RustyEquipment ago

Then why aren’t they standing up to their gov? Oh. Because they are complicit.

dickbutt ago

i saw that blue wig. it's fucking clown world over there too?

Conejo_loco ago

Most PERSIANS are great people... they are Zoroastrians, which is a religion quite compatible with Christianity. MAKE PERSIA PERSIA AGAIN!

Sosacms ago

Prior to Islam a lot of the middle East didn't look much different from Western cities.

Memediana_Jones ago

Iran has a larger christian population than isreal.

glenny ago

The two countries in the middle east where Christians can live without severe persecution are Syria and Iran. It's just a cohencidence that Israel has been try to attack and overthrow those countries.

NarrativeControl ago

Reminder that Persian is an Indo-European language.

HillBoulder ago

I've always considered Iranians the pearls of the middle east.

DanielR ago

actually most iranians arent allahu akbar

thats why jews want em dead

gazillions ago

Oh for fuck's sake.

Persians fled Iran starting 1979. Iran is an islamic shithole because it's full of fucking muslims. Sand niggers and too many of them are stupid enough to think they can take over some place on the internet like voat and get the people on it to get on thier knees and suck iranian dick through their keyboard.

Iran and Israel are the same fucking thing. If you want israel go and get it. Stop begging the US people to fight on your side. The citizens are up to their eyeballs fighting israel themselves.

wanderingblade ago

Their governemnt was installed by the CIA. Iran is a based people

DanielR ago

"Stop begging the US people to fight on your side"

we are asking you to STOP fighting for the jews

but you cucks dont seem to want that

maybe jew cok tastes great or something

gazillions ago

Way to make friends muslim dumbass. I hope you all get bombed into nothingness. You're just as phoney and graceless as the jews.

DanielR ago

Im from Europe you absolute jew loving cuck

I guess you Amerimutts need to be nuked into oblivion along side the kikes

So that we Europeans can recolonize Murica into a white state again

gazillions ago

Yeah you're really funny. Oh wait no, you're just fucking sadly stupid.

DanielR ago

Amrimutts cant even meme lul

gazillions ago

You Iranians are not White. How do you think that happened?

DanielR ago

Im European, you retarded boomer

You Amerimutts aynt white either

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Iranian women are fucking hot. And Iranians aren't really shitty low IQ savages like sunni arab muslims

jack-in-the-crack ago

True Iranians are Arian. They were on the good guy’s side in WW2

worldofmadness ago

I'm obviously against war with Iran or any other war for the jewish supremacists cunts, but let's not try to spread bullshit like modern day Persians are 'Aryans', just because Iran means 'land of the Aryans' and they once were Aryans, however today they are not Aryans.

Iran has been occupied by many different groups of people, many of which were non-Aryan. The practice of slavery in Persia started before Islam was even founded during the Sassanid Era. During the Sassanid era. all slaves that were captured were foreigners who were non-Zoroastrians and only men were allowed to own slaves so you can bet your ass there was ton of race-mixing going on. During the sultanates, African slaves from East Africa ended up in Persia too by Arab slave traders and African women were usually used as sex slaves. The import of African slaves into Persia increased during the 18th century and the practice of slavery was allowed to persist in Iran until 1929, so the presence of foreigners, including niggers in Iran goes way back and continued on for many centuries.

It is estimated that from 750 to the 20th century, around 12,000,000 enslaved Africans were traded to the Middle East, North Africa and India (you can thank Islam and jews for that one). So Persians blood today are heavily mixed and they are only a shadow of what they once were..

Gopherurself ago

Correct. They are Persia not sand niggerville

Chempergrill ago

Who let those women out of the kitchen?

Anon765 ago

I have very severe doubts this is in Iran.

Crensch ago

Some are faggots, since the women on the left don't seem to need to touch the one in front at the hips, but the men do?

Don-Keyhote ago

So that's why you Trust The Plan, you want Zognald to make all that Iranian man-ass available to you like Botswana. BOOM!!

spaceman84 ago

Get your eyes checked nigger. #2 femoid only takes her hand away to fix her hair.

Crensch ago

Still gay.

ImReallyHighBut ago

No macarena?