RussKurtell ago

Thank Jesus for Texas.

puggy ago

Don't mess with Texas

thelma ago

@theoldones @truthdefender are not happy with this post - no pics of girl !

Really, why is that guy even in court ?

Wearing a hat ? I have to question the validity of the actual photo.

Larry_C ago

Is not him. No one pressed chargers. Cops told that they have kids on their own and will not arrest guy for protecting his own family. Prosecutor told that he don't like to be involved in this shit and told that rapist family can press charges. Family members told that both families already suffering and they want to put end to this as soon as possible.

HungryCrow ago

Hats in Texas are basically like neck ties.

thelma ago

I looked through many vids of court proceedings in TX.

I did not find any with people with hats on in a courtroom.

Rotteuxx ago

is it true ?

Sourceless post...

thelma ago

The story behind it maybe true, as it might be that such a defense is an affirmative defense in that state (I dunno but maybe).

But the pic might not be of the actual defendant. And in a court. Wearing a hat in court usually gets the court people all up in arms .. not showing respect to your masta.

ReadPastHeadlines ago

raped 5 year olds is not the news I want to hear about

ChickenExterminator ago

I don't want to hear news about raped children, to prevent this pedophiles should be executed.

DasReich ago

Literally executed with two fists.

SparklingWiggle ago

That's what he did.

Nosense ago

I feel for their family. What a terrible ordeal to go thru. I hope the kid is young enough for the memory to fade quickly.

Anon331717 ago

What a great story!!!!

GuyIDisagreeWith ago

There is an advantage in being charged for something like this, the U.S. Constitution forbids Double Jeopardy. If he was found Not Guilty he could never be charged again. As it is there is a potential to be charged in the future by an activist prosecutor or one who wants to pad out his conviction rate.

RevDrStrangelove ago

That's how it's done. Western Europe are you paying attention?

LordSporkington ago

Have we gotten so blackpilled that good news involves the rape of a child?

Sometimesineedhelp ago

Yes :(

RedditIsForGays ago

The good lord has shone his light on this saint. Blessed is he.

nullifyNWO ago

By doing the right thing, this man - saved other children from being attacked later - saved the tax-payer the jail fee - gave a deterring signal to other child molesters. ...the only sane solution which every parent knows is right.

Battlefat ago

Precedent is key — when a monster has to think twice, maybe the man will prevail, but if not...kill the monster

RedditIsForGays ago

Without question. The degenerates and scum of the earth must be purged that we may start again and build the world in his image. Blessed is the lord, my rock. He who trains my hands for battle, and my fingers for war.

Narow_Foe_Minsk ago

Of course they don't mention the dead pedophile was a mestizo spic.

Iornukrum ago

And that they'll be in the majority in Texas in a decade or so.

AnthraxAlex ago

In less than 5 years the white population of texas will be a minority in the state.

Est Pop of Texas: 28,000,000 Current White pop texas 60%: 16,800,000 Brown pop 40%:11,200,000 16,800,000 - 11,200,000 = 5,600,000

5,600,000 / 60 months = 93,333.33 immigrants a month to vertake the white population. The low balled estimates range to about 300k immigrants a month and more for the southern boarder of the US a large portion of these end up in Texas or California. It would not surprise me if the true rates are over a million immigrants a month. At any rate Texas will be entirely demographically shifted in less than 5 years based on immigration alone not even including all the babies they are having.

iyskreem ago

Damn, Texas, you scary

generic_voat_name ago

What's scary about it? The father did the whole world a favor.

awwisnotafarmpromise ago

In Texas, not only can you shoot a libscum for robbing your house, you can shoot them for robbing your neighbors house. In the back even.

It's a pretty awesome state in many ways.