Nigger worship has turned journalism? What kind of sexual harassment Psy-Op headlines are magazines exposing UnitedStates children to? Anal Kardashian Mudsharks can only do Nigger Porn? (
submitted 4.9 years ago by 3740693?
23196773? 4.9 years ago
Pauly shore not the hero we deserve but asking the important questions
23193446? 4.9 years ago
You consider Kardashians to be white?
23193583? 4.9 years ago
Hate Christians and other races, $$ 300 million selling ashkennazi filth... Maybe a Jew Arab Armenian?
23196773? ago
Pauly shore not the hero we deserve but asking the important questions
23193446? ago
You consider Kardashians to be white?
23193583? ago
Hate Christians and other races, $$ 300 million selling ashkennazi filth... Maybe a Jew Arab Armenian?