Nosferatjew ago

Looks like an animal control truck.

Atkho ago

I'm talking about their avatars.

Doglegwarrior ago

no one has a fucking clue who is what or isnt from 2000 fucking years ago. with cameras and modern technolgy people still dont know what happend on 9/11 and you fucking christ cuck morons want to act like the fairy tales from the jew book are written in stone? just fuck off with conjecture of what a group of people from 2k years ago is or is not now.

RodentLord ago

They're written on parchment, which lasts for thousands of years. May as well be written in stone tbh.

Or did you not think that idiom through?

Doglegwarrior ago

are you saying their are original letters from jesus time some where? or the 10 commandments? what the fuck are you claiming

RodentLord ago

Yeah, a lot of the books of the bible are historical documents. They generally aren't displayed cuz they're like... Ancient as fuck, but they're still preserved because they were written on traditional parchment made from the hides of animals (goats typically I believe). Did you not know this?

Doglegwarrior ago

no infact ive heard out side of stone their is basicaly zero first hand written information before about 1000 years ago... i could be off on the date but ive heard something along these lines... basicaly there is no way their are any true original letters of the bible... show me a link saying there are and i will look into it.

steven_feelsperg ago

Calm down and stop projecting. History is well known to the classically trained and corroborated with archaeological evidence. The bottom line is jews are the same devils they've always been, even as Edomites appropriating the name from Judea, which was built by the tribe of Judah, as the secular Greek geographer Strabo of Cappanocia attested in his book "Geographies". If you haven't read these related works, jewish whitewash of history can seem hopeless, but it is not. Just take the time to learn.

Doglegwarrior ago

your clueless.. whats your degree in? mine is history. does this make me some expert and i know for sure? no but your claims are ao fucking fantastical its hard to comprehend... we have no fucking clue what was going on 2000 years ago with any real accuracy we have guesses and a bunch of speculation.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

This is a foreign army operating on our soil, Patriots.

BoomerHater1488er ago

They're not satanic because Satan doesn't exist. They're just regular old-fashioned evil. You'll be a lot happier when you break your mind free of that sandnigger-centric worldview of yours.

Dozeneggs ago

Kinda like how the muds have their cops. It's almost like they're not part of our country.

Smallest_Skil ago

Do those fuckers and their moslem cousins actually bother people during their 'patrols'. They cant have any more power then a mental patient jerkin on a street corner do they? I mean if they were harassing you could you smash a bottle over their head or shoot them if they touch you?

Doglegwarrior ago

man id love to send some real rednecks to new york have them talk shit about mooohamed right in front of the muslim fucktard patrols and goad them intona fight then beat the living shit out of them then call the cops on them for assualting them. make sure to have a bunch of normal looking witnesses who will make the rednecks out to be saints

Windmill4theLand ago

Isn't that he same as impersonating an officer?

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0fsgivin ago

It's legal because they are trained and certified officers. What's probably illegal is if they have no niggers or womn on there little Jew police force.

TheTrigger ago


ke4ke ago

Interesting deception for all these many years. They say they are Jews and people assume they are Israelites. They're behavior goes right along with Revelation 2:9, "Which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."

SanFranTrailerPark ago

No actually they don't just assume they're Israelites

BoomerHater1488er ago

Israelites. Jews. Same fucking thing. You can call them Pretty Pink Unicorns if you'd like. We're all talking about the same people. Real Jews or pretend Jews - both belong in death camps.

ke4ke ago

There is a link I hadn't seen before. Thanks. Here is another link.

BoomerHater1488er ago

I don't believe in your sandnigger fairy tales.

ke4ke ago

Where do you get that proof? You should do some research. 9% of today's Jews are from Esau/Edom. They were the ones, by the way, who were after Christ. 90% of today's Jews are from one or a couple grandsons of Japheth depending on which history you read. Israelites are children of Jacob. More to the point, scripture has over one-hundred prophecies about Israel that the Jews have never fulfilled, not one single one. Find the physical people who have taken the light of the gospel to the world while forming many nations, a company of nations and a multitude of nations and you have found true Israel.

BoomerHater1488er ago

I don't give a shit about them, or some long dead Rabbi. They're not ethnically European and that is the reason I want them deleted from our societies. Unlike simple beasts like niggers, who could be exilee and remain harmless, Jews, or whatever you'd like to call them, have proven themselves to be a threat that requires a final solution.

ke4ke ago

Too much hate to study. "They were peopled by descendants of the Hebrew Race." Ptolemy on the Western Isles of Britain and Ireland.


"...wherefore there are but two tribes in Asia and Europe subject to the Romans, while the Ten Tribes are beyond the Euphrates [in Europe] till now, and are an immense multitude, and not to be estimated by numbers." Flavius Josephus, historian, 95 AD.

Israelites = Europeans

Atkho ago

Because you're busy consooming their cartoons and space shit.

70times7 ago

"Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof."

Chosen to swim in the lake of fire.