Spoken like a true commie. Get the fuck out.

Trasheconomy ago

“My time in the mobile infantry made me the man I am today” shakes prosthetic hand

AdrenochromePizza ago

My time in the real infantry left me with plates and screws.

JohnGaltApproves ago

Heinlein was onto something. If you’re going to have the shit system of any form of democracy, at least keep as many people from voting and holding office as humanly possible.

Trasheconomy ago

And the ones who do have probably paid a pretty high cost

JohnGaltApproves ago

Any man who’s known the true hell of war wouldn’t wish it on his countrymen and would shield his sons if possible. Any soldier who’s dragged a wounded buddy to shelter and heard him whisper in the dark, pleading for the trinity of the dying infantryman: “water, mother, wife,” knows that there’s no good war, and few just ones.

Phantom42 ago

"Few just ones"


BoomerHater1488er ago about this: the husband votes as Head of Household and receives an additional vote per member of his immediate family; his wife and children.

McPooperton ago

That’s a bad idea if niggers get to voat because we’d be fucked right out of the gate.

BoomerHater1488er ago

Yeah, that's why I said "white men" - no nigger will ever vote.

McPooperton ago

Oh, missed that. Ok then I’m sure we can come up with some kind of weighted formula for family size or something. Definitely on the table, in my opinion, because it promotes “MORE WHITE BABIES!!”

Phantom42 ago

NatSoc Germany has many answers for promoting White birthrates...

They kinda had the answers for everything, really.

BjornIronside ago

And that's how your house burned down, Tim.

i_scream_trucks ago

Mfw house insurance claim because dumbass daughter needed the monetisation.

Mfw enough likes to pay for new house.

Mfw proceeds of crime. Arson and destroying legal tender.