ketoll ago

What's with all these people that pull out their phones, start recording, and call the cops every time they have a minor problem with anyone in life? The cops aint your fucking parents and the internet isn't going to come to your aid because you recorded video. Stop wasting public resources and grow up you fucking man child!!!

fightknightHERO ago

Dumb Bongs think (((cops))) are there to serve them

no you dumb faggot, cops serve the invaders and the (((usurpers))) only

Doglegwarrior ago

he shouldnt be drunk and doing that cops can arrest and detain you for just thinking you are drunk... he was playing a risky game.

Veridic ago

He's talking about a special restaurant called ed debevic's, a kind of 50's diner. They hire drama majors as their wait staff who act intentionally bad and rude. It actually is a fun time. If you ever get the chance you should go.

UrCoolerOlderBrother ago

Chad Vs The Nigger Taco stand

UrCoolerOlderBrother ago

"not to the blacks. i don't like them"... this dude was great

Recyclops14 ago

Arrest him for what? Saying the N word? Or they gonna trump up some charges? He should let them arrest him and make a civil or first amendment case over it.

Malayar ago

the N word

you mean nigger?

Phoneaccountyes ago

So the staff is rude as a gimmick.. the customer was rude back... And the cops were called. What a waste of resources. The female vest needs to learn the law again. Her feefees are getting in the way.

o0shad0o ago

If you do not apologize I will take you to jail

Do it. DO IT. That's a huge civil rights lawsuit right there.

WD_Pelley ago

that dumb ass woman cop willing to jail a man for mean words

Women should not be cops, politicians, or soldiers.

DoOver ago

Or judges, or lawyers, or governors, or mayors.

Spez_Pizza_Service ago

where is the rest of the video? the whole thing is even more hilarious

blueblur ago

Best video of the year!

Yuke ago

I can't quite make it out for sure but, did they really send Officer "Cooney" to deal with this? Haha, I hope so.

RM-Goetbbels ago

If I were a cop I'd be real real careful about operating outside of the law because eventually you're going to run into someone who is willing to do so themselves and you will become the target.

That badge doesn't stop someone from beating you to a bloody pulp because you've wrongfully imprisoned them.

TopTierCIAShill ago

It will endanger your family too because once you're in public service a lot of your personal information is published.

RodentLord ago

Cops have families too, and it takes moments like Ferguson for them to realize how vulnerable that makes them in truth.

Martial law causes no fear in me.

dadudemon1 ago

I laughed so damn hard. Holy shit, this guy. "Can I talk to a man? You're just a woman. You're subordinate to me."


Is he trolling?

Also, lady cop was beautiful. But you cannot jail someone for saying racial slurs - looks don't matter.

ravensedgesom ago

usually they are bull dykes on a major power trip trying to prove to themselves that they somehow superior to men.

blueblur ago

Right? My favorite part, he tells her “you’re white I’m on your side!”

MrNword ago

No wonder niggers run that garbage fire that is Chicago

Goys-R-Us ago

What exactly would she take him to jail for? What crime did he commit? He should have gone for it and sued that bitch.

Maybe he did, vid stops too soon to know.

ForgottenMemes ago

Most states have a law similar to this one which allows a cop to arrest you for failing to comply with any "reasonable" orders.

Goys-R-Us ago

Not even close. Read what you posted a few more times. It is only a lawful order that must be followed. The courts provide qualified immunity to officers if they arrest you on what an officer could reasonably consider to be a valid lawful order. If it is later proven in a court of law that the order was not reasonable, the officer is stripped of qualified immunity.

Granted it doesn't happen very often but that's mostly because of the old boy network in the court system and the reluctance of lawyers to take on cases where the outcome is likely to be favorable toward the police. Arresting someone for not apologizing is feelings enforcement, not law enforcement.

ForgottenMemes ago

I'm not sure how this is "not even close" sounds like we're saying exactly the same thing. I said reasonable because that's pretty much the only time they'll consider an order to be unlawful. Like if they demand a BJ or something.

Goys-R-Us ago

It is simply not reasonable for a cop to demand a citizen apologize for free speech under threat of arrest.

Put another way, would a court think it a reasonable assumption on the part of the cop to believe the there is a law that demands he apologize, under threat of arrest, for using his Constitutionally protected first amendment right?

It isn't reasonable except to liars and imbeciles. She is enforcing her feelings, not the law. I thought that was obvious.

ForgottenMemes ago

A good jewish lawyer would argue that he was disturbing the peace by calling the monkey a monkey instead of just explaining what happened and that the cops were trying to deescalate the situation which is a reasonable command.

Goys-R-Us ago

I already said the probability that you could strip this cunt of qualified immunity was low. That's not the point. A good jew lawyer would be arguing to a good jew judge in the jewdicial system and this got would get fucked. All of that aside, from a logical, lawful point of view, this cunt was way out of line.

Put another way, were I on a jury, the verdict would be a resounding NOT GUILTY!

GreenSlug ago

He made her panties wet without her permission, probably a hate crime since hes white

Baichu ago

Those are cops?! Wow, I'd be a little worried in Chicago with those "law enforcement officials".

CanIPlay2 ago

Last lines, female cop: "If you do not apologize, I will take you to jail."

Video ends.

Translation: You are a white male. Your not a protected class of peoples. You have less rights than niggers. You have less rights than women. Your opinions are not relevant. Your speech is not protected. "I will take you to jail."

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ravensedgesom ago

i would make her take me to jail fuck her.

CrashCurtis ago

Hes a tard, but wtf is with the chick at the end "if you dont apologize I'm gonna take you to jail"

That's bullshit

Amaka ago

the worst part is that he probably did apologize

CryptoBard ago

The best part came after though

"For how long?" I about died

HillBoulder ago

Chad turned into Nancy all of a suddenhahahHah

Titanbikes4ever ago

That's so stupid. That's no Chad, it's a greasy fat fuck who threw a fit when he couldn't get his fat snacks

Krotik ago

He asked if joint is still open. Nigger told that they don't serve "White crackas" dude called them niggers, monkeys etc...

They told that he is captured on surveillance camera and cops are on the way.

What would you do? Beg for forgiveness? Runaway?

Titanbikes4ever ago

LMAO, I wouldn't get food at a nigger-run joint. If someone attacked me I would shoot them with my gun. You must be a greasy fat too.

DeadFox ago

I wish I had the choice of picking white food

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Titanbikes4ever ago

Oh. My. God. Are you really going to beg us to feel sorry for you? I'm going to be your dad for a second and tell you to do ANYTHING to get the hell out of there now. Don't have excuses. I know it's possible because I've done it.

And FYI, if YOU make he food yourself, then it's WHITE food, dumbass

No6 ago

Oh. My. God.

Becky, look at her butt. She looks like one of those rap guys' girlfriends.

Titanbikes4ever ago

Lol, 2 month old shill account. Jews do love nigger music

Empire_of_the_mind ago

he's a retard

SaneHPOPiSwear ago

Agreed, but it's not illegal to be a rude dumbass


tfw when some thugs try to beat on you so you call the cops and they send a 120lb woman to chastise you for saying impolite words

gazillions ago

This is the most egregious part and solid proof that she can't understand what her fucking job is.

I want to know if he went to jail for offending her prejudiced brain washing.

Why were the police constantly saying the place is famous and he can't go there and other the because they're famous? WTF was that about? That proved those male officers don;t understand their job much better than the females.

RodentLord ago

I got picked up by the cops one day (I pretty much just rolled with it cuz I had nothing to do anyway and knew I'd done nothing wrong lmao) and while I was in the back of the car I asked the cop "so how well do cops actually have to know the law?" and he said "not much".

Straight from the horse's mouth.

Goys-R-Us ago

I think it's a hot dog stand that's known for being verbally abusive towards its customers. They call white guys cracker, bitch, whatever and everybody is supposed to laugh about being abused while being served. This guy is acting like he has no idea that that is the "hook".

Maybe he didn't and maybe he did and just decided to fuck with them, IDK.

4n0n3m0u5e ago

I had to try and find out more about this place. I guess it's called The Weiner Circle or something like that. Turns out Conan did a sketch there a few years back and holeee fuck this could have been an A Wyatt Mann comic scene.

gazillions ago

He's right to do the very same thing to them and have the police respond and actually threaten to arrest him for doing what they're encouraged to be because they're cElEeBRITiES.

Goys-R-Us ago

Agreed. He certainly didn't do anything to be arrested for. If she had arrested him for not apologizing, I'd be willing to be there would be a lawsuit involved. Stupid bitch.

GreenSlug ago

The whole thing is they called him "cracker" or some shit and thats fine, but when replied something like "fuck you nigger" THEN all the niggers decided to try and attack him and called the cops. Its fine if they do it as a place a business (pretty much the only time it actually isnt ok) and its not ok that he responded in kind as a private citizen not at his place of work dealing with customers (when it is absolutely 1st amendment protected)

HillBoulder ago

The hard R must have been what set them off

GreenSlug ago

Niggers can never reap what they sow, the whole concept is beyond them.

Gopherurself ago

I would have said freedom of speech I'm leaving. Right now. This is over.

anticlutch ago

2 female officers


Just be quiet okay. Just stop talking.

What is prior restraint and profoundly illegal?

YoHomie ago

Chad got a little excited a few times, but I appreciate his efforts.

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Krotik ago

Well cops warned dude that they have body camera and are recording him...