Doglegwarrior ago

People cant actualy believe this shit?

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

This nigger thinks we care enough to bother thinking of them at all, let alone spend a holiday weekend hunting them.

hello_reddit ago

Yep, the media doesn’t talk about black on black crime so whites in general don’t give it much thought. Actually black on black crime, if it could be attributed to anyone but themselves, would be caused by jews. The problem is that nogs don’t know about jews so they just blame whitey for what jews have done to them

recon_johnny ago

Who is this jig? "White Supremacists"....ain't nobody buying that shit.

MurkSquatch ago

K flex my nigga. Wash yo ass.

Tariq Nasheed is a failed entertainer who has failed in every avenue he has attempted. If you don't mind pitching him a little money, you can buy his DVD set called "hidden colors" where him and some nigger "scholars" tell you about how all ancient people were actually black, from the Egyptians to the native Americans to the Japanese and even the Vikings! Its fucking hilarious to watch their inferior brains attempt to justify their lowly existence.

flaxom ago

Same whiteys who take the time to drive into black neighborhoods every night and litter all those big bite boxes, blunt wraps, beer bottles, newport packs, hot fries bags, and orange soda 2 liters, chicken bones, plastic niggerette butts, infant diapers, and chewed-on styrofoam cups.

475677 ago

In meinkraft you could easily get away with shooting up a ghetto. Literally no one gives a shit about black on black violence and they only give a shit about white on black violence when it's done on camera. That means if you were to enter a ghetto with the element of surprise on your side and spray a clip into a horde of porch monkeys before they could get their sail phones out you could simply drive away and never get caught.

Now obviously I'd never advocate for becoming a legendary serial killer of niggers but if one were so inclined to play meinkraft every week you could rack up a high score in no time at all.

hello_reddit ago


CheeseboogerHimself ago

This is of the same ridiculousness that "we built da pyramids and sheeeit" is.

i_scream_trucks ago

So Labour day weekend is the only time the niggers aren't shooting shit up right?

montol ago

Labor weekend always was most destructive weekend in Chicago

AR47 ago

Na Halloween is bad too.

i_scream_trucks ago

i was referring more to the implication that on labour day, its always white people that do the killing but its blamed on black culture. I think i saw someone post some real stats today about total shootings in Chicago for the last couple of months, and did i read something like 60 some murders in one week? month? cant remember.

but if this dude is saying on labour day weekends its actually white people doing it all, then is this person saying its blacks every other time of the year when it looks like its always fucking high?

DanielR ago

Niggers are delusional man

Thats why we gotta kill every last one of them

You cannot reeducate them or reason with them

Eualos ago

Just send them back tell them to build wakanda

DanielR ago

back to Hell bro, we need the resources in Africa for ourselves, plus the space for the new white baby boom

Eualos ago

We have plenty of resources if we stop having a welfare state don't believe the hype, but I guess we could use the resources until we start harvesting the asteroid belt and become a multisolar species

DanielR ago

Yeah space age is coming after niggers and kikes go extinct

But no, Europe is almost dry, we exploited the Earth too much and took all the resources, its why people started to colonize to begin with.

And once our population explodes, we will need to expand again

Crackrocknigga ago

Funny you say that, because @magnusveritas is a front page twitter spammer with fake upvoats.

0cra_tr0per ago

How many nukes does Israel have?

Crackrocknigga ago

Check my sub history

0cra_tr0per ago

That's not an answer.

Crackrocknigga ago

Don't be lazy, find it and read it. I go very much in depth. Submit a report on what you've learned and i'll grade it

0cra_tr0per ago

Just fucking give me a number. I'm not combing through your post/comment history.

Crackrocknigga ago


0cra_tr0per ago

Okay, a reasonable guess. Thank you for not being a glownigger.

Crackrocknigga ago

Shut the fuck up and read my post on it, you're ignorant

montol ago

We're very small sub but we set trends. When we moved to VOAT no one was posting tweets except very old screenshots.

Now lazy people are posting direct links.

For them is all about scoring points here and they aren't malicious users.

At the end of the day someone must post something to keep Front page busy.

We post for our own community and I don't give a fuck about default subs or default sub posters and their race for upvote points.

Crackrocknigga ago

The problem is, there are security flaws in twitter that gather IPs. It's a very common doxxing method. I've yelled this till my lungs go out yet they continue. For what reason? It can't be good if they don't care about security flaws.

DanielR ago

Why post this comment shlomo ?

You were doing such a great job being a (((fellow white boi)))

anticlutch ago

How is this related?

Why did (((you))) post this?

Crackrocknigga ago

Haha, I thought you blocked me schlomo after i had suspicions about your account being reactivated.