CognitiveDissident5 ago

Toxic Semetism needs to become a widely used term.

Apathy ago

My question is why shop something when you can just (re)create the thing from scratch?

realmonster ago

it was shopped well after the fact. the idea of the hall of costs didnt exist until the 70s. sure they could have recreated it and made a camera to emulate the image quality of the appropriate time period, but it was easier to photoshop it since photoshop came out in 1971

anticlutch ago

jews aren't semites btw.

abwydyn ago

Go on...

Penguinpecker ago

Semites are a group of people who spoke Aramaic. Very few exist today, they've mostly been genocided by kikes.

anticlutch ago

They're pharisees. They're from between India and China. It's why so many chinks and pajeets end up in gypsy camps. Gypsy-life is jewish at it's core. Thievery, begging, fighting, assaulting, rape, murder, gambling etc. etc. etc.

CryptoBard ago

And Jewish fragility is to blame for their complete inability to take the criticism deserved for all the fucked up things they cry about

noob_tube ago

What is: Loxism

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VicariousJambi ago

Proof that its used as a holocaust photo - Wikipedia page for the Sonderkommando photographs -

Proof its on the show - - skip to 9 mins - -

Bipee ago

Do you have the one that was a book cover or something like that? 3 guys hung up on poles wearing pinstriped clothing.

Derpfroot ago

Interesting: (9:10)