Marbles ago

Those "subliminal images" are just artists messing around trying to slip things past the corporate censors for a laugh.

Those dicks are only on the VHS cover of Little Mermaid. They were noticed after they were circulated. IIRC the DVD cover doesn't have them.

Source: one of my parents worked at Disney, I've personally met a lot of the artists there. They aren't creepers. They think hiding dicks and stuff is funny af. All of the artists I've met at Disney are basically large children. They enjoy fucking with the corporate squares.

Pllatinum ago

This. I worked for the Boy Scouts for a few years and had all kinds of fun slipping shit past the directors.

wanderingblade ago

Eh some bullshit in there. The whole millions times more thing is just nonsense. And there are far more overtsatanic symbols in Disney and other children's movies. Direct occult references etc

Reapreap ago

LMFAO you boomers bro..LMFAOOO

DanielR ago

DAMN son

epic shit


Also 1990 level of insight. I mean now, 30 years later, there are child strippers and people talking openly about pedophilia being 'kinda ok'.

If you know the movie 'they live', pretend you live in that world, but at this point you dont need to use the glasses to see shit.

RodentLord ago

If they remade They Live today, the "glasses" would be some street pharmacists offering people "red pills".

DanielR ago


twerkin_for_trayvon ago

Interesting. Can you post the channel source please?

dadudemon1 ago

The only problem with this theory is the fact that humans have been promiscuous and fucking each other like rabid apes in the jungle for LITERALLY thousands of years.

Based on current trends, teens and young adults are having far less sex these days than in the past. Far more virgins exist today than even 10 years ago because people are just having less sex. Disney is more powerful than ever. So if his theory was correct, the degeneracy of the youth would be far worse than even just 20 years ago. But it is not.

  • Premarital sex: down
  • Number of sexual partners: down
  • Number of teen pregnancies: down *STDs: down

How does he explain this with this Disney theory?

Broseefus_ ago

have you read tacitus' germania? barbarian german men who laid with a woman before age 20 were rare. women were encouraged to wait until they reach suitable health and form to marry. whites are a K-selected species; reproducing like mice or niggers isnt feasible in a cold forest. maybe if you lay eyes upon civilization, which destroys human nature and encourages pleasure-seeking degeneracy, you will find the same pattern as our modern world.

dadudemon1 ago

maybe if you lay eyes upon civilization, which destroys human nature and encourages pleasure-seeking degeneracy, you will find the same pattern as our modern world.

It's certainly not Disney that causes teen pregnancy. And it's actually quite retarded to believe Disney causes degeneracy in girls.

It's treating sex and sexuality like a sin or something bad that causes teen pregnancy. Teaching your children that sex:

* is awesome

* makes babies

* should be done in a healthy marriage

* will often happen outside of marriage because it is natural human nature but to PLEASE use protection if you are not married and do not want babies.

And above all, to teach our children through our actions and words that no matter what and we still love them even if they don't make the best choices..

This the best way to prevent children from being born outside of marriage.

RodentLord ago

  • will often happen outside of marriage because it is natural human nature but to PLEASE use protection if you are not married and do not want babies.


Putting on a condom is a sign that you shouldn't be having sex with the person you're about to have sex with.

Female birth control fucks with their hormones.

dadudemon1 ago

Or, of course, the most obvious reason: you don't want her to get pregnant and you don't want her to be on birth control.

RodentLord ago

See previous comment.


Number of sexual partners: down

How could you possibly think this is true

d1a ago

Did you just cite the Washington Post and Time as a valid source? That's some hilarious shit. Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit, shill faggot.

dadudemon1 ago

Did you just skip over the research in those articles that the news is based off of and, instead, focused on the news sources? Wait a minute, no one is really that lazy and anti-intellectual. NO ONE, you hear me.

Feel free to post research that says that zoomers have more sexual partners than Gen-X.

RodentLord ago

When you say "the research in those articles", please specify. Do you mean:

The link to the faceplate page of a website with no details on how to find the specific data the article is citing.

[The amazon book with no reviews](https://www amazon com/gp/product/B07KRTS5WW/ref=as_li_qf_asin_il_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=thewaspos09-20&creative=9325&linkCode=as2&creativeASIN=B07KRTS5WW&linkId=840dbce0bfcb04b4ba0f09ce19f17c78) (link broken because banned domain), written by this delightful lass (I direct linked to that image on her own website, btw). Her other books include The Narcissism Epidemic: Living in the Age of Entitlement and Generation Me: Why Today's Young Americans are More Confident, Assertive, Entitled - and More Miserable Than Ever Before, btw.

Or do you mean the link to another washingtonpost article?

There's the Bureau of Labor Statistics report linked... But that has nothing to do with sex and is in fact in the portion of the article after they presume you've accepted the premise and have moved into explaining why it's true. Because you've already accepted it's true.

Of course, if you meant none of those links, you must have meant this one about millenials living with their parents. Which has nothing to do with sex and everything to do with shaming millenials and jewish D&C tactics.

That really should be enough, since it's every link in the WP article you posted, but I can tell you have Down's Syndrome so I'll just go ahead and peel through all the links in the time article now.

And we're off to a great start! An actual study, with a 33,000 sample size proudly advertised right off the bat. Let's check the confidence level and z-score to see how they reached that sample size. It isn't listed. That's fine, I'll read the rest of the article since they just linked the abstract. Oh, it's $40 for the full text. Never mind then, I guess this link was useless from before we began. If only there were some easier way we could tell ahead of time if we were about to waste our time, like if there were certain publishers who only put out bullshit articles so we wouldn't waste our time clicking on them... Oh well, pipe dream I suppose. Moving on.

What other links does Time have for us to look at? None! Literally none! Just one study that costs $40 to read, but at least we can presume Charlotte Alter (the author) read the study because she references its contents:

it included a complex statistical analysis that projected how many partners millennials would have by the time they hit middle age.

That's right, complex statistical analysis! As made famous by such studies as "we'll be in an ice age by the year 2000, signed 1970", we've really demonstrated how great we are at predicting the future accurately using statistics! 🤦🏻‍♂️

I typed all of that shit to speak in your language. /u/d1a just laughed at you.

Observers, note /u/dadudemon1's reaction and understand precisely why d1a responded as he did.

You can't get through to these people. I did this for fun, not because I expected to provoke insight.

dadudemon1 ago

So you purposefully skipped over the actual result on purpose and wasted your time typing up all that shit to try and gaslight all the readers?

The article literally makes a reference to the research.

I have no idea why you typed all that much just to skip the research, on purpose? You trollin' or are you trying to convince the masses that everyone is having sex they aren't having? Who is your intended audience? Why are you this dishonest? This is not even a secret: the "Great American Sex Drought" is real. And there are more male incels than ever.

I'll make a new posting and point this out.

RodentLord ago

That's a whole lot of words to say nothing. The point has been made.

d1a ago

There were plenty things to say in response to what that dullard claims, but just starting off with the realization that he either :

looked up average number of sexual partners on Google after reading this post and found WP and Time articles, ending his research there and deciding to cite those articles here unironically


actually reads WP and Time and remembered those articles after reading this post

(Likely the former but both outcomes are equally as retarded)

was enough for me to decide that this is not a person worthy of squandering energy over.

I'm inclined to believe that he doesn't even believe the shit he says himself. His attempts at subversion are strikingly transparent. I'm sure you came to the same conclusion. It'll be a treat to see him respond to your comment though. Thanks for digging through that pile of trash, I couldn't have brought myself to do it.

Inquisitioner ago

Spooky voice+Rabbit mask

What a fucking clown. Also he's using some of the weakest evidence of child sexualization. We live in an age where LGBT programs openly advocate teaching elementary schoolers about masturbation, so pointing at some background imagery is fucking nothing as far as exposing harmful agendas goes.

ARsandOutdoors ago

He's referencing Miley Cyrus in his video towards the end. I think this is a couple years old. If you can get some boomers to get past the mask and voice, he does provide some good redpill information for npcs

Albery ago

He was talking about wiring subconscious mind of children under 7.

You probably heard about rule 34, but do you know why is called 34 not 20 or 40? When you find out you will understand all this shit going on with drag queens and libraries and this clip will start to make some sense.

RodentLord ago

My guess for 34 would be because 3+4=7, so it's attaching it to spirituality. All other worlds are real, all of those characters are real, it's attaching the psychic energy of every masturbator to them as idols.

The individual energies of 3 and 4 suggest unity with divine plan and building a (family) structure that will last.

Yeah, that's my bet.

Albery ago

Age (3-4 yo) when kids start noticing that there are (2 genders) boys and girls. At this age is very easy to brainwash and confuse child. rule 34 you can find female cartoon characters with male parts and via versa.

Keep this in mind when next time you see 34 or 43.

Inquisitioner ago

do you know why is called 34 not 20 or 40?

Because that's where it was placed in the "50 rules of the internet" meme post.

RodentLord ago

The rules of the internet meme post was made up long after rule 34. Rule 34 implied the overt question "what are the other rules?", which led someone to capitalize on the meme.

There was at least a two year gap between the two.

Source: I was there.

Gopherurself ago

Jews must die all of them

HelpAcct123 ago

Agree. He doesnt need to point out subliminals. There are overt campaigns he should be pointing out. These would be more effective when trying to open the eyes of ignorant parents.


Are there more youtube videos of this rabbit in his spaghetti-o closet?

holaymackal ago

Story time.

I spent a day watching my nephew who was around 5 or 6 at the time. His normal routine was to watch the Disney channel before lunch, so I sat and watched with him. It was mostly branded cartoons early and then more of the sitcoms-with-tweens later on.

The one thing that struck me was this: Disney didn't have typical commercials like every other TV network. Every single commercial was something to do with Disney - promoting one of their shows or toys, an ad for a Disney world vacation package, some 'trivia' about a classic disney cartoon, etc. It was almost like nothing in the world outside of this company existsed, and if you watched nothing but this tv station then you would have no idea what was happening in the world.

It was scary.

Planetoftheclown ago

Disney has created their own subculture of consumerism. It's disturbing when I see people who have tied their identity to Disney. Everything in their household is Disney related. Their toys, their apparel, their nik-naks, their vacations are Disney. They wear it like a badge of honor. All I see is a brainwashed individual throwing their disposable income into the trashcan of Disney.

maaaxheadroom ago

I don’t know. I took my kids to Disneyland in 2013. We had a really good time. All the merch is gone now except for a fridge magnet. It was memorable. Kids still talk about it.

Planetoftheclown ago

I'm not saying don't go enjoy Disney. The people I'm talking about make Disney the single largest part of their identity.

NotHereForPizza ago

Disney primes beta alters in children of the public.

Unfortunately for morans that like to shut out the truth, much of Disney's material is used to further program children on a more personal level, often incorporating Mickey Mouse as a trigger for certain alters in children that are used specifically.

This goes much deeper than any of you could imagine.

Also, Epstein sure loved when Disney's cruise liner would make its typical stop at Little St. James Island, just like it used to do EVERY single cruise.

AlexanderMorose13 ago

Originally, Disney was able to get away with the evidence of subliminal programming in their movies by blaming small "independent" moments of subliminal sex motivation embedded in their movies and pictures on graphic artists and animators who were disgruntled at their job requirements. Now, it's been revealed that all of this was just one element in a larger plan to control sexual motivations of a huge population of the world.

It doesn't just stop there. Characters whenever the camera pans away from them sometimes blurt out obscenities or have them covered up by other characters voicing similar words. This was originally done as a method to entertain parents, but instead, it's becomes something that they've toned down more towards children's levels recently. Zootopia, Finding Nemo, Aladdin, and quite a few recent Disney movies are very guilty of this.

NotHereForPizza ago

Just what is under Florida, anyway?...

What if Disney is just a cult?

Why the fixation on mouses, anyway?

I sure would love to just start screaming about this one, for the record...

glassuser ago

Just what is under Florida, anyway?...


NotHereForPizza ago

Wouldn't that be nice?...

AlexanderMorose13 ago

You did great work for the Pizzagate search. I don't know if anyone said "thank you," but I truly mean it. Thanks.


Was Duncan woke about this? His instagram had a few winks

NotHereForPizza ago

You shouldn't thank me.

I think I often do more harm than good, but I think that's why I still try to come to places like this to help anyone I can.

So, thank you.

AlexanderMorose13 ago

You undersell your importance. As do I. But you, even in the imperfection of the results or what they yield, still TRY. At the end of the day, pass or fail, that still matters more than anything. You may not want to be thanked, and it may not be the exact definition of what you want to hear, but those who try one day succeed 100% more than others. Love and God always wins. Just keep up the fight. That's all I want for both of us.

NotHereForPizza ago

The bane of doubt is certainty.

Certainty is the cure and I'm helping to inoculate as many as I can.

Fear is the mind-killer.

I don't want to be thanked because I'm doing this for me as much as I am for anyone else. That's just it though... there's only one of us here.

AlexanderMorose13 ago

You are not alone. Remember that. Fear is starting to die. All over the planet. Like a fire that is being extinguished by everyone who learns the truth. The global awakening is coming. Slow, but coming.

NotHereForPizza ago

Not that slowly.


Fancy of you to use the correct term. You read the greenbaum speech?

anthonylancer ago

sorry I'm retarded but that password doesn't work

NotHereForPizza ago

Well this seems like something I'd like to read, but I don't have that much time right now. Could you give me a synopsis here or pm me one or something?

I'd like to better understand what you're trying to discuss with me.


Its a lecture of a hypnotherapists practical experience of the "Mk-ultra" "programming interface", various levels, sub programs etc, what "apps are installed in the human brain-computer" to really dumb it down :D (with love!)

NotHereForPizza ago

The programs heightened in the seventies.

They've refined methods since then that disrupt our ability to thrust the pendulum back toward [them]. They seem to have lost focus following this circumstance.

Thanks for sharing.


You seem to have a very high powerlevel so I'll teleport you to the final boss of mindcontrol, "HAARP" (its not weather modification, thats just a cover-story.

Its basically hyper-high-tech behavior wide area modification.

I'll share more if you want or can accept the idea :}

NotHereForPizza ago



I've "excepted" things that would make most people's brain melt.

undertheshills ago

That stupid mickey mouse clubhouse song hot dog hot dog hot diggity dog on loop is exactly that

NotHereForPizza ago

Howdy Doody...


No way the milions of people who have been on Disney cruises would talk about being docked at Epsteins island.

NotHereForPizza ago

You'd think that.


I'm saying your claims are unbelievable and probably untrue

NotHereForPizza ago

The truth tends to be literally what they show us in "fiction".

Your doubt's not an option.


You just made it up. Disney cruises do not go to Epsteins island


Excursions are not ports of call. They take motor boats not the whole cruise liner

BB-3 ago

No one claimed they did. An excursion is still part of the cruise.

NotHereForPizza ago

I thought so...

NotHereForPizza ago

Maybe not anymore.

Are you just trying to get me to post the screenshot or something? It can't be that'd hard to find, man.

Niceballsnigga ago

That is fucking stupid. Humans don't need to be programmed for sex. These are underpaid overworked artists who are slipping in silly shit for a laugh.

Proof: Disney has not existed that long and since humans have existed there has been every kind of sex abuse imaginable.

Fucking sheep think all this shit is new.

kidcip16 ago

You missed the point. It's not about sex. It's about making children(to adulthood) associate sex with their childhood happiness, and in a lot of cases, their childhood happiness to Disney itself.

Adults without God live in a state of existential misery every waking moment. There is a big hole in their life that they are trying to fill. Children do not have this same hole. That's why it seems so blissful. In essence, Disney programs you so that you associate sex with your blissful happiness/fulfillment, so that companies can better use sex to sell products. These other companies aren't even related to Disney but still benefit because Disney has programmed consumers for them that they can tap into. All part of the same (beast) system.

Why do you think soyboys love Nintendo Switch so much? Because they associate Nintendo with their childhood when they didn't have to live the reality of being a submissive cuck to a terrible wife.

SearchVoatBot ago

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RodentLord ago

Where can I watch more of the bunnyman?

RodentLord ago

That is such a good username for that guy. In lak'ech ala k'in, loverboy.

NotHereForPizza ago

Co-come on, guys! Q-quit talking about this!

Boy, you sure would love to change the subject, wouldn't you?

Niceballsnigga ago

Id rather discuss real shit than some guy wearing a god damn bunny mask acting like Disney invented child abuse you stupid faggot

degenerate7 ago

What's the harm in discussing this? Is talking about Epstein for the umpteenth time going to change anything? This is something happening on a grand scale and worth investigating.

Niceballsnigga ago

You dont think Disney and child abuse hasn't been discussed before?

RodentLord ago

I've been on voat for (check account history) years and this is the first time I've seen bunny man talking. I like him. Pound sand, one month.

Niceballsnigga ago

Are you flexing about how long you been at voat? Is that what qualifies your opinion?

Not one of you refuted what I said. Sheep. Bunch of fucking sheep takin advice from a fuckin furry.

RodentLord ago

Obviously I'm flexing on how long I've been at voat. Us peeps who have been here for ages recognize each other, it's our secret hangout man, we know who's been coming for years.

That's whY i love my account, the people who have been here for ages know who I am while there's constantly newbs being like "who the fuck this ratogre talkin' at me"

you gotta renew your vibe license boi

lurk moar

Niceballsnigga ago

You know nothingz joe schmoe

RodentLord ago

My name is joe

And I'm just here havin' a go

Look at me -- woah!

Well what do you know

Turns out I may be a schmoe

But I still got some flow.

Niceballsnigga ago

Your mom's a hoe

RodentLord ago

i kno