dididothat ago

Who isn't a traitor?

chupacabrapr ago

Reddit sucks ass (need the upvotes too)

Redditfulloffaggots ago

This site sucks ass

osagecountyguns ago

Thanks for posting this! Appreciate a few upvotes so we can post!

twentymore ago

Reddit survivor here, still recovering but think I'm ready to get back in the game. What do I need 10 Upvotes? Handouts please!

Pissed_Off_Vet ago

Reddit is folding like a wet noodle to the cucked Left bullshit.

tbag12 ago

Commenting so I can get upboats, so I can post here, so I can fight back against the libcucks that are le reddit.

Snowflake_STOMPER ago

Hello everyone! Reddit refugee here! Gun Lover and hater of Communist Snowflake babies. Appreciate the upvotes!

colo-pr ago

by the way, just in case you guys dont know, you can go to your Reddit account, under preferences you can deactivate/delete your account, they have a blank for you to put your reason, I told them "damn anti-gun bastards, good bye..."

ApexGunParts ago

Both as dealer and as a user, very happy to see gundeals 2.0!

Primary_Arms_Mike ago

Primary Arms is here. Appreciate all the upvotes on my "farewell" post on reddit. You guys freakin' rock.

Erling2017 ago

Link to fuck you post? I wanna read that!

Duskan ago

Thanks, it was sad to lose that community. I'm glad I remembered this place existed, I remember seeing Voat after the censorship on Reddit that came after the Orlando shooting. I hope this place is as uncucked as it's community claims, I'm ready for a new site.

Bucmiester ago

So where are the deals at?

PickledInk2 ago

I was really starting to settle in at reddit, but I can't stand empowered assholes making random rules and enforcing them in bias. Nope. That chaps my ass like hemp panties.

Fuck Reddit admins. I'm out.

I love freedom of speech and all that. Sue me.

ihatemusic ago

Going to give this a shot - miss /r/gundeals so much

The_greatest ago

Hey fuckers!

GreenAnarchy ago

I wish people from r/Anarchy would, instead of trolling, try to engage with white conservatives.

Really, any white conservative who doesn't worship authority and enjoy obedience would absolutely love Anarchism. This isn't to say that those that worship authority and enjoy obedience are bad people, but just that they're not likely to ever convert to an ideology that promotes individualism and purely voluntarily cooperation. I find that most white conservatives don't fit that mold, and are just scared of Anarchism because they think "Capitalism = market economy," and they like a market economy. Helping them to realize Capitalism and Socialism are systems of the RELATION TO OWNERSHIP, and not political systems is important. When they realize that Socialism would be if their company sold shares of the company ONLY to the employees (this would be a type of cooperative), but everything else could literally be the same, light bulbs start going off. "The hard work of the employees should directly enrich the employees! Employees should decide whether to invest in better equipment or to give the employees a bonus! Employees should decide if they want to outsource their own jobs and take a payout for doing so."

One of the fundamental problems with the Left in the United States is that there is no effort to engage in conversations with opponents. When the Left doesn't actually engage and spread their ideas, no one knows what a "Left ideology" is, and it lets the Right define it. This is why so many people think "Liberals = Left" and "Democrats = Left" and "Government = Socialism." It's because the ACTUAL Left in the U.S. never engages with anyone.

Then, when young men are frustrated that they are economic slaves, that all the good jobs are gone, and there is no future, the only ideology they hear is fucking Fascism.

I hope that anyone from r/Anarchy realizes that trolling isn't actually helpful. It's just further reinforcement of the Zeitgeist of Nihilism that the ruling class has worked so hard to instill in everyone - so they won't threaten their ownership of society.

Akaryrye ago

Good to see everyone found a new home. Could use a few upvotes

warm_t-_- ago

yep return the favor?

Mumbleberry ago

Fuck no, druggie

More_Bort ago

Don’t forgot to post. Getting a sustainable amount of activity will really help, especially breathing life into non-political parts of the site.

Black_rob ago

Anybody wanna throw me some upcunts?

I’ll show you my Beowulf

TheDeltaFlight ago

I guess I’ll be on boat 24/7 now lol

small_friend ago

Give me some points! I got a deal to post!

signed1787 ago

Trying to upvote people. Is there a way to make the vote icons a bit bigger. They are so tiny.

signed1787 ago

redditrefugee here too. Deleted my account. Even got censored on my MAGA thread. I am not sure where all the redditgundeal people went but I just spent $600 on that 25c green tipped ammo in a post on here. A good sign.

JoeCapone ago

Feckin refugees. Build a wall! (sez the man with a two day old account)

Xstasy ago

I'll up'voat' about anything to get enough CCP to make actual posts. Thanks and fuck reddit.

RangerRider ago

Upvote everyone so that we can all post gun deals and say fuck you to Reddit

killspez ago

fuck spez

cvrtsniper ago

Well. Hopefully we can get this community going quickly.

TwistedOtter ago

As far as I'm concerned, this is /gundeals. I'll eventually get 10ccp and then I'll be posting deals, too. I'm settling into our new home.

Erling2017 ago

Good man. It doesn't take long at all.

superkuh ago

It sort of does though. I know why they have it but the system probably ends up driving most of any influx of new users away.

Sublimation ago

I deactivated my 5 year old account there. Felt great.

Supersix1 ago

Reddit refugee as well, glad to be here.

Bananamoto ago

Reddit refugee. Got my first gun on a r/gundeals post.

Bananamoto ago

Reddit Refugee here. Trap Shells on special at KTC. This one and more. https://www.kitterytradingpost.com/spring-fish-n-hunt-sale/shooting-specials/federal-top-gun-target-12-ga-2-3%2F4%C2%94-1-1%2F8-oz.-%237.5-1145-fps-shotshell-ammo-250-79000.html?cgid=spring-fish-hunt-event-shooting#start=1

mctoasterson ago

Fuck Reddit. Long live gundeals.

Dilly dilly

Bobo_Palermo ago

Thanks for the warm welcome!

Jdub75 ago

that decision was bizarre to say the least...thanks for this sub!

arguru54 ago

Hello, migrated here from r/gundeals after reddit decided to go full commie. Thanks for the welcome. Please send CCP :)

papawalrus ago

My name is papawalrus and I am a kike and a reddit refuge, up-vote please. Need my points to post.

sailorb ago

Well What the Fuck Now? Fucking Reddit, then Fucking Youtube, Russians am I rite?

Madspeed ago

Upvote this post for no reason fuckers

Doctor_VonBacon ago

Reddit refugee here, reporting for duty.

maedoc ago

First day here, and I picked up some 20-round AR mags for $3.95 each. I have high hopes

freedomSHT ago

Reddit Refugee here.... gundeals was my life

mr_frosty ago

Came for the gundeals, found out Reddit was a bunch of gutless faggots that would downvote you to oblivion if you didn't agree with the majority

Verrence ago

Unfortunately voat is exactly the same in that regard. I’m sitting at negative forty. I’ll never be able to do jack shit on voat.

yeabutdidyoudie ago

i herd u guise take refugees?

dragunov ago

Anyone surprised a Russian gun wasn't taken for a uid?

Teezle914 ago

Gundeals was the last straw, reddit.

Cinnab0n ago

What the flipping fuck is going on with the reddit admins?! /r/gundeals didn't have a market of buying and selling firearms on the subreddit. THERE WERE ONLY LINKS! I've been browsing the site for years and have come across some great deals. These fucking libtards assume every single gun owner is a trigger-happy mass murderer. It shows you how fucked the US is.

ar_new_bee ago

FUCK REDDIT! The worst part of this whole reddit thing is we lost the community (instantly and with no notice to migrate users) and worse, we lost all of the historical pricing! I regularly checked r/gundeals to compare prices before making a purchase. FUCK REDDIT!!!!!

grunt12g ago

Damn I was freaking out, need my gun deal fix. Think I'm going to like it here

judgedrift ago

Reddit refugee reporting.

soundofreedom ago

Refugee here, it's a sad day for us. Thank you for providing for us.

KaltBier ago

Been checking on P320 (specifically 320c9bss) deals almost every day... until reddit axed /r/gundeals.


wafflestastegood ago

Thank you! I need gundeals in my life.

biseptol ago

Hey bitches

GotSeoul ago

Reddit Refugee here. Good to see this is up and running over here. Hopefully we can rebuild the community. I'm imagining some movie inspirational speech ala "Independence Day" but I'm here to see if I can get the 10 CCP so I can post a deal or two. Happy GunDealing... :-)

HoardingMinimalist ago

Also, subscribe to other communities as well. Use this as a complete replacement and just shuttle other users over using your reddit account. Glad you made it; take an upvote!

GotSeoul ago

Thanks for the upvote. :-) I am curious as to what they will end up doing to /r/Firearms and such. Hopefully those other subreddits can get going well over here.
Will definitely be subscribing to other communities as well.

x5060 ago

Thanks for making this guys.

gunsgeargaming ago

Fuck reddit, can you guys hook me up with the 10 upvotes I need?

4006F35EB9 ago

Sure but, return the favor for me though. Now lets make gundeals as good as it used to be

HoardingMinimalist ago

I just did. Mind doing the same for me. Glad this is catching on.

Snowflake_STOMPER ago

Hello. Another Reddit refugee. Actually, just went there for gun stuff. Kept getting banned by snowflakes whenever I would communicate with them. So, I love guns, love America, love freedom, and HATE FUCKING LIBTARD COMMUNIST GARBAGE. I'm going to build 5 more AR's from 80%'s and give them to random kids in honor of reddit's utter faggotry.

HoardingMinimalist ago

Hello fellow stranger; random kid here.

GotSeoul ago

Here's an upvote to get you to your 10 CCP.

my2A ago

Fuck Reddit - happy to leave those libtards

BreakDancePanda ago

So this is where 4chan went. Oh well need gun deals, I'll endure some trolls to get it too.

my2A ago

Reddit and U-Tube hate Amendment #1 & #2 - FUCK THEM !!!

my2A ago

Fuck Reddit, Fuck U-Tube Fuck u/spez

MS3 ago

Refugee here, deleting my reddit account as soon as I have found a new gundeal home.

HoardingMinimalist ago

Consider keeping your reddit account to simply shuttle people here. That’s all I’m really doing now. Also subscribe and (once you are permitted) post to other subs. We can make this thing work.

GotSeoul ago

Here's an upvote to get your to your 10 CCP.

sylect ago

I am a reddit refugee, i came here a few years ago when the exodus happened over the Gamergate stuff but never stuck around. it's really improved since then!

HoardingMinimalist ago

And another upvote for you as well. Glad you came aboard.

GotSeoul ago

Here's an upvote for you. Have a good day. :-)

fuckredditandspez ago

I hope this is better than gundeals on reddit

Verrence ago

Because voat is a safe space for a certain kind of conformist. No one is allowed to disagree with anything anyone says, unless they have been pre-vetted to be someone who agrees with what everyone here says. Make sense? Also, you are only allowed 5 comments per day. Unless you are a good conformist who agrees with everything we say.

HoardingMinimalist ago

We are the ones who decide what this sub and any other will be compared to the alternative reddit sub. Let’s make it the best we possibly can. Take an upvote

BaronVonDickButt ago

I need the point minimum so I can ask for Garand ammo.

voodoovibe ago

Thanks for setting this up!

GotSeoul ago

Here is an upvote for you. :-)

voodoovibe ago

thank you!

Badbadthing ago

Sorry guys I feel like a real Shitbird for taking your subreddit for granted. Created a voat account just now and came over straight away to apologize. I promise to be more active in here.

GotSeoul ago

Here's an upvote. :-)

Seemebeawesome1 ago

RIP r/gundeals. I'm guessing all gun subreddits are living on borrowed time

Lobothemainman ago

Upvote me and fuck reddit/youtube. Thanks.


Dont fuck it up folks

GotSeoul ago

Here is upvote to help get you to your 10 CCP.

buttmime ago

I just deleted my reddit account and came here. This is a permanent move in response to many things reddit has been doing, but the ban of the gundeals subreddit convinced me that it really was time to move.

crm88 ago

Well, I'm here from reddit!

soggybottomman ago

Hmmm, there's a TNarmsco user, but they haven't done anything yet. Hope it's the real McCoy, I fucking love my polymer lowers so far.

moneykills ago

hope this sub can make do for the large group reddit gundeals had... please tell your friends and lets build this sub up and surpass what reddit was... You've been banned from participating in r/The_Donald

subreddit message via /r/The_Donald[M] sent 9 minutes ago

You have been banned from participating in r/The_Donald. You can still view and subscribe to r/The_Donald, but you won't be able to post or comment.

Note from the moderators:

Rule 8

If you have a question regarding your ban, you can contact the moderator team for r/The_Donald by replying to this message.

Reminder from the Reddit staff: If you use another account to circumvent this subreddit ban, that will be considered a violation of the Content Policy and can result in your account being suspended from the site as a whole.

moneykills ago

posted i was getting censored... got censored....muted... then banned. fuck reddit. socialist commie fucks. post that did it:


submitted 20 minutes ago by m0n3ykills

CENSORSHIP ALERT!!! reddit muting me for no violation (self.The_Donald)

submitted 23 hours ago by m0n3ykills

mentioned the deletetion of THE sub that rhymes with /r/ RUN. MEALs

R=g. M= d

my post deleted and everything muted

they're completely censoring the internet now and reddit is following suit. IM BEING CENSORED

4TH attempt posting this just mentioning i am being censored....mute shadowbanned

big_red_pig ago

Got one last fuck u/spez in before I deleted my account. Thanks for having me.

eldude ago

Damn you Reddit. I was addicted to those deals, like a hooker to heroin.

s5ean ago

Weren't we all?

s5ean ago

I upvoted all you fellow brothers, hope ya'll will the same

GotSeoul ago

Yes I am sorting by "Bottom" and upvoting each person that has less than 10. Hopefully more folks can do that for the others. :-)

s5ean ago

Here's' an upvote

BigWonton ago

Here from reddit

s5ean ago

Have an upvote brother

yee_88 ago

Reddit refugee checking in. Sad state of affairs at reddit.

emjayt ago

yep here too. Are there any decent mobile apps. Perhaps an Apollo or Alien Blue clone?

kidney ago

Hey Voat... another refugee from reddit here

OFFascist ago


Mannurse ago

Well reddit just lost my views.

Sambosaki ago

I believe in free speech and the right to keep and bear arms, and I'd bet a whole dollar that this is one of the few communities on the internet that believes in both wholeheartedly!

GotSeoul ago

Here is an upvote to help you get to your 10 CCP.

Bardock09 ago

Fellow Reddit refugee. Was pretty annoyed when I got on Reddit to check out gundeals only to find it banned. Fuck Reddit. And YouTube as well for that matter.

s5ean ago

Reddit refugee here, please welcome me with loving arms!

distortion76 ago

Glad to be here! This was roughly 90% of my Reddit use anyways, looking forward to the new community! My wallet is not though, but fuck that guy anyways, amirite?

Tailhook15 ago

Happy to be here. Are there any good apps for iOS for voat?

PooCocktailSupreme ago

University student here. All I want for Christmas is a nice place free of SJWs, safe spaces, microaggression bullshit, insane feminists, and the socialist narrative.

And the place has to be full of good ammo deals.

wwny ago

Reddit refugee here. I hope you guys can help me empty my wallet again!

StateSenator ago

I'm not sure what a spez is...but fuck spez - Contribution points for this?

Sessjoolintz ago

Could be. I wouldn't put it past Reddit or the crazy left wing taking over.

JonNC ago

gundeals is dead! long live gundeals!

Havasulife5150 ago

Where is the new r/gunsforsale?

oneeyebear ago

I'm happy this place looks so familiar. This should be an easy transition. Thanks for accepting us, we promise not to kill you while you sleep 🤫

mattism78 ago

Guess we'll give this another shot.

cuddle_fish ago

Here for the gundeals... not the racist/homophobic remarks.

liquidrazer ago

I was upset to find gundeals shutdown on reddit. hello voat!

soggybottomman ago

We'll see how this goes...really don't like being uprooted so abruptly.

PandaLee ago

Let's get this party jumping

csmnt ago

Sup fuckers. New from reddit as well. Put up with lots of bullshit over there for a lot of years and they finally took it too far. Lets get this shit going!


Made the switch. Hope to see some familiar faces from the old group.

MasterChiefFloyd ago

It looks like enough people have come over to make gundeals great again.

Go_Lobos ago

Another refugee. Loved r/gundeals and look forward to being active here on voat.

Is there an app you guys recommend?

globulin ago

How do you search on this thing? - reddit refugee

DuffMcWhalen ago

Reddit refugee here, you're all fucking faggots and I love you.

colbyshairbrush_ ago

Hello, all. Glad to be back after a hiatus from voat :-)

oddphilospher ago

Thanks guys, pretty sad day...

JerzeyVan ago


KimBob ago

How the fuck is reddit this dense... I can't remember the last time gundeals advocated any mass shootings or anything of the sort.

rGunDealsRefugee ago

Commenting to hit my CCP limit

butro ago

refugee stumbles in Hey fags. You got any of them banned deals I heard about?

redditisgarbage ago

woohoo, found my new home!

jaredfoglesmydad ago


Reddit Refugee here. Can you guys upvote this so I can make posts. Thanks

TheExpendable ago

Remember folks as more users join voat more servers and bandwidth will be needed to keep site running. It means owners will need more support, so donate to them and also invite gun vendors to advertise here so voat and gun shops both can thrive.

TacoQuest ago

I resent that our law abiding, completely legal and protected by the constitution hobby is being shamed into oblivion by Reddit, YouTube and the ground swell of terrified masses on Facebook who post daily shouting down any dissenting opinion. Why am I suddenly a bad person because I grew up target shooting with my dad and as an adult am now a responsible gun owner? Fuck me, right?

refugee_of_reddit ago

As a refugee of reddit, thank you.

rawr ago

I wonder how long until /r/firearms gets banned too. They aren't breaking any rules today, but neither was /r/gundeals breaking any rules two days ago.

babyrage2021 ago


sheeit ago

I've pretty much had it with Reddit too. There was a time when it was a cool and diverse place, but that time has passed. It has turned into an echo chamber for the liberal administrators who run it.

AM_Industries ago

Thanks for having us. Reddit is rotting from within, has been for some time. I'm glad to be able to get deals on boomsticks again.

IveRedditEnough ago

Fuck Reddit and everything it has become. I'm fucking done. I need someone to help me rape my wallet on the daily, and I'm not going to spend dozens of minutes trawling all of the gun parts sites myself.

LONG LIVE VOAT. I love you motherfuckers.

ABigHead ago

Interesting place, looking forward to checking around. Really upset the sub got banned. Glad to see there is an alternative

braves1313 ago

Thanks for the welcome I would appreciate upvotes so I can post

Hooligan ago

Fuck reddit. I’m out. Would appreciate some upvotes so I can post a deal on a Glock 19 I found.

ifits2loudyoure2old ago

Alright, I made it over from Reddit. Reddit can suck a fattie

Shoot_Steel ago

RIP r/gundeals, Here to try this out. I'll post a VOAT exclusive code later today on some AR550 Steel Targets if I can get up to the necessary 10 CCP. Hopefully we can make this work!

HM_Spektor ago

From the ashes of skullfuckery rises... Something, something something. This place is chill as hell.

touchmybork ago

Serious Question: Do we have any of the r/gundeals mods here? Those guys did an awesome job of keeping things under control. Its going to be hard to build a community like the one we had without them.

Boowatacheetah ago

Let's get this party started!

ichosethisasmyname ago

Reddit refugee checking in. The death of r/gundeals is the last straw for me. Long live v/gundeals

Now we just need to recruit 128,500 more gun loving Americans to be where we were.

Verrence ago

Yeah, I guess we’re here now. Woo.

BobaPhat ago

fuck reddit.

JimmyReagan ago

I only sort of knew about gundeals on reddit...but frequented other gun reddits...glad there's an alternative and hopefully a lot of folks move


It's been a wild ride, get the goat in the boat we're leaving to voat.

Penguin_ ago

I wonder if we can chain the CPP

Penguin_ ago

Bit close to saying CP for my liking that voat system though haha

XenonBloom ago

Fuck reddit and their horrible new TOS. Lets do this!

Penguin_ ago

Thanks for having us.

Forever2Wheels ago

Jumped over from reddit... although I think the ban was a sign to save my wallet.

Spezs_tiny_cock ago

I am here for the freedom, goddamn am I pissed right now. Spez can suck me dry, that dirty fucking cuck of a pussy

AceJiggy19 ago

Dammit - Reddit is a joke.

RugerRedhawk ago

I hope this takes off, and generates solid discussions and feedback. I can get price checks from gun.deals, I'm here for the comments.

Ryan_A ago

Help a fellow refugee out please

thekoop ago

Reddit can fuck off, I've had it with their bullshit.

Centera ago

I'm here for the Hi-Points

LaV-Man ago

So tired of the liberal agenda 'over there'.

Redgunner85 ago

Hello my fellow r/gundeals refugees. Let's clean this joint up and get it looking nice. I got money to spend and a build to finish!

NecroGod ago

Glad to be here; reddit can fuck right off with their bullshit.

Mike2541 ago

For sure not a troll.

yousillytit ago

Redfugee here. been out in the cold for a solid 18hrs. needed a gundeals fix. Hello. let's begin

gsintxz ago

let's get this party started!

Modeaus ago

Hi everybody!

I didn't know this site existed. Axing r/gundeals was the best advertising this site could possibly get.

Gundeals_Immigrant ago

Fuck spez, CCP please.

razzorik ago

Yea us reddit refugees are hopefully here to stay, reddit is taking a turn for the worst with all this stupid censorship.

PurduePaul ago

As a refugee from r/gundeals I'm glad we have somewhere to find deals still and discuss them. That subreddit was starting to become one of the only reason I would browse reddit anymore. Thank you.

spezisafaggot ago

i hope reddit crashes and burns

semidarkaccount ago

Another reddit refugee.

Fuck reddit.

Tcr8888 ago

I didn’t see an app for iPhones. Does one exist, or is there one in the works?

Tcr8888 ago

Just deleted reddit my reddit account as of today with their latest round of censorship. Wish I would have found this site years ago!

Cabshank ago

Is there a replacement for gunsforsale here? I looked and it seemed to be prebanned?

Reddit_eats_tidepods ago

I hope each and every one of us goes out and joins a pro rights group after this. Just think if we all joined saf.org that would be almost 100k new members!

Lomek ago

Damn.. I am here!

Dancindrudge ago

Reddit Refugee here! Looking forward to some bad ass gun deals again. Fuck Reddit.

Unoid ago

I'm here for the gangbang, i mean gundeals

Tactical_Tea ago

Glad to see the shift. Apparently telling the reddit admins that they’re idiots for nuking gundeals earns you a 3 day suspension. Fuck’em.

TheGoatsDad ago

Thanks for having us

auxiliary-character ago

Hi! I've been aware of voat for a while (since around the fatpeoplehate ban), but I haven't signed up until know. Same username here as there.

I think I'll stick around for a while.

Also, fuck all of you faggots, as well.

JaeJ ago

Can I get Updoot pls. 1 Updoot = 1 deal

malibu-q ago

Joined here when pizzagate was banned. then r/conspiracy became a shillfest; recently r/CBTS vanished. Today I'm missing darknetmarkets. Too far reddit. Goodbye.

Lightborne ago

Fuck my wallet, I'm onboard.

gundeal_refugee ago

Welp here I am.

3vil3lvis ago

Welcome and please click the arrow up button for at least 10 posts so that the community can rapidly grow.

LetGoMyEggroll ago

Is there an app for this thing

Ceraunius ago

Looks like I made the jump after all. Fuck reddit, fuck spez, fuck all of the virtue signaling bullshit they continuously pull. Gundeals was one of the only reasons I stayed there, along with Best Gunnit, and now that it's gone I have pretty much no reason to remain.

Glad to be back with you gun-loving fuckers!

wwny ago

Wow, I just found out about that. How is it that /r/trees and /r/opiates are still open?

barrydingleton ago

just checking in to get started

thisisarealusername ago

fuckin subscribed.

also, what happened on reddit? the airsoft thing? I almost asked why they banned airsoft just now lol

Snack__Attack ago

Refugee here. Running out of places to hide in this god damn leftist echo chamber of a country we have now.

iamrelaxed ago

Rapefugee here give me upvoats or else

3vil3lvis ago

I upvoted you, please return the favor.

CleanLogic ago

Wow. Crazy BS. Guess I need some ccp

InfamousSavage ago

Refugee in need upvoat handout.

Consequences ago

Whelp, hope Voat has been paying their hosting bills and is ready for the surge.

austin2242 ago

Glad to be apart of a community that actually wants us. Screw Reddit!

Saufsoldat ago

You were okay with reddit censorship up until now. Fuck you all.

eggsovereazy ago

Fuck reddit, I'm done for good.

Colonel_Shepard ago

They're clearly targeting the right now a days (just look at YouTube's new policies). Glad VOAT is accepting refugees, my raft wasn't last out here on the stormy seas.

Scumbag_Spruce ago

Thanks for having us.

TrustMe_ImBad ago

This is nice. They even have a welcome sticky.

Reddit_eats_tidepods ago

This is katrina and reddit ceo is george bush

cvrtsniper ago

Well. I'm officially done with reddit. It is now literal cancer.

Thanks all,

vegasmedic ago

Checking in. Is there a scab for r/gunsforsale yet? That was my second favorite place to kill time.

TacoQuest ago

Reddit refugee here. Sup

hoobson15 ago

fuck reddit, gunfag reporting for duty

Cadster ago

gundeals is a pretty cool sub but we really only want to cool redditers to come here... not the cucky fucks.

Epcot_82 ago

I am a reddit refugee. I am glad I found this place. Censorship should have no place on the internet.

Beaverclam ago

This party smells like farts and sweaty queers. How do I get these magical points?

moneykills ago

viva gundeals. fuck reddit

COckGobbler69 ago

need upvotes folks

Horsedick_mpeg ago

Got room for another refugee?

STIMD555 ago

I'm psyched that this is my first post on VOAT! A direct FU to redshit censorship.

l-deadman-l ago

Reddit can go wriggle and die. Thanks, voat.

TexAg2012 ago

Reddit just went full semi auto!

colo-pr ago

Thanks for the welcoming. I just have one question, how do we know that this "voat.co" is not going to turn to another damn anti-gun company? I never heard about this voat.co in my life and I spent 90% of my life online. I just don't want to get involved and get fucked up again. Just wonder. Do they have an app like the bastards of Reddit?

Thanks guys, let's posts some good shit!!!

TeamLiveBadass ago

Welp, here for the deals.

daserlkonig ago

Joining the exodus, just jumped ship on Reddit. That is bullshit, they even banned air soft. There is an agenda.

Drugbearpig ago

Help me get my 10 points so I can share dank deals with y'all!!!

Scal ago

yeah I'm a reddit fugee too. fuck that place.

pewpewpew05 ago

Another Reddit refugee and frequent contributor to /r/gundeals. It's unfortunate because that group was well-moderated and seemed to be a bunch of people seriously just looking to help each other find great deals.

Fuck 'em. On to the next one. We'll get some stellar deals rolling here.

3vil3lvis ago

Instant upvote, nice to see you landing here.

kaiten408 ago

scratching uncontrollably Y'all got any of them gun deals?

Cabshank ago

Thank goodness! Now if we can get gunsforsale here too

Erkanator36 ago

Reddit Refugee reporting! Credit card is at the ready!

jimmygo ago

Fuck Reddit. Hoping to find it more welcoming here. Let's get some deals rolling here.

Airborne_Hillbilly ago

Ok you disease ridden jizz guzzlers. This is my first post/comment since treading foot in this cesspool. What kinda deals you got and what kind of insults can you hurl?

zuzuzu ago

Yeah, pretty pissed

quangry ago

I was in the middle of building up a couple ARs and they shut down that wallet hater's sub. It was one of the few reasons why I was even on that site.

Radiation_Sickness ago

Just logged on Reddit to peruse gundeals as I do every night and saw the bullshit. I can't believe it.

50calPeephole ago

Need more points I guess. Halp?

addie89 ago

What got banned on reddit this time?

Ravigon ago

Refugee here, lets get this sub going!

DungeonBreath ago

Thanks for the welcome! RIP r/gundeals, you will be missed...

Madspeed ago

Fuck Reddit. Now I'll need to find an IFTTT script to this page

FireAnt ago

Glad to be here!

Mind_Games ago

The reddit groupies can't handle free speech , much less free thought. They won't last a week.

Tru_Texan ago

Need 10 points

icannotsee ago

I knew this place was gonna be good when I saw redditors complaining about the RACIAL HATRED and ANTISEMITISM in the replies to the link but this is way better than I could have hoped for

realJJAbramsTank ago

I'm here! I made it! Fuck youuuuuuuuu, reddit! My JJAbramsTank is back!

kurodot ago

Well, if you're going to be treated like dirt, might as well hang out with people who don't give a shit.

lowcountryreddirt ago

r/gundeal refugee here... Any of the MK25 police trade-ins over here?? edit: Fuck Reddit

Tyman989 ago

Hello! Im glad i can still get some deals!

Hate_Spez ago

Can I spend my time here now that reddit is meaningless?

2econdAmendment ago

Reddit is dead to me now.

deadox1197 ago

Another reddit refugee. Feels like home already, a comfy double wide.

2econdAmendment ago

Reddit it dead to me now

SunBrew ago

Hey everyone, new from Reddturd. I would lurk hourly and post deals when I wasn't beat to the punch. I didn't see some of the subs they had like brassswap and gunsforsale. Anyone planning to make those?

KingKoehler ago

Is there any chance of working towards an unban?

ps need upvotes so I can post here

Danomofo ago

How do I add gundeals to my subs here?

M4DM4X ago

Fuck that other place, I'm glad to be here.

NaughtyJihadi ago

I guess I'm a nigger now. What's up retards, gimme something to throw money at

Mojorisin471 ago

Hi. I’m a Reddit refugee looking for a better home. How this is the place!

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I fucking hate refugees

Mule76 ago

Reddit Refugee here. Might as well comment to get the 10 points, in case I find a good deal.

Shards397 ago

Well the only reason I had to be reddit is gone. Guess I am here now.

bucktoothgamer ago

Didnt even know r/gundeals was a thing before the ban. Looking forward to hearing about some great past deals I missed out on.

BladeIcewood ago

How ironic, an aggregate site relying on user generated content bans the subreddits the whole website is based on.

ccw1911 ago

Reddit sucks glad I found Voat

VacuumHamster ago

welp that was kinda my last straw with reddit (maybe not gonewild, but definitely everything else reddit) fuck em. Buncha fags no offense to my bromos.

Dave1133 ago

Reddit refugee here

ibedanny ago

Someone has to post a hundo problem solver for 1.25 hipoints.

Max_ ago

Im just here to boost my comment score so I can post, rip in pepperoni r/gundeals.

ibedanny ago

Upvoting everyone here and deleting my Reddit account.

Rockstarsball ago

anyone feel like reddit is catering only to the extremes these days? unless its selling sex shit or some way of marketing your info they actively work against you.

ARFullySemiAutomatic ago

It’s all about the money now. The site will get worse as time goes on.

Balance ago

Reddit is just the fucking worst, I'm so furious they did this.

ewwwMRSA ago


WhoDidItNotMe ago

VOAT huh? This looks like weekendgunnit mixed with spacedicks. FUCK YOU FAGGOTS.

Am I doing this right?

Dave_is_here_man ago

Reddit it the rearview mirror, now CCP me gents!

doomtrooper_83 ago

happy to find this place, also we may have single highhandedly armed or put them in the right direction most of Voat today.


Finally time to nuke reddit. Had this account sitting around for a while, time to dust it off. Its been good, its been real, but it ain't been real good.

mindtrapped ago

Never even knew this place existed, been browsing for a bit tonight. Some of you are toxic pieces of garbage.....and I love it. And now all you queers can guzzle the drippings from my chunky meat monster, I'm here to stay and y'all can deal with it. Now gimmie my damn ccp so I can post deals. (Did I do it right?)

Reddit_blows_goats ago

Where's my free packing peanuts for coming over to this shithole!!!! I was promised free packing peanuts!!!!

Srsly tho .....let the good deals roll

cornhskr ago


BcgInMahButt ago

Upvote 4 benis so i cann oper69

SafeMushroom ago

I feel like I jumped ship early from Reddit, with the quick subbans going, glad to see others starting to follow over. This explains why voat was shitting itself earlier.


Its still shitting itself on my end.

zepled112 ago

wait one fucking minute, im not able to post something if I don't have 10 upvotes?

what is this, reddit?

bdmthrfkr ago

You can't slide posts here on Voat like you can on the chans, posts are either upvoated when goats like them or downvoated when they don't. There is no need to delet posts, your users will decide if the post is worthy or not.

Deleting posts, even if they aren't something that you want to talk about, just makes you look like a mod who is power hungry. We goats here at Voat don't like that shit. Let people talk and if their words have meaning other goats will decide the post's merit. Or not, it is up to us.

Raider1v11 ago


Econguy ago

Mixed emotions on the event... I mean, I'm sad but my wallet was all like, "hey, maybe the abuse will stop." Ha! Suck it, Wallet! I found a new way to make you empty!

peakfirearms ago

we will post soon as I figure everything out!

Fantasticfatality ago

That was a long journey to a new website I'm thirsty for some gundeals....It's gonna be hard rebuilding society from the ground up, that being said I got a hi point I'll trade for a camelbak refill.

Joncrz ago

Wish I was savy enough to do it myself but someone on Reddit created a Twitter that tweeted every new deal. This allowed me to get notifications on my phone. Can we maybe get that going here?

teslaaddict ago

Gun deals and free porn? This place just keeps getting better and better!

Fantasticfatality ago

We seek a new beginning

teslaaddict ago

I just deleted my reddit account and joined voat because of the ban fiasco. Hi all!

Erling2017 ago


Fuck *eddit

Adam_NCNN ago


whitesmurf ago

Been saving for an AR-556 MPR. Silver lining to reddits bullshit. Maybe I can finally pick one up for under $600 before they sell out. Fuck Spez.

jokb235 ago

This looks like R****. :

Bateluer ago

Hello. I look forward to spending loats of cash through this sub.

Uber_gibson ago

Fuck you u/spez! Viva La v/Gundeals

Imadethis4things ago

Fuuuuck you, Reddit.

Moose_Knuckles ago

Different website, different community, same mindset. Fuck you u/spez.

Astarael ago

Welcome, my fellow reddit memers. Upvoats to the left

ItzmeBC ago


passingphase ago

Fuck you all.

But seriously, fuck reddit admins.

BangswitchEngage ago

Commenting so I can post deals. Help me help you!

6_1_5 ago

Greetings fellow redditers! I don't think we are refugees. I think we are free. A little more free than we were when we got of bed this morning. Fuck reddit and it's new NAZI agenda!

BigDaddyNastyPants ago

I've got money to spend... Where are my deals!

ScruffyWsl ago

I'm here too now!

Storytimeshores ago

Well. Here is my low effort reply for cp

ShineShooter ago

Woah, /gundeals got shoah'd?

Murse79 ago

Hello peeps. Lets keep the deals flowing.

Justkoz0 ago

I guess I need 10 ccp before I can contribute the deals I found. Any help to get me rolling would be appreciated!

ViperCarbz ago

Thanks! Glad to be here.

trumpbrokeme ago

Well, I'm glad I made it over here. Looking forward to talking shit and getting deals.

Palmer ago

fellow refugee checking in; will do my best to help this place become a thriving community

0care ago

Hi All,

Another refugee.

Arcticrider ago

Alright guys let’s get these deal posts going. Lets upvote each other to get 10 ccp and get some dealss going!

Buff_Awesome ago

Welcome fellow niggerfaggots! Leave your plebbit ways at the door and we'll get along wonderfully.

dirty-mik3 ago

Sweet, a community that doesn't have nazi faggots pulling the strings, sign me up!

Hakb404 ago

We have a Canadian community setup as well. https://voat.co/v/CanadaGunsEE

MakeMNGreatAgain ago

And thusly the retarded reddit admins show yet again why they will sooner rather than later pull Reddit into the dust.

Bon Voyage, faggots.

SuperMaleVitality ago

Handy site: Searchvoat.co to search all voat or specific subs.

Danceswithwires ago

Needing 10 CCP seems pretty goofy but I'm doing my part by up voting everyone in this thread

556_ ago

this reminds me of an almost politer /k/ board

zepled112 ago

so how do you search on this website?

YugiMoto ago

Reddit won't let us die

Dave2SSRS ago

Looking forward to our new home!! I hope more follow!

BallisticBurrito ago

I was told there would be hot deals and dank memes?

PdntSPA ago

Serial account creator here. Funny I decided to delete my old account and create a new one days before this new migration.

Anyways I'm pretty excited about this wave since the gun community at voat has up until now been pretty small. It will be nice to have a few more active users.

bdmthrfkr ago

Hello v/gundeal refugees, I just wanted to point out that you mod @spyder228 is a massive faggot. I sugested that you all head over to 4chan /k/ where there are thousands of people looking for good gun deals but he deleted the post. He wants to keep you all under his wing and threre will be no dissension in the ranks. If you are like me then you won't take too kindly to that kind of behavior.

The second Amendment was created to enforce the first Amendment, Pic related.


spcbackpacker ago

I am ecstatic to start my new life in the promise land.

KodiakOrdnance ago

Hi everybody. I'm really excited to join a new community

Dysprosium ago

Something I haven't seen mentioned. V/traditionalwives is special around here. As far as I know it's the only thing sacred round these parts.

Blightsteel ago

Fuck all you cabbage eating coon sucking kraut cracker catamites. I'm from reddit and I want my goddamn gundeals back.

upblyat me, bitches.

spamyak ago

Is Voat finally going to be populated enough for a redditfugee like myself to use it?

jenkinsc11 ago

I was having a nice day. Snowed in, work got cancelled, and I was hoping getting fucked would finish the day off nice. I was wrong

Glock18 ago

Need some CCP to post deals. I'M SO HAPPY TO BE HERE, FAGGOTS!

aileron_ron ago

Refugees is such a harsh word for reddit homeless, it make's them sound like the Muslims in Germany.

2mod ago

I need an old voat account for creating a new subverse, I will pay $20 for it

SpeechAndAlsoGuns ago

Been waiting for something like this. Honestly all social media needs to be moved to an uncensorable blockchain and normie companies compete by trying to build the best UI wrapper for it

Highonfire ago

Just don't be faggots

AFatBlackMan ago

Figure I'll give Voat a try since /r/gundeals was a daily tradition for me. CCP help anybody?

Jigsdip ago

First time on voat. Thank you for the warm welcome. I hope I can quickly become a contributing member to this sub.

Two-Thumbs ago

Man, thanks. I feel like I found my new home. Fuck Reddit.

Bgyako ago

I don’t get you goats, you want to grow this site but every word is nigger, fag, whatever. I understand having different views, but don’t understand how a conversation about an AR turns to racial slurs. Be intelligent enough to figure where and when to use your redneck intelligence

Mitchyy ago

I've never even looked at CSS but you could try dropping by in the /r/Guns Discord and asking if anybody wants to help. No idea if it'll be well received because they don't seem too fond of Voat but might be worth a shot.

bld2527 ago

Don't buy or care about guns but came here to support free speech. Have my registration and upvoat.

Arcticrider ago

Looking forward to building a great gundeals community like we used to have!! Can’t wait to find and post deals!

Doolimite ago

You got anymore of that gundeals ? Scratches cheek.......I need up voats !!!

Goathole ago

I love deals on guns but where is /v/JewGasdeals? I've got a big list and I always try to save money. We're gonna gas some jews using fucking coupons!

Ironic isn't it?

Tubesbestnoob ago

I deactivated my 7 year old reddit account today.

Fuck those faggots!

RectalDecompression ago

What the Fuck, I've been checking gundeals daily for YEARS and have built my last few rifles/pistols and a bunch of other shit using the deals on gundeals. This is censorship, I'm done with these liberal fuckheads.

silver_wolf ago

What happened on Reddit?

tex-mania ago

something something fucking reddit can eat a huge dick. nigger dick, since apparently saying that will help me fit in with the voat folk.

pipechap ago

I have no reason to stick around on Leddit anymore after this latest purge. Granted I like many non-libs are probably only subbed to communities that we're interested in rather than the garbage on the front page.

Zorton ago

Saw this shit coming when they banned jailbait, it's a damn slippery slope isn't it. Well! Welcome to the censorship free zone, yes there be dragons here but we support the right for dragons to breathe fire.

In honor of this latest social marxist move by the progressive overlords, I think it's time to put my Reddit Alien engraved billet lower up for sale. PM me with any offers :)

Wingge ago

So happy to find a new /gundeals. Nuked my Reddit account to boot! Good riddance.

scolex ago

A redditor created a r/GunAccessoriesForSale over there just as a malicious compliance. Anyone know how they can default ban anyone from GRC by default?

FreddyR ago

Hey guys, this is my safe space now.

Fuckyousnoo ago

Where the fuck is the subscribe button?

CrownSedrith ago

Thanks for having us! It's such a shame that Reddit murdered our sub in cold blood

pooptaco ago

Hey guys. Here from reddit. Let's get this going!

Tallest_Skil ago

Reminder that the jews are behind all gun control measures and that the Founding Fathers wanted citizens to own LITERALLY EVERY TYPE OF WEAPON OF WAR that the government could.

CoffeeSwirls ago

Reddit was OK, but if they're going to be against free speech, I have no need for them. I hope Voat is the place to go for all of my content.

Griffin27WV ago

I guess this is my life now

roasterfotayone ago

you know what I'll miss most about the old sub? the comments when something super tacticool would get posted like that full riot suit, body armor, helmets.. etc.

davi-danger ago

The lack of an app is frustrating, but i’ll get used to it. How popular is voat?

Leroy_Kenobi ago

Looking forward to hanging out here and at /v/gundeals!

Mitchyy ago

Can you guys update the CSS? As somebody new to Voat, it really turned me off to have a baby blue scheme not realizing Voat had custom pages too. Also a nice banner would be good too if feasible/possible on Voat to make it more attractive.

Bigchief ago

Heres to new beginnings.

filterm ago

new to voat, here for /v/gundeals

GotSeoul ago

Here is an upvote to help you get to your 10 CCP

filterm ago

Thank you so much back at you

theyoyomaster ago

Good riddance.

TomRiddle2 ago

Pleasure to be here. Thanks for providing a more welcome place.

Brimshae ago

It's fascinating watching a website commit suicide.

NelonTHAMelon ago

I frequented reddit gundeals like ~25 times a day. It brought me genuine joy to participate and enjoy that community. I have high hopes for this community! Hopefully the website leadership won't pull the same shit

Collusion-x ago

deactivated reddit account, never going back.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

Just remember Voat and the Internet at large aren't designed to be your personal safe space and you'll fit right in, Redditfugees.

jimmy_rustled ago

I want a CZ bren 805. Because why not.

iodeedo ago


ricecracker ago

Fuck Reddit

wdhohl ago

New here like many others and had never heard of voat before, I don't understand the rudeness that seems to be part of the culture here. What's up with that?

TrybalRage ago

Tried to make a new submission, but apparently there's a vote limit first?

leetoper8tor ago

I for one, welcome our new voat overlords :DDDD

harrisonfordcrab ago

Thanks, sad day. That and weekendgunnit were the only two subs worth checking anymore for me. However, I'm glad to have finally found a good enough reason to change platforms. Fuck Reddit, fuck spez, suck my dick and eat my shit, fags.

ExpertShitposter ago

Any proofs of anti gun? Or are you lying jew? Let us see.

ExpertShitposter ago

Any proofs of anti gun? Or are you lying jew? Let us see.

TheFord66 ago

It wont be long until the entire reddit community switches to Voat.

Lobothemainman ago

Well it appears this is my new home and FUCK reddit.

hrebs ago

fuck reddit! only reason to put up with those cucks was for cheap prolem solvas & weekendgunnit

Trainmasta ago

Thank you all for having me, I’ll study the voat culture and assimilate accordingly. Fuck Reddit and Spez that cuck. I’ll only go to r/weekendgunnit and r/the_donald there for now on.

bigdaddysquish ago


Setthehook ago

Reddit refugee here, never even heard of Voat until reddit got rid of r/gundeals. Hopefully it will become as popular here.

Johara2320 ago

I’m here for the gangba...gundeals

BananaBoater ago

How many subscribers did Gun Deals have?

Bukipreety ago

Thank you so much for the warm welcome. Please vote for my baby in the ongoing cussons Baby competition. He is in the second stage of the competition already. Here is the link to vote >>> https://www.cussonsbaby.com.ng/campaign/cbm5-top-500/entry?id=389276

Please copy the link to your browser to vote and you can only vote once. Please when You vote, let it be registered as voted.


If a CAPTCHA comes up (for human verification) please follow the instruction to make your vote valid.

Your votes will be greatly appreciated, You can vote and Share the link with others. Thank you. Please don't ignore

UlyssesEMcGill ago

Eat shit and die

worlddownunder682 ago

Welcome reddit niggerfaggots, take your tampons out of your ass as you enter

garddoge ago

Refugee checking in. Y'all got any of them gun deals?

NotHereForPizza ago


SexMachine ago

So if no fucking sales were actually being made and going through on reddit, why fucking ban the subreddit? Unfucking real.

N8erpot8er ago

Are there any good voat apps?

xmu806 ago

Greetings... This is my first time on Voat. In fact, I literally just made a profile about 30 seconds ago. Let's get gundeals alive and kicking again. I am pissed.

TomJake500 ago

First a fuckton of porn and now a fuckton of gun content. At this point, I think reddit wants me to leave.

port_plz ago

I'm done with reddit

FuggBenis ago

To all niggers and faggots I say: fuck off.

To all niggerfaggots: welcome.

You've come for the love, you'll stay for the hate.

ToTheMoonAlice ago

Welcome to Voat, here's your goat:


COckGobbler69 ago

libtards on their snoflakey periods

COckGobbler69 ago

Sucks but whatcha gonna due, gotta libtards be snoflaken

ThePretzul ago

Thanks for the new home. I spent faaaaaar too much money on the Reddit gundeals, and I was getting worried I might start saving it if I didn't have gun deals to spend it on. Crisis averted!

COckGobbler69 ago

Whatup Cucks

Voopin__Voopin ago

no prob, and thanks to all who contribute!

I'm subscribed already.

coldtoesjerry ago


Prosserbrewer ago

Fucking reddit. Beer trades, gundeals, cigars, sex. Way to not have the balls to stand up to SESTA. Fucking Bastards. Please post away friends. In the market for Wylde AR upper.

12242305? ago

Finally a good wave. Welcome patriots

SexMachine ago

So, I was unaware of this community on reddit, and I have a few questions.

  • do you meet sellers through the subreddit subverse?

  • what payment methods do you use?

  • how is shipping arranged?

  • What steps are taken to prevent fraud?

If I wanted to put a gun up for sale what would the process be from start to finish, and if I were the buyer, what would my experience be?

50calPeephole ago

I was told there would be boolits and hoes.

RyanGBaker ago

Welp, I just made a VOAT account because of this. Get fucked Reddit.

Havi94gt ago

Alright, back to finding gun deals! Fuck Reddit, goddamn cucks.

Voopin__Voopin ago


Thank ya :)

Angryglove ago

I appreciate the welcome. Hopefully v/gundeals becomes just as successful as r/gundeals . Does anybody have a recommended iOS app for voat in the mean time?

oklahomiepede ago

Fuck reddit. Officially moving to Voat today. Tell your comrades.

ShwishyShwa ago


post_break ago

Well I started the gopro sub 7 years ago. But more recently I've been modding a few subreddits and growing them.

ShwishyShwa ago

Reddit transplant here. Piss off you damn commies.

BigDave76 ago

Thanks for the welcome. It feels cleaner here.

hereforgunshit ago

I'm seeing a lot of hate for us Reddit transplants coming over. Any of you shitheads want to explain where that's coming from so we can start being as gay as you guys sooner?

tacovski ago

Let the mass exodus begin. I don't think /r/gundeals will be back any time soon...

3vil3lvis ago

Good Riddence Reddit, Long live GunDeals!

narcedmonkey ago

reddit is such a faggot filled shithole

pwny_ ago

me too thanks

Kynihilist ago

Lets get this place rolling. That was the last straw for me, I'm done with Reddit.

MoneyMark4 ago

Reddit and Spez can fuck right off. Kicking out their own chair but this place feels cozy so I’m good with it

post_break ago

lol I mod the GoPro subreddit, I think I'm qualified.

SavageRuger ago

Nope, as y'all like to say its a place for free speech...so Im free to say I disagree with that part of the community and that we should focus on making a gundeals sub about gundeals. There have been more deals posted today than there have in the past 2 months

EuroOptic ago

I'm with eurooptic.com need 10 to post deals... please ;)

Jaywalker ago

Gundeals was in my top two most used subs. Fuck spez.

HeckRightOff ago

sup fegs

pwny_ ago

>acting like it's your first day on the internet

hello newfag

jokersmild ago

@maxcactus is this you again?

jbizzle31995 ago

And the moment of hope my wallet felt was over just like that. Hope yall are ready for an influx

DukeLeto_2 ago

Just saw this on arrr/watchredditdie. What a shame... FOR THEM.


Lol i cant belive they banned a sub dedicated to gun shopping.

If anyone gets homesick for reddit go to v/government and post "I think Trump is doing a pretty good job"

HailSatan666 ago

Reddit is for faggets, but I came here and this CCP shit is faggetry as well. So much for reviving a good community when u have to have 10 CCP points to participate.

Cytokine-Storm ago

Thanks for the welcome

DieselBustersYes ago

smacks @heygeorge raids @expertshitposter's mom's panty drawer steals heygeorge's glock points it at 9-11 no, i'm not nigger faggot! :D

rram2 ago

I am glad to be here

Drummer2427 ago

Brand new to voat, on mobile and unsure how to even subscribe here, I'll see if an app exists..

richwhitegirls ago

i'm just here to ratify and confirm that u/spez is a raging donkey fucker

Changalangy ago

Refugee Here, to contribute to this post, Midway is having free shipping for $99+ orders?


testu_nagouchi ago

while I applaud the sentiment. Voat isn't exactly without it's share of censorship. /v/gunsforsale = bant

SoreButton ago

Checking in. Looking for a decent android app for this.

BourbonZawa ago

You got room for one more lover of the pew pew pew here? Is this still America?

DieselBustersYes ago

Welcome fucking niggerfaggot redditfugees! :D

Agronomy ago

Hope Voat tendies are good

starKiller7 ago

Screw Reddit and their censorship. Hopefully some life can be breathed back into this subverse or Reddit will rethink the ban (yeah right)

90in-270out ago

obligatory fuck reddit, spez, safe spaces and gun grabbers

FuckSpezAndReddit ago

I concur

turtlemanTTU ago

Yes thank you for the welcome just made my new account!

friendshipistragic ago

Godamn refugees

Fka_Reddit ago

Looks like I won’t be using Reddit anymore.

performance ago

FUCK REDDIT. Jesus christ the only reason I went there was gundeals and The_Donald. Everything else is creeping cancer. WTF how bad do they want to become digg?

WhoDidItNotMe ago

Only reason I went to that place myself. I can live without The_Donald but my wallet will get too heavy to carry around without GunDeals! Fucking assholes man..

slumeet ago


1800hurrdurr ago

The general concensus so far seems to be that the jews did this.

pwny_ ago

r/gundeals refugee, pls gib CCP so I can post deals

Thanks and G*d Bless

FuckSpezAndReddit ago

I’m a refugee now

Tru_Texan ago

How do I subscribe to this sub? Layout is funky

CleatusMaximus ago

Please Upvoat each other’s comments (ccp) and post other comments. Don’t be afraid to drop nigger faggots kikes what have you if you feel the need. I’ve never had a reddit acct and even voat is relatively new (don’t use Facebook twatter etc) this place can be awesome as long as you period drinkers don’t try and hijack this place and get all fucky. Reddit wiped your place off the map not giving a fuck. Don’t repeat the same thing on voat. Most people are civil and will be respectful as long as you give them the same. Thanks and welcome, open your minds and get out of your safe space and you’ll have a good time GOYs !

zerothehero ago

No WuN WaNtS 2 TaYkE uR gUnZ - plebbit

slevin_kelevra ago

This is as stupid as the other welcome refugees signs. They will end up a cancer voat community,.


Deleted my primary account on Reddit... 8 years. And to think people flocked to Reddit from Digg because of the same sort of shit.

RedditCensorsTheUSA ago

We should all be ashamed of ourselves for trying to save money while enjoying our hobbies.

gmann ago

We should be ashamed of ourselves for having hobbies.

RedditSucksMyBenis ago

"Bring to me your hungry, your poor, and your cheap Glawks and 5.56"


RougeRebel ago

Hey guys... Fuck Spez

SoreTriggerFinger ago

Lets get this going! Hopefully reddit burns to the ground. Ole spez dispenser can go fuck himself.

Wookiee_Size ago

Reddit refugee here, just nuked my 50,000 karma account. Hasta la vista, dickheads!

Can I have some CCP love to get to posting?

Jhizzzz ago

Is there an app version of this site?

Its_over_9000 ago

Boats for Voat or something like that.

dottmatrix ago

Glad to have somewhere to find reasons to keep increasing my credit card balance, right?

codewolf ago

Hey fellow refugees! Please upvote each other so we can continue posting deals!! I know I used gundeals all the time and intend to move my postings over here.

Its_over_9000 ago

Welcome. Please don't upvote low effort comments just because, and also consider commenting in some other subverses. It's just 10 comment upvotes, not that hard to get it organically.

Wookiee_Size ago

Yep, nobody cant post the deals back if we dont have the upvotes.

chucktesta ago

Is that how it works ? Or do we need the 10 comments (10CCP ?) to make posts ?

6h057 ago

10 comment contribution points, to make a post. 100 to be able to downvote. Each time you get upvoted, you get one CCP. There is a point where you have limited upvotes to give, so be aware of that

FortressOmega ago

Fuck all of you niggers, welcome to your new home. Stop being a libtard and stay as long as you like.

Debaser138 ago

Glad to be here. Been sick and tired of Reddit's censorship for a while. Let the place rot, hopefully we can get this community to where /r/gundeals was.

derrrrrsss ago

Lets do this boys

dontchaworryboutit ago

Hello and thank you for being here. I was horrified to watch Reddit destroy gundeals today

jacksgrin ago

you don't have to include the u here, as he's not here. Everyone knows who spez is though.

dottmatrix ago

Before today, I didn't...

duckfucker ago

I look forward to finding a place I can browse while I should be working.

jacksgrin ago

Took the plunge. Can't wait for Reddit to die.

SavageRuger ago

Glad to hear it!

post_break ago

Glad to be here. Looking to get started with my own local houston sub and establish that since reddit admins threatened to ban us for posting classifieds.

Jhizzzz ago

Let’s do this !!

chetoflep ago

I was in the middle of making an offer to someone who wanted to buy my rifle. It's the Savage 12fv if you happen to see this!

DTresonate ago

Reddit, Facebook, Twitter... All sided with the communist enemies. Time to ditch reddit and build up online communities that are ban free.

DTresonate ago

Add youtube. They are banning all gun videos nect month. The communist forces are here.

JS028 ago

Month? They've already started taking a few of the lesser viewed ones down

Imthecure ago

Already jumped ship from Facebook and Twitter about a year ago, I was hoping to find a Voat app similar to redditisfun but no luck.

Leroy_Kenobi ago

I'm on "Boats for Voat" right now. It reminds me a lot of redditisfun. Some stuff is different, but I'm finding the transition easier.

Longstride77 ago

Good god Reddit. Are they trying to ruin their own platform? It's just going to be an echo chamber of liberals that are detached from reality.

windowpuncher ago

I heard this term the other day, it was from a college group talk meeting thing with about a hundred people, and some libtards got all upset because they were discussing physical differences between males and females. It was somwhere on youtube.

Liberals are fine, conservatives are fine, moderates are fine, but extreme liberals/libtards and the conservative equivalent are just rejecting reality. For a libtard example, many don't want to be male or female. Fine, change it, but it's rejecting reality. You were born that way. Nobody can say they're genderfluid or whatever the fuck term they want to use because it doesn't make any goddamn sense unless you get surgery every other day, or just cut it all off and get a fucking genetal adapter or some shit I dunno.

You can be either a male or a female. Trans is not a gender. You can be trans, but still only either male or female unless you surgically change yourself into a herm or some shit. You can't be both without surgery, and you sure as hell cannot change it because you have daddy issues.

You, the word, being used in a general sense of course.

spezisafag ago

It's going to continue to be an echo chamber detached from reality.

CleatusMaximus ago

I don’t know how many comments I’ve seen like that that from the most recent t_d. Honestly I’ve found a lot of people don’t know how to handle people talking to them without the safety blanket of a mod who will ban them. Idk I’ve never had a reddit acct, only visited GD.

HungryCrow ago

Reddit was fine a few years back, it's been all down hill since r/fatpeoplehate got banned.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

The Digg refugee flood was a major downgrade.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Asking for upvotes is faggy. Get your asses out into the community and earn them.

pwny_ ago

Your community goes nowhere if the refugees can't post links

carlip ago

you clearly dont understand what CCP and SCP are. maybe you should read the FAQ.

pwny_ ago


CheeseboogersGhost ago

Our community is already somewhere. We don't need you. You need us, kikeniggerfaggot.

pwny_ ago

Not at all, this is just potentially better than using gun.deals

CheeseboogersGhost ago

With that attitude you wont last long. Ask the last reddit refugees

pwny_ ago

sure, and then your community continues to not go anywhere

enjoy the 2 posts a month in this board lmao

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Who wants a bunch of cucked jew nigger lovers here? We only want cool people. We already know where to get cheap ammo and guns...

pwny_ ago

you clearly don't, given the state of this forum lmfao

jacksgrin ago

We're trying. Everyone starts off as a newfag

pretty_innocuous ago

You're trying to game a community to which you don't belong.

You kikelovers need to fuck right off back to where you came from.

jacksgrin ago

Listen here, faggot, I'm staying here and there's nothing you can do about it, so unwad your panties and get used to it.

Wookiee_Size ago

Yeah, there won't be anything to comment on if none of us can post yet.

nuworldblue ago

Perhaps contributing to the established community might help.

Jhizzzz ago

Hopefully this place blows up... loved r/gundeals... RIP ☹️

Ravigon ago

Withdrawals are a bitch!

ViperCarbz ago

I'm in for 16 cents a round all day long.

Evil-Twin ago

Fellow refugee here.

When I first found my way here a couple of hours ago there were just under 400 subscribers - it's more than double that now.

This place may be blowing up.

chucktesta ago

We need an equivalent to r/gundealsFU

Airdchartdan43 ago

Yeah that sub has cost me way too much but I loved it. And now I am here and will not go back to that fucking shithole of censorship and faggotry.

AnnosaurusRex ago

I feel like a piece of me has been cut off, I spent so much time there and now it’s gone. Hell, that was the only place I shopped on Black Friday.

TDrive ago

Yeah fuck that place. I'm here now.

Dave_is_here_man ago

Ummm....no honey, r\gundeals SAVES us money......

gmcttr ago

Sure...it saved us money on things we wouldn't have bought otherwise

Phrikus ago

Same here!

MrBdubb ago

Thanks for taking us aboard

kayakbassfisher ago

Hi, my name is Kayakbassfisher, and I am not a communist. Its nice to be able to say that out loud, without fear of persecution.

RedditCensorsTheUSA ago

Wow, I forgot it was ok to speak your honest opinion. Reddit almost cucked me. I am not a communist either!

SherSlick ago

Does anyone know if voat allows for something similar to the r/Gunsforsale sub?

go1dfish ago

Yes, keep it legal, no dox, no spam you should be good.

SherSlick ago

Well I ask because /v/GunsforSale is already banned here... I mean this subverse is good for finding "retail" deals, but was looking for where the traders will land.

go1dfish ago

That’s not banned it’s just disabled due to inactivity, inactive subs were used as a DDoS attack vector a while back so inactive subs got shut down.

Nothing in the rules against such trading here.

SherSlick ago

OK. My lack of Voat knowledge is showing. Wonder if there is a way to ping the mod/admins to bring it back to life.

Dudicles ago

You could try posting in /v/subverserequest.

Tomjul811 ago

Let’s get this rolling

FlyingKat316 ago

Fuck Reddit and fuck u/spez. Cuck piece of shit


I forgot I had created my Voat account a while ago when spez pissed me off about something...hence, my username, hahah.

OneTrueYahweh ago

I just deleted an account that was almost 8 years old. Feelsgoodman

spezisafag ago

Yep. Spez is a fag

Mike2541 ago

I got a 7 day ban for telling him I hope his family is the first to be gassed.

Dolphlungegrin ago

I got a three day ban for spamming ammo deals all over reddit.

JohnParker ago

one of us

TherapyPorcupine ago

I got 3 days for a simple "fuck you." I think I'll be making a few more accounts and spamming him with tranny nigger porn.

Mike2541 ago

When I get unbanned, I'm going to send him daily videos of jews getting killed.

neveranoutlawbefore ago

surprised he didn't just edit your comment to say you SUPPORT HER

Mike2541 ago

The editing of comments was absurd.. Still to this day it's like.. what made him think that was a good idea?

Dkeere ago

This guy gets it. He can stay.

CleatusMaximus ago

Welcome friend

jacksgrin ago

worth every day, I bet.

Mike2541 ago

For sure.

Mike2541 ago

For sure.

trytych ago

Only about 199.9K more subscribers to go. This place should be hopping in a few days!

windowpuncher ago

Shit did gundeals really have 200k?

osagecountyguns ago

I snagged some screenshots before refreshing / closing my browser tabs. As of Tuesday it was at 130,043 readers (which I assume are subscribers).

juniperspaceweed ago

Welcome!! Be free from the cesspool!

nakizo ago

I thank you, my wallet does not.

TheDoomp ago

Everyone needs to contribute and upvote each other in order to get this train rolling!

Its_over_9000 ago

I would recommend only upvoting quality comments. Otherwise you'll bring in shill accounts with you.

Null11 ago

1 Hi-point still equals $100 USD.

windowpuncher ago

Still illegal in my state :(

trytych ago

I believe the exchange rate has stayed the same.

Null11 ago

excellent! Now bring on the deals and fuck reddit

Okie_Gunslinger ago

Need CCP to post deals Please help!

Penguin_ ago

Would love some CCP too!


CCCP? Commies!

Penguin_ ago

You can have

chucktesta ago

I thought CCP required you to make posts ? Or do you need someone to comment on your post to get CCP ?

pbrstreetgang ago

You need 10 upvoats on comments before you can make your own post, it helps to keep the racist, islamophobic nazi, anti-semetic, jewish nigger faggots out of the neighborhood. Welcome to Voat, there is No Censorship.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

*except in v/truthhurts, and a couple other infiltrator subs.

chucktesta ago

We need to get as many people migrated over as possible.

AnnosaurusRex ago

We definitely do.

utahman11 ago

Dang didn't realize we needed our Concealed Carry Permit to post here it's stricter than reddit.

rGunDealsRefugee ago

At least it's a shall issue state

Simple_thought ago

Help! I can't be trusted with having extra money!


lol my 401k is gonna be baller now

MrKequc ago

For gods sake disable registration before Soros inevitably closes reddit.

Lazmat ago

listen up jew fag niggers https://www.voat.co/v/whatever/2458286

gsintxz ago

Hello there!

silver_wolf ago

General Kenobi!

Loganphyve ago

Hey all. r/gundeals refugee. Thanks for the warm welcome.

evanr821 ago

I’m in the same boat. Fuck Reddit.

chucktesta ago

I wonder what this subs size was before the mass exodus. Anyone know ?

gmcttr ago

Using the WayBack Machine to view r/gundeals/, on 01/27/18 there were "122,313 readers and 882 users here now"


Soooooo almost there lol

chucktesta ago

Good call with the Wayback machine! I was actually referring to how many subscribers /v/gundeals had before the reddit exodus. As of right now (3/21/18) there are 1183 subscribers. When I joined a /v/gundeals a few hours there were around 800 subscribers.I'm a nerd and I like statistics so I think it's pretty cool how quickly it's grown in just a few hours. It would be cool to see if Voat can gain more traction by getting a large portion of the 122k reddit users.

gmcttr ago

Last may there were 140 subscribers to v/gundeals/.

johnnyprimusjr ago

Something something faggot something something kuck

I'm new here too. :-\

Ravigon ago

There, have your last point to get 10!

Gundeals_rip ago

Fuck yeah!

Dysprosium ago

Welcome niggerfaggot

Gnatsunami ago

Almost. Just without all the extra “somethings.”

here4gundeals ago

faggot kuck

I'm new here too. :-\

othello314 ago

no he said "the extra somethings". so I think it's "something faggot something kuck" I'm new here too :-\

Gnatsunami ago


here4gundeals ago

No niggerdom here so not likely

DennRN ago

Hope we can establish a thriving community like the one that just got murdered

mdspawn ago

Fuck Reddit and fuck u/spez. Cuck piece of shit

pyroteknick ago

We will do well here.

Tangclown ago

Reporting for duty.

RJK_Ventures ago

Thanks, we just got started as a dealer on gundeals and literally a week before this happened.

GotSeoul ago

Yes, looks like almost 2k users coming over. I'm sorting this thread low to using by hitting "Bottom" and upvoting those that do not have 10 yet. If we can do that for each other that would be great. Got a few deals from /r/GunDeals I want to get over here to /v/GunDeals.


same here... I visited gundeals hourly

Snowflake_STOMPER ago

Hello. Another Reddit refugee. Actually, just went there for gun stuff. Kept getting banned by snowflakes whenever I would communicate with them. So, I love guns, love America, love freedom, and HATE FUCKING LIBTARD COMMUNIST GARBAGE. I'm going to build 5 more AR's from 80%'s and give them to random kids in honor of reddit's utter faggotry.

s5ean ago

I hope so too :(

gundealsRefugee69 ago

Actually glad to be off that leftist circle jerk. At least now I can actually post what I want and not worry about hurting "feelings".

XenonBloom ago

If enough of us flee from reddit we can make this happen.

saltyduck- ago

I am in, just came over. They took out many of my other favorite subs as well like reloadingsales and stuff like that. blah

apeik ago

I really hope this is the case, because censorship is about to destroy america. It may not seem like it, but i think this is the battlefield for the 21st century. Between youtube wanting to ban all gun video's and these kind of attacks on our freedom of speech, we are being silenced. They are silencing the second amendment and getting away with it. It's time to fight back; a year ago.

GrayMan ago

I agree. Another refugee here. Upvoats welcome.

4republic ago

here from R... ready to go full voat... fuck you fucking motherfucking cocksuckers

squataclops ago

You will. Nobody is going to fuck with you guys here.

kyescott ago

Same brother. Just recently found the r/gundeals community and was floored. Fuck Reddit.

LemonGello ago

Reddit has been slowly getting more liberal and less tolerant in recent years. When I went to browse /r/gundeals today and found that my favorite sub was the latest victim it was the last straw.

Fuck Reddit.

kmaphygn ago

It's really not necessarily more liberal, it's authoritarian. Leftists are acting more authoritarian with respect to guns (and free speech), I agree.

NakedTonyDanza ago

Reddit was spawned when digg turned to shit, and now it looks like they may be heading down the same path. I found gundeals three days ago.

s5ean ago

Sad to see reddit fall down the same path :(

gundealsRefugee69 ago

You poor bastard.

pwny_ ago

I'm sorry it took you so long to find gundeals...that place was awesome

floydmcscroops ago

Just showed up after finding out about the 'deals' ban. Fucking ridiculous. It's going to be a lefty fucking reach around circle jerk over there. We are getting so god damn devise these days, and that's fine with me.

Madetheswitch ago

If you didn’t know you can use gun.deals

tacovski ago

Biggest thing for me was the comments. Better deals, deals on matching kits, reviews, etc. Gun.deals comments are always lacking, although I do like the vendor coupon code tracking.

421dave ago

gun.deals is just so damn overrun with crap "deals". The way /gundeals was run, the stuff that wasn't a real deal got pushed down pretty quickly so you were mostly left with the really good stuff. gun.deals will do in a pinch but it's not going to be anywhere near as good. Hopefully we'll be able to get the same kind of community going here.

r870 ago

Plus gun.deals has a terrible interface and worthless search function

windowpuncher ago

Great resource but it's still pretty clogged with dealer ads fucking everywhere. Drowns out all the actual deals.

RefugeeOper9r ago

That sub accounted for 75% of my Reddit use. I will happily abandon bikinibottomtwitter in protest

paintcheck200 ago

Same here. Only reason I ever even joined Reddit.

bnolsen ago

I had been using gundeals but jumped whrn money got tight. Sat in CCW then got sucked into The_Donald. I wonder if that all will migrate over here?

Dave_is_here_man ago

Only 75%!?!

NorthernMan ago

Just make bikinibottomtwitter here instead

beece ago

Wait, waht? "bikinibottomtwitter? That's a thing? Jesus man, don't be hasty.

Gundeals_rip ago

Same here. I guess I’m saving money.


everyone's bank account just sighed in relief

LocknLoadem ago

Yea, but just think of all the money your not saving now that r/gundeals is gone.

But I guess that's why we're all here now, isn't it?

ArcMadder ago


Madetheswitch ago

Gundeals and gunsforsale was the only reason I was there. I’m here to stay.

clb1016 ago

I used gundeals and gunsforsale pretty much exclusively. I used to use guns, but stopped, and very rarely would head over to firearms.

OneTrueYahweh ago

Yeah, that and scotchswap. They killed a huge portion of their user base.

Madetheswitch ago

I wish I had known there was a scotch swap! Now I really feel like I missed out. DAMN

Sedasoc ago

I love bikinibottomtwitter though.

IDDQD2014 ago

Reddit Refugee here. Might as well comment to get the 10 CCP, in case I fond a good deal soon.

ar_new_bee ago

Yet another Reddit Refugee.

s5ean ago

I'd also like some CCP if you loving handsome men would so kind lol :D

abracapocus ago

Oh, that’s how you do it!

paintcheck200 ago

New as well. Learning the CCP. Give me an up vote eah?

DickAppointment ago


kmaphygn ago

I got you fam

rGunDealsRefugee ago

I got you

paintcheck200 ago

got you back bra

Johnsmithestine ago

hoping the same here of you guys could be as kind?

s5ean ago

I gave you all upvotes, feel free to return the favor gents!

Doctor_VonBacon ago

Take 2 upvotes. They're small.

SureCockHolmes ago

Fellow refugee, what's the significance of 10 ccp?

Consequences ago

You need 10 Comment Contribution Points to be able to submit a thread. You get them when people upvote your comments.

SureCockHolmes ago


silverhare ago

You should also know, that the number of votes you're allowed to use every 24 hours is tied to your CCP. Voat put this in place to encourage people to engage in discussions. Spamming "faggot" in comments is generally a quick way to earn those CCP. YMMV.

kmaphygn ago

whats a ccp

s5ean ago

I upvoted all you lovely gents :D

paintcheck200 ago

I'll try to figure it out for an upvote :p

rGunDealsRefugee ago

Voat, where Karma whoring is required.

pyroteknick ago

You dirty Karma slut! Talk GunDeals to me!

Consequences ago

Comment Contribution Points.

Every time someone upvotes one of your comments, you gain 1 comment contribution point.

Bronze_Knight ago

Dang, this place is FANCY.

windowpuncher ago

Stupid name for comment upvotes.

kmaphygn ago

Obviously they should be called upvoats. How is it possible that this is not the case?

The_greatest ago


Justarandomshooter ago


Jaybro1414 ago

Reddit refugee here, hope this place gets busy

pyroteknick ago

This place will surely get busy with the influx of Reddit refugees.

DickAppointment ago

Hope so. That was a decent community over there while it lasted despite the anti gunner overlords.

touchmybork ago


floydmcscroops ago

I'm right here with you. Fuck reddit. May it continue on its shit fucking path to liberal land.

RefugeeOper9r ago

I got you brother. Any hot tips?

soggybottomman ago

I got your hot tip right here

Reddit_blows_goats ago

Hot tip! Never piss into the wind.

IDDQD2014 ago

Yeah, Fuck Reddit

CaptainTango ago

How does this CCP work?

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Like karma. Voat is slow right now due to a horde of refugees, but you should see one CCP pretty soon.

WhyInTheHellNot ago

It's really an unfortunate path that reddit has been going down for the past year or so. Censorship has no place in a community that claims to be a bastion of free speech. Here's hoping this develops into something great!

d3fect ago

I just joined voat as a part of the mass exodus.Is this a valuable community or just shitposts?

WhyInTheHellNot ago

A mixture of the both for now

ArchAngel570 ago

Bugs me that just not long ago Reddit was complaining how Net Neutraility repeal was going to tear down the internet. Looks like they are doing it to themselves.

ChickenChucker ago

been on a steady downfall since Aaron Swartz died.. Probably since before that, but there was a turn around that time. Way more thought control and shilling and a shitload more advertising, or at least it felt that way.

3vil3lvis ago

Censorship should have a place, but it should be limited to things that are illegal and not based on something that one person doesn't like.Reddit is the next Myspace and will fall away into obscurity.

gundeal_refugee ago

"censorship should have a place"? Get the fuck outta here with that bullshit

ThirteenthZodiac ago


community that claims to be a bastion of free speech

What fucking rock did you climb out from under?

Ajaxofbarbaria ago

How many single digits of your age were you 4 years ago?

Asking for and I end 😉

rockjay556 ago

Oh it probably will for a while. Then it's going to go the route all popular websites do and turn to crap. Can mods ban here like in Reddit or no?

altaccounttwo ago

Something is wrong, your comment says it was posted today and not three years ago.

Brimshae ago

Yeah? As in one?

radar_actual ago

Really felt the decline in the past few months. Ever since the Parkland shooting we have been seriously targeted. Its unfortunate, but these are the people that live in our world now. Either you agree with them or you are a racist, bigot, homophobe, nazi.

MillstoneNecklace ago

racist, bigot, homophobe, nazi

You say that like it's a bad thing...

ibepokey ago

Its unfortunate, but these are the people that live in RUN our world now.


neveranoutlawbefore ago

A bunch of dumbass kids start marching around thanks to (((Soros))) and all of the sudden we're listening to tidepod eaters about how to stay safe


its all getting ridiculous

endeavour3d ago

it's been going on since about 2012-13 really, it's just ramped up significantly since Spez came back

archal ago

Yeah, I created my account several years ago when I first noticed it. They were more subtle then, but it's just a clear and open agenda to suppress any community which does not adhere to MSM ideas of what is 'correct'.

darkcirc ago

I have to wonder if this is the slow fruition of the threat of "things will be much worse now" after ellen got paoed.

oddphilospher ago

hindsight the whole thing looks very different now

SolidSnake556 ago

Fuck Ellen too.

HungryCrow ago

Do you practice faggotry or did that comment just come naturally to you?


Doesn't this shit get old? I mean you're basically fucking 14 years old with comments like this.

WhyInTheHellNot ago

I come by my faggotry naturally thanks very much

HungryCrow ago

I figured as much. Click the light bulb at least, faggots I can tolerate but at least don't be a day mode faggot.

Day mode faggots did 9/11.

Kq4CsyAEaQEJ97 ago

Whoa... TIL of night mode faggotry. I too like my faggotry to be kept in the dark.

WhyInTheHellNot ago

I went night mode before I even posted. I know what I'm about.

HungryCrow ago

Glad to hear it. Now we need only wait for the Night of the Day Mode Faggot Purge.

Voopin__Voopin ago

i like you already.

zbou ago

Fuck you faggot, welcome

BrosaParks ago

Thanks feg

touchmybork ago

Feels like home already.

illegalvoater ago

I found my new home. Where do I sign up for handouts?

ZetaReticulan ago

You have been reported for being illegal

mrfetus ago

We call them GIBS here, faggot.

illegalvoater ago

fuck you and your culture, im bringing mine and diluting yours. was about to reddit space you but couldnt bring myself to do it lol

mrfetus ago

As long as you're white we're alright 😁

illegalvoater ago

all my rifles are black

mrfetus ago

Just keep them as property and not as family, brother. 😄

You'll be a Nazi in a month, seriously.

illegalvoater ago

Of course I will, not planning to change.

mrfetus ago

TOPKEK, I'm fucking dying. 😂😂😂😂😂😂


illegalvoater ago

no, youre a fag

mrfetus ago

Jewish whine*


altaccounttwo ago

ice website. click the "report" button then proceed to fill out your address and personal information. People will be sent to personally hand you... er give you a hand out.

Bacardi_Limon ago


Blueman216 ago

I think I'm going to like it here.

Johnsmithestine ago

love it already

fusir ago

Don't forget we have movie night on sunday at /v/movieswithgoats.

It looks like it's going to be Demolition Man. We do it on https://Cytu.be

The_Gadway ago

Wait, this is a thing? That’s pretty legit. What time? EST.

fusir ago

6pm EST on Sunday. Just sub to /v/movieswithgoats and add a comment to the alerts thread if you want an @The_Gadway alert. (Called a comment mention).

mrfetus ago

Fuck you, go home.

Welcome to voat

jerry ago

Most people do after they stay for long enough

OneTrueYahweh ago

Are saying Stockholm syndrome is common here?

ThirteenthZodiac ago

Sometimes, when your knowledge of the truth about the world overwhelms, it is helpful to know that there are others who carry the same burden.

Welcome to voat, niggerfaggot. And welcome to the war.

The fire rises.

50calPeephole ago

Its all fun and games until you get raped by a bundle of sticks.

altaccounttwo ago

Sticks don't play...

Karnivor ago

dont call him a faggot you massive cock gobbler

LemonGello ago

I'm not your massive cock gobbler, count gookoo

NickyFoxy ago

look at this fucking libtard rainbow fucker

obvious-throwaway- ago

What are you dirty fucking filthy nigger kikes going on about? 🔥✡

nobslob ago

Quit just talking about cocks and whip 'em out, this spit roast isn't going to just happen on it's own!

chmod ago

don't call him a massive cock gobbler you witless dick smoker

bdmthrfkr ago

I fucking hate these leddit rejects.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

At least these faggots are armed.

Perhaps a better class of faggot.

Brewtown ago

Refu-faggot here. Where can I commence shitposting?

CrustyBeaver52 ago

Let the games begin!

bdmthrfkr ago

Not the worst group of reddit fagots that we have received but... still reddit fagots. There will be a lot of fedora tipping etc. but I just can't wait until this group of heavily armed Men meet the JQ.

That is going to be interesting. Maybe it is a good thing that they had to flee to VOAT afterall.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

Intervention by higher powers:)

edistojim ago

There're actually niggerfaggot rejects, but, if they assimilate it will be fine.

zbou ago

don't call me massive cock gobbler unless you know me, pal

Karnivor ago

I'm not your pal, guy!

The_Laughing_Storm ago

His not your guy, friend.

Moodog ago

I'm not your friend, buddy!

mrfetus ago

In the oven you likes!

ruck_feddit ago


mrfetus ago


SavageRuger ago

Hey! We would love to get this place to where it was, sad that reddit did what it did.... you need 10 CCP to post though (no idea what that means...) but I have a link of a great deal that wasn't on the reddit gundeals list

mrpeenut24 ago

Hijacking the top (related) comment because I need CCP too, please.

AnnosaurusRex ago

Yeah, I’d definitely appreciate some CCP

othello314 ago

I too have this amazing deal the best deal you've ever seen from the best company, aw but it's too bad I don't have 10 CCP to post it for you all.

daserlkonig ago

Want to make sure I can post any deals I find, can't believe they banned the site. This one already looks great. Screw Reddit.

xmu806 ago

You must own 10 Walther CCPs before being allowed to post on this forum. It is a very odd but specific guideline.

SavageRuger ago

Damn, guess Im going to have to up my game....would love to see some walther deals sometime

zbou ago

CCP = Chinese child porn. Get to work.

derrick81787 ago

This comment asking what CCP was got you to 12 CCP lol.

Justsomeone ago

CCP is like reddit karma.

This 10 CCP minimum for posting prevents faggots and kikes of shitting on our place.

Just keep on engaging in discussions and you will reach 10 CCP soon.

XenonBloom ago

How I feel right now: https://imgflip.com/i/26wo0x

Justsomeone ago

Posting a nigger begging for CCP in Voat will actually get you some CCP.

Congrats on picking up on that, you fucking retarded.

And welcome home, brother.


XenonBloom ago


I seriously didn't know what to fucking do with myself this morning when I couldn't browse gundeals.....wtf

Justsomeone ago

I can only imagine what that feels like.

But hey, let's make a strong gun community in Voat together.

XenonBloom ago

100% agree and thats exactly why I'm here. r/guns is just a stew of people complaining and not doing anything constructive. If enough of us work together we can keep out the riff raff here and create a strong community of like minded enthusiasts.

Justsomeone ago

And the cherry on the top is that we can blame kikes for delaying the Desert Tech MDR for so long.


zomenox ago

Seems a bit uncalled for. Reddit blunders again, but have no fear. Justsomeone is here to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

Cabshank ago

Cool beans

Mojorisin471 ago

Great thanks for the info!

9mmPizzaTopping ago

Count me in for some of that CCP

Johnsmithestine ago

count me in too

rockjay556 ago

Can mods ban here like Reddit? Or no?

illegalvoater ago

Didn't have to be named after a walther

NumbaJuanKike ago

Hey im the only kike around here goy.

Justsomeone ago

I wish you were.

One is a far more tolerable number of jews.


Changalangy ago

Hey Fellow Gundeals refugees,

I also need 10 CCP, so I can start posting some of the gundeals tabs I still have open.

s5ean ago

Can i also get help getting 10 CCP? Id like to open up my own shop here. Please and thanks!

Mojorisin471 ago

Someone get this man some CCP

pm_your_dingleberry ago

commenting for my 10 CCP to link stuffs and whatnot

akenthusiast ago

Upvote me, bitches

z0m0 ago

I too am here for the cpp.

freshmagsandbodybags ago

Just got you to 10 ;)

z0m0 ago

You're a good person.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Come for the CCP, stay for the DOTR.

ShineShooter ago

Hey, what's the spoiler text format?

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

ShineShooter ago

Thank you!

TrybalRage ago

Same here.

xmu806 ago

I could also use 10 CCP. Note: NOT the Walther CCP. I most definitely don't want 10 of those.

here4gundeals ago

Why would you not

Walther is awesome.

Justsomeone ago

Hey faggot, just hover you mouse over the usernames to know for how old the username is.

And don't whore for CCP, actually discuss stuff and earn it.

Have an upgoat anyway.

MrBdubb ago

Oh please don't all be like this douche bag...

Kq4CsyAEaQEJ97 ago

Yep. What Reddit did sucked a lot, but I'm not entirely sure I'm ready to jump straight to the mirror image. Free speech is one thing; being a fucking tool and insulting people with stupid ass charged terms for the sake of doing it just seems immature. Ugh. I hate you Reddit. I hate you so bad.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

stupid ass charged terms

You're literally a refugee from reddit.

Kq4CsyAEaQEJ97 ago

I literally am.

Feldgrau_Katze ago

There's work to do, but we will make Gundeals great again!

Fambida ago

I'm sorry to tell ya that free speech is cherished here, and that means for everyone. As long as it's not actually illegal in the US or self-promotional spam, it's not banned on this site. I'd like you to think about how that aspect is in fact exactly what you came here for.

Y'all are free to make your own rules in this sub, ofc, but I believe our mod here was also your mod there, and he hasn't seen fit to do so.

MrBdubb ago

I feel running around saying nigger,spick,kike or whatever is about the same as flag burning. You can do it if you want. I'll think you're a douche. Ultimately if you are ok with me thinking you're a douche that's fine since it's just one man's opinion.

Feldgrau_Katze ago

It's like /b/ and retarditt had a baby, and that baby was raised by none other than Mel Gibson.

windowpuncher ago

And then we all came and gave that baby a fuckload of cheap guns.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

This is extremely true. Also, I like your name.

In fact, your comment and name are so on point it makes me think you've been here a while already....

weredawg ago

You gonna love it here, mane. We all talk about niggers, faggots, kikes... hell, sometimes we even bring up muzzies.

zbou ago

We are. Kindly go hang yourself, niggerkike.

FuckIgnorantFucks ago


jacksgrin ago

There's free speech here, so feel free to call the person whatever you'd like in retaliation. That's your right to free speech.

FuckIgnorantFucks ago

But that just makes a toxic community

jacksgrin ago

Stop being such a faggot.

Justsomeone ago

You will fit right in, buddy.

nakizo ago

I'm down with CCP

scolex ago

yeah you know me!

dottmatrix ago

Yeah, you know me!

SavageRuger ago

This 10 CCP minimum for posting prevents faggots and kikes of shitting on our place.

Just saying it would be great to make this place welcoming and polarizing the circumstance like this will turn away a lot of users...Not trying to be thought or word police just saying that as a gun community we should come together and not splinter apart

s5ean ago

I'm upvoting all my fellow Reddit Refuges!

redditman ago

You're too kind

abracapocus ago

Finding out I could just block users made things a lot more palatable. Seems that you have to actually open their profile to do it, though. Not ideal, but I’ll still give it a shot. It's good to see that those attitudes that you called out aren’t representative of all users.

Deezle ago

Are you a nigger or do you not get that we don't fucking care about feefees?

here4gundeals ago

Can I be both?

Deezle ago

Hi alt of SavageRuger. Get shut down did ya? You suck at this. Guns are for fags real men right with swords.

here4gundeals ago

I'm not SavageRuger. Sounds like somebody just googled some gun names and put them together, which sounds like something you might do as a faggot who doesn't even understand boomsticks.

SavageRuger ago

Im here for gundeals and so are the other users who have more than doubled the population here

Deezle ago

more than doubled the population here

You are here because you have no where else to go. Be a good guest or expect to be called a nigger-loving faggot daily. I know it triggers you.

SavageRuger ago

Be a good guest...

How about we work on a gundeals community creating content and knowledge that wasn't here before.... and oh yea totally triggered, you can tell by my triggered responses, you've destroyed me, since I've been talking about making this place about gundeals, I'm devastated

Deezle ago

Shut up nigger.

I_Would_Gas_You ago

The new waves almost always leave back to reddit. They are never missed

SavageRuger ago

The sub population doubled in a couple of hours, thats a little more than a wave, this is an opportunity to get us all gundeals, rising tides float all boats.

Hereforgundeals ago

Funny you would mention boats

I_Would_Gas_You ago

Gun people are not the usual degenerates who get sent here so it'll be a nice addition.

windowpuncher ago

Reddit also banned tobacco, alcohol, weed (but /r/tress is fine, fucking hypocrites), and all related paraphernalia.

Because they've banned adult hobbies, hopefully we'll get some quality people showing up to stay.

Karbuster ago

It's really not that hard to get 10 points... And it keeps most of the niggerfaggots away

SavageRuger ago

If we keep the culture like this people will not migrate here/deals won't be posted and this will go back to one submitted post a month, we probably shouldn't talk like that

NoTrueScotsman ago

You should be aware of how you sound. You just mass migrated to a website with an existing population, are currently crashing our servers, and immediately start telling us that we need to change our culture and how we talk for you. You haven't even been here long enough to see what this place is like on a normal day.

Can you see how this would get a hostile reaction?

SavageRuger ago

An existing 'population' of less than 225 users and 1 'deal' a month - Im in this for gundeals, as I would hope everyone in a gundeals sub would be, you can keep your gatekeeping I just want the gundeals, being hostile to new users (as many have been to others here) isn't going to get us all where we want to be (again I assume thats deals on firearms and related material)

NoTrueScotsman ago

I'm taking about voat as a whole, not just this sub. Voat is a small website, so subverses aren't as modular as subreddits are. It's pretty easy for one large subverse to have a big effect on the whole site.

I'm just trying to give you a little perspective about why every time you say stuff like that people attack you, in case you wanted to understand anything about the website you just made an account on. If you consider that to be gatekeeping or hostility, I don't know what to tell you.

SavageRuger ago

Im fine with it - if it gets more people into the gundeals section (only part I ever visited reddit for anyway, most likely will be the same for here as well). They can 'attack' me all they like, but my goal is to get as many gundeals here as possible, if it upsets the handful of people who have 'attacked' me I'm ok with it because it could make a difference

I do appreciate the reaching out/dont take what I'm saying the wrong way, but what, 5 people have said something negative to me about what I've said (out of an original 225 users here) This place has a lot of potential that hasn't been realized before and this might be the chance to make it into something more and I think most realize that - or at least make it something that reliably produces gundeals

NoTrueScotsman ago

Almost all of the users here are fine with the gundeal content, they're just worried about getting infected by reddit culture.

New users get hazed, it happens every migration. A lot of it sounds more hostile than it really is because people use harsh language casually. It'll calm down after a while, and people that aren't participating in the sub for its content will mostly lose interest and wander off.

Its_over_9000 ago

You keep saying "we", but your account's only an hour old and you don't seem to really understand the culture.

We are a free speech community and people talk however they damn well please. If you don't like someone calling you a niggerfaggot you can:

  • not respond
  • block their posts by going to their bio (others will see what they say, you won't)
  • tell them it takes one to know one and call them a niggerfaggot right back

And honestly if someone doesn't migrate because they don't like some of the words and ideas shared on this site, we don't want them.

SavageRuger ago

I can also say I disagree with what they are saying and that they misrepresent an entire community when they do so. But hey, if y'all don't want gundeals in a gundeals sub then thats yalls choice - theres a reason that prior to today the most recent 'deal' was a month ago and this place had less than 225 subs

We are gun owners who want deals on guns....

Its_over_9000 ago

Go ahead and do your thing. I'm only telling you this so you can see a common perspective Voat users will have. Might help to have some self-awareness at least that you've been on this site an hour and you're already telling its users how to behave.

SavageRuger ago

Fair - but there were less than 225 users here this morning and there are now almost 500...this place has effectively doubled in a couple of hours. Having a little self awareness will show you that the demographic is changing

Were all here for gundeals, with that common ground lets move to having more deals instead of the sparse amount that was here before, this is an opportunity for all of us

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

You're a fucking kike, aren't you? I can see that hideous hook nose from here.

NiggerBitch69 ago

Shut up faggot

SavageRuger ago

Na, if y'all want a gundeals sub then make it one, if not then no harm in going back to the one 'deal' a month and less than 225 subs it was at before

Deezle ago

You are faggot Jew shill and you are hurting your own cause on purpose. Why?

FortressOmega ago

God you're a faggot ass nigger

SavageRuger ago

For wanting gundeals in a gundeals sub? Or did y'all like the inactivity of before

FortressOmega ago

No, I said what I did because, you condemned our culture fucko. you come here like a fucking refugee to Europe and shit on the "culture" you dumb motherfucker. You need to integrate, we won't change and we give a fucks less about Reddit cucks migrating here.

heygeorge ago

You're probably right, but its going to happen here. It will be worse in the beginning.

Sessjoolintz ago

If that's how everyone here talks then this won't go very far.

Its_over_9000 ago

Some of you will develop thicker skin and stay, others will just go back to reddit. That's how shit works around here.

NiggerBitch69 ago

Shut up faggot lol

Malayar ago

Don't be such a bigger. If you don't like it you can go back to reddit.

Karbuster ago

Culture like what? Honest? Just because someone calls someone else a pussy doesn't mean the whole community is the same. Let go of the ways of the REE and embrace the red pill, it only hurts worse if you resist

Justsomeone ago

But that is the spirit of the thing.

Using this "forbidden words" are the canary of voat. The main thing here is free speech, and what is the best way to test if we are really free than say things like this?

When we are not allowed to say nigger because it might offend people, we will know this became reddit all over again.

CleatusMaximus ago

This goy gets it.

Justsomeone ago

Thanks, you filthy kike.

SavageRuger ago

This place had less than 225 subscribers and about 1 post a month - it wasn't a real place to find 'gun deals' we can't be assholes and expect people to come with posts and content...say whatever you want I believe in free speech, but that will also bring consequences of a lessened user base and far less content (as it has been)

Mike2541 ago

I agree with Savage, the word nigger does not offend me, and I occasionally call people it, when needed...

But to have a sub with a bunch of people running around calling people niggerfagots and kikes all day.. Will make this far less used.

NiggerBitch69 ago

Post good deal and stop being a faggot if you want this place to prosper. If savage the fag didn’t bitch about feelings being hurt than this discussion would never happen. This is a platform promoting freedom of speech. If you don’t like it the fuck off and go suck your Rabi’s dick.

Mike2541 ago

See, this is where your incompetence shows. I never once said we should enact a rule and ban those like you, all I said was some discretion goes a long ways. You can sit here and be a keyboard warrior all you want, fact is you'd catch an asswhoppin in real life.

NiggerBitch69 ago

Shut up faggot.

Mike2541 ago

You have me shaking in my boots, some pale pasty ass white kid called me a faggot from his Moms basement. Get outside kid and see the real world and get off fortnite.

NiggerBitch69 ago

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills.

I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words.

You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands.

Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue.

But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it.

You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

FortressOmega ago

Agree all you want loser you're not on Reddit anymore who fucking cares about your user base.

Mike2541 ago

We have an internet thug over here.

FortressOmega ago

Ok nigger

Mike2541 ago

I'm as white as they come boy.

FortressOmega ago

Lol you don't have to be black to be a nigger, maybe if you knew what the word meant that would help. Here let me educate you.

For reasons common to the slave condition all slave classes displayed a lack of industrial initiative and produced the famous Lazy Nigger, who under Russian serfdom and elsewhere was white. Just as not all blacks, even under the most degrading forms of slavery, consented to become niggers, so by no means all or even most of the niggers in history have been black.

Mike2541 ago

Ok nigger.

Obeastiality ago

You've had an account for less than 30 minutes and you're already trying to make Voat into Reddit

Mike2541 ago

Not trying to make it into reddit, just stating a simple fact.. yelling niggerfaggot all day will turn a lot of people off who are pro 2A/Guns.

But hey, if you want to be a child, you're free to do so.

Obeastiality ago

yelling niggerfaggot all day will turn a lot of people off who are pro 2A/Guns.

"They" should fuck off then, nigger lover.

Mike2541 ago

100% not a nigger lover, furthest thing from it.. I just don't see the need to scream niggerfaggot all day long like some 12yr old playing Xbox while his parents are at work.

Justsomeone ago

That's the thing: less used by whom? The very same people that caused reddit to become what it is today?

Also, this is a normal procedure during a reddit migration. Goats become more civil after a week or so.

Mike2541 ago

Idk, black people who own guns? People with black friends? People who don't want to see nigger all over their screen all day?

Justsomeone ago

They can either grow a thicker skin or just go somewhere else.

It's just words, after all.

Mike2541 ago

Sigh, you will never understand.

Justsomeone ago

Trust me, buddy, I live in a third world country and one that barely escaped the shithole definition from a couple weeks ago, but that didn't stop people from talking shit about my country and me.

Bad words are bad words.

Justsomeone ago

Buddy, neither you nor anyone else have to be here if it offends you so much.

If you are already taking offense with me, you probably haven't had a stroll through voat yet.

As a whole we rather have a few good users than tons of reddit types that will surely bring the same tyranny you came running from.

SirDigbyChikenCaesar ago

Comment Contribution Points. You have to get 10 upvoats on comments you post.

JoeCapone ago

Concealed Carry Points would be better.

androgynous-icicle ago

Upvoat sounds good. Is that why this place is called voat?

SirDigbyChikenCaesar ago

No, it's called Voat because we vote (but call it voating) on comments. Upvoats are called upvoats because we're on Voat. You were close though. Have your first upvoat noob.

chucktesta ago

Thanks for the info!

rram2 ago

I am here for the CCP so I can post.

chucktesta ago

yup, same

SirDigbyChikenCaesar ago

Solid username.

SavageRuger ago

That makes sense, keeps bots out I suppose, also is there anyway to get the old mods of gondolas a position here as well? (if they come that is, I think extending a hand to them might be a good idea)

FortressOmega ago

Old mods lol fuck your dumb your mods are all Reddit cucks

Imthecure ago

As long as it will stay as gundeals and not gondolas.

juniperspaceweed ago

Keep commenting and we'll get you to 10 CCP.

SavageRuger ago

Sounds good! Are people into reloading here as well? We have an opportunity to make this place great

Johnsmithestine ago

can I get those CCP too?

RedditCensorsTheUSA ago

I'm interested in a reloading deals section! Browsing outdoors products and comparing prices is my favorite hobby when the weather is less than ideal.

Changalangy ago

Can you help me out too? I still have some gundeal tabs still open before the ban.

Sessjoolintz ago

I'm sure some people will be. Just create an r/reloading or if you mean deals people always like brass and bullet deals.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


Always a v because it's a subverse not a subreddit ;)

Sessjoolintz ago

Lol yea you're right.

TGIFrat ago

Glad to be here and thank you for the warm welcome! I really feel like we're in the middle culture war that we conservatives are sorely losing. We need to get our act together. This is what oppression looks like people!

windowpuncher ago

Don't have the time to go protest shit and complain to the media, I'll miss too much work.


that we conservatives are sorely losing.

Lol you've been on reddit a long time havent you?

Pwning4Ever ago

I'm sure you'll notice that in the culture war, gen z is seeing it all. We will come back stronger

Sedasoc ago

I barely call myself a conservative these days and the shit reddit is doing pisses me off too. However, I think the idea that this stuff has to be on one side or the other of the party line is part of the problem. I do agree with your statement though, we all need to get our act together.

JungleBoogieMonster ago

There were a lot of liberals on /r/gundeals. It was nice because it was one of the few places where conservatives and liberals coexisted peacefully.

oddphilospher ago

it was a great community

clamhurt_legbeard ago

You only feel like we're losing because you have been regularly going to a communist haven.

Spend some time on voat and you'll swear Generation Zyklon is 6 months out from gassing the kike bankers.

Echo chambers are weird!

PedoHunter12 ago

that we conservatives are sorely losing.

Dude, the two party system is a sham. There is no left/right, there is only a crime syndicate, global in scale, that truly controls world affairs and geopolitics.

silverhare ago

^ this guy gets it. We're engaged in a culture war. This isn't a left/right issue.

The_Gadway ago

Being conservative has nothing to do with a party. I agree though, the party system is nothing but a way to divide a people into little tiny sects. The Globalist fear a people that is united, and armed. I may be a registered Republican, but I’m aware of the bullshit being down by the RINOs, and the deep state, that’s why I voted for Donald J. Trump. I just hope he doesn’t fall into the pressure, and bends like Ronald Reagan did. United we stand, divided we fall!

furluge ago

Oye, yikes, I clicked that video off the moment I saw order at infowars.com. You don't need some new world order conspiracy bullshit to explain the fact that people in power want to stay in power, enrich themselves, and that they're supported by a group of close essential and influential backers that get kick backs in return. That's just basic politics and behavior, no overarching Illuminati conspiracy bullshit required. It's simple Occam's Razor.

paintcheck200 ago

Amen to that - this is about money and power, not religions

Tallest_Skil ago

Who said anything about political parties? He said conservatives. BOTH PARTIES ARE LIBERAL PARTIES. BOTH ARE OWNED BY MARXIST JEWS. We, TRADITIONALIST PEOPLE, are losing.

PedoHunter12 ago

There is a powerful Jewish faction within this crime syndicate for sure. But they are not the sole architects of this New World Order. Some people need to realize that.

Tallest_Skil ago

They are, in fact, the sole architects. Erase all jews and every single power structure crumbles and is irreversibly changed.

ar308 ago

Erase all jews

You are a horrible human being. And not too bright, if you really believe Jewish people are the “sole architects” of some new world order.

Tallest_Skil ago

I’m gonna go ahead and exercise my free speech

No one cares about your whining or your incorrectness.

my first post

Leave this website and never come back. You are too stupid to be considered human.

And not too bright

You’re obviously incapable of learning about the concept of truth, so that’s fairly ironic.

Jewish people are the “sole architects” of some new world order.

Given that they themselves have admitted it and we proved it’s happening roughly a century ago, yeah, the statement that I made is factually correct. Not a joke: Kill yourself. Not hyperbole: KIll yourself. Not being glib: Kill yourself. You are a traitor to humanity (provided you’re white) and will be strung up with the kikes you support.

Here’s a primer to the topic that you will never read. It also proves that you are so wrong that you should not be considered human.

YellingFire ago

What a shame.

CowWithBeef ago

And the second amendment annoys the hell out of them.

here4gundeals ago


PedoHunter12 ago

Oh it sure does. That's priority number 1 on their list as far as I'm concerned right now.

ForgotMyGoat ago

You don't need to hide your opinions behind "conservatism" around here. You can finally be yourself!

Johnsmithestine ago

happy to hear! I like to be myself

Deezle ago

That's one dapper goat!

absurdlyobfuscated ago

But what if I'm a libertarian?

xMEDICx ago

Where to libertarians go on voat? Today is my first day.

absurdlyobfuscated ago

Wherever they want. Because they're mother fucking free.

kmaphygn ago

Nothing ever changes for us: everyone hates libertarians

fusir ago

Lots of libertarians here.

/v/libertarian. /v/libertarianmeme

gundealsRefugee69 ago

I considered myself a republican until recent years. Now I am leaning towards becoming a libertarian. There really is no difference between the modern republican party and the current democratic party. Ultimately they just want to stay in power and control the people hence all the hate for the 2A. I am happy to become a nigger faggot if that means my 1A rights are intact.

MaunaLoona ago

Depends on what you think of helicopter rides.

Tallest_Skil ago

You are a liberal, a coward, and a useless piece of shit who is too lazy and afraid to actually fight back against the marxists.

So no, you won’t fit in here. For more information, grow some balls and ask me about it. I’ll be pleased as punch to explain.

Kq4CsyAEaQEJ97 ago

I'm asking you about it.

Tallest_Skil ago

Inquisitive mind in the face of exhausted fury. I like that.

You want to know the truth about our hatred of libertarianism? The truth is we don‘t hate it. We wanted it, almost every single one of us. Perhaps even all of us. We believed in the good of humanity, in live and let live, in leaving others alone as long as they left us alone. You know what happened? They didn‘t leave us alone. They came for us and attacked us. They destroyed our hobbies, they besmirched the name of our ancestors, they ridiculed us for our beliefs, and they made up lies about our bodies so as to ‘belittle’ us. That is the truth. For so long we ignored it. Freedom is more precious than anything, right? Wrong. We all learned that. So will you. You will only be pushed so far, you will only endure so much ridicule, you will only tolerate so much filth before you’ve had enough. You will realize what ‘degeneracy’ is. You will see how it has destroyed nations, ruined families (even the very concept of family), you will see it spread disease, poverty, and hatred. You will see fools brag about how ‘tolerant’ they are as they march to the guillotine. You will bear witness to the horrors of undiluted ‘freedom.’ There’s nothing wrong with ‘freedom’ when it is focused on what is good and pure. Libertarianism is a great ideology when you live in a Protestant Anglo-Saxon society. Libertarianism is suicide when you live in a progressive, multicultural hellhole. So now we must restore the natural laws. No more can we let people decide for themselves, as not only does it lead to our destruction, but to theirs, too. The negro was far happier and more prosperous under colonialism. So were we–that’s the truth. We all need leadership, and we need to enforce what is right. Welcome back to a hierarchical world where your opinions mean little; only cold hard facts will be used to determine how we will run society. We have always been obsessed with the truth. You will learn that truth is more important than your freedom. And the truth of the world is that we are not equal and freedom destroys us. The truth of the world is that women are happy when they are mothers and that they are inferior to men in many aspects. The truth of the world is that blacks commit far too much crime, and if we insist on treating them equally we will only harm ourselves and them. The truth of the world is that jews hate us and are trying to destroy us, and that if we do not fight back, we will lose. The truth is that there is nothing wrong with fighting back. The truth is that there is nothing our enemy hates more than us discovering the truth.

Truth is more important than freedom.

Libertarians have never fought for racists or true conservatives. I never asked for an endorsement, nor, for that matter, do I desire one. I fight to be heard. Libertarians offer platforms only to other libertarians and progressives with whom they sympathize. Any platform they offer to those who are conservative, traditionalist, or fascists is grudging at best–tacitly condemned and stifled at worst. They offer endorsement to progressives, whether demanded by them or not. Libertarians as a group have already chosen their side–they merely pretend not to have by promoting false equivalencies and pretending to stand for the rights of everyone. “Everyone’s right to express themselves is equal,” they say. But just like the progressives with whom they sympathize, some are more equal than others. They have favored sons. That is hardly a sin, but when their entire stance is the refusal to favor any son, it is a hypocrisy. And they refuse to acknowledge or admit it.

Libertarians say this is not a particular problem. But it is. It is a very deep and concerning problem, because we fight enemies who will use our freedoms and rights as weapons against us. Agitators will come to meetings and shout us down, crying “free speech!” when they are ejected. Our enemies will form mobs to cause havoc and destruction when we assemble to discuss issues or share information, and cry “freedom to assemble!” when they are dispersed. Our opponents will slander us in the press with blatant distortions and outright lies, and when challenged or called out will hide behind freedom of the press. Mosley encountered this very problem when he attempted to stop Churchill from starting the Second World War. Trump is encountering this problem now. Hitler ran into it before both of them. The reason the Brownshirts, the Blackshirts, and now the Lion’s Guard were formed is that Communist agitators are masters of using the rights and freedoms of a nation to get their way. They will cut you with a knife, proclaim it their right to do so, and cry foul when you push them away or strike back with your fist.

This is why libertarian hypocrisy cannot be borne. Communists, Socialists, Bolsheviks, and Jews will forever and always use our freedoms and rights against us as poisoned daggers. The only way to stop it is employ similar, if tempered, tactics. Even elder libertarians admit this. They themselves claim that a true libertarian society can only come about if all communists, hippies, marxist sympathizers, and welfare leeches are expelled and cast away. But to the matter of how this is to be done, they speak not one word. They see the problem, but much like the handwringing progressives of Europe who see the invaders as a problem but say it is impossible to deport them back they offer not even the faintest hint of a solution. No. There is a solution. There is a solution to getting rid of cultural marxism, just as there is a solution to sending the refugees back. But like the progressives with whom they sympathize, libertarians pretend that what is standing plain before them is not there. If they do see it, they deny it and refuse it, saying there must be some other way–that the situation can be solved without violence or compromising their libertarian mores and morality.

They are wrong. This will never be solved peacefully. The enemy will not permit it. They are dyed in the wool fanatics that believe they are saving the world from itself and will die for what they believe, running the streets red with blood. If you are not prepared to do the same even to stop them, let alone to begin reversing the tide of what they have done, it is tantamount to conceding defeat right now. There are no lengths to which a rabid dog will not go to bite a man. It must be put down.

What the European talking heads refuse to admit is that the invaders could easily be rebuffed. They came here under their own power. They can leave under their own power. If Europeans started executing every Muslim they see, the problem would sort itself out in under a year. They would self-deport back to where they came from if they were made to fear what lies before them more than what they fled. The same solution exists for cultural marxism and all the various flavors of socialist, communist, quisling, and opportunists that push it. To fight them legitimately within the confines of the rules is to propose the raising up of an entire nation within a nation–to have a second America preaching the truth to counter their lies, a second media machine, a second governmental process, a second source of mass information. This is categorically impossible to accomplish, and even if it weren’t, the powers that be would not permit it. The leviathan of the state would not stand idly by while you erect a behemoth in front of it to fight it. Libertarians admit that the threat must be removed but choose to ignore that it will never go willingly and will fight to the death to fulfill its purpose and nature. Force is the one and only solution. But to do so is foul, disgusting, altogether too barbaric, downright fascist, and, worst of all, that most wicked of libertarian sins–authoritarian. So the libertarian will never do so. He will plead the Fifth on the matter even as they are lowering him into his own grave.


Kq4CsyAEaQEJ97 ago

Damn. I appreciate the strongly opinionated and well thought out response; I read every word. Tip o' the hat to you, friend.

Tallest_Skil ago


Additionally, even if they had fought for my right to free speech, that means next to nothing. Am I to overlook a man stabbing me in the back with a knife because he once passed me the salt or held open a door for me? The forces arrayed against us will use the rights we value to kill us and everything we hold dear. You have seen it already in the Chicago riots. Under the guise of “freedoms” like the right to assembly and the right to free speech, the actual rights of free speech and freedom to assemble will be unmade through naked terrorism disguised as the will of the people.

The only positions libertarians may ever take are to either stand completely aside and permit those who are willing to do what must be done, to join us and fight back, or to stand by their principles as hypocritically as they do now, but show them towards us instead. These are the only viable positions for them to take. The libertarian masses choose none of these. Thus, they are part of the problem, not the solution. And these are just the issues with libertarianism that appear when confronted with the issue of cultural marxism. They go far deeper than this. Libertarianism is the promotion of the individual over all other concerns, and as such libertarianism is the suicide of culture and nation both. Libertarianism will not enforce the changes that are necessary to fix this country, or indeed any country, because any such concentration of power would be condemned for its own sake merely for existing. They promote free trade, which breaks the back of any economy that utilizes it–and always will–for free trade is only viable if all trade partners engage in it, and they never will. Thus, it is a policy of being taken advantage of and will always ultimately lead to jobs and labor being outsourced to foreign bidders and wealth flowing out of the nation and into the pockets of international corporate interests.

They claim that progressiveness is only a problem when it is pushed on people by their government. What they fail to realize is that the government will always be biased towards a political ideology, and not only that, it should be. McCarthy’s bias for American traditionalism and against communism is what protected America from it, and but for the Grace of God that he could have gotten all of them instead of merely most, we would not have many of the problems that we do today.

The government will always force upon the people the ideals of those who hold office. Thus, the government will always be vulnerable to subversion by intrusive and malicious alien elements. It is not a self-correcting system. It must be corrected. Socialism did not form in a vacuum. Just like how women have been granted equal rights many times before in the history of human civilization, it is a symptom of a greater scourge of the entropy of civilization and the decay of society. Sexual liberation, female rights, and socialist policies will always be the harbingers of the end for a society. To try and embrace the poison like libertarians do–to insist that the volatile and poisonous progressive culture can be preserved and is even somehow inherently good–betrays their naked ignorance and naïveté on the subject. It is progressive culture that is causing these problems. It is liberalism that has brought us to this point, it is egalitarianism that has allowed this to come to pass, and it is individualism that permitted this to foment. To preserve modern culture but insist on conservative law and fiscal policy is to replace a rotten fruit with a fresh one, but scoop out the festering heart of the rotten and transplant it into the healthy. It is painting over rust instead of scrubbing it out. The culture dictates everything, because it controls the wills and wants of the people. This is why cultural marxism has been so effective. A nation is held aloft from the very bottommost rung, and that bottom rung is the family–the smallest microcosm of civilization. A family is a group of related people who share space, genetics, and ideas. A group of families is a locality, a group of localities is a city or region, a group of cities or regions is a state, and a state either stands on its own. or itself comprises a group of states that form a nation. Thus, all of civilization is supported by the family.

This is why the single most successful communist psyop ever played was the feminist one–i.e. the one that attacked the family unit itself. This is no accident. This was by design. This was a poison dart crafted specifically to bring the Western world to its knees and ultimately destroy it, and it is a poison that has outlived the assassins that cast it and will be the death of us yet if we cannot stop it. To refuse to take a stand against the degeneration of society and culture–to try to “stay above it”–is to be complicit with its blatant and overt destruction. The man who stands by and watches as the gates are lifted and the barbarians are let loose upon the city is complicit in the act of the gateraiser.

Libertarians would stuff their ears with cotton and gibber of cycles of left and right, completely ignoring that even the right wing of today would be viewed as buffoons, imbeciles, and utter madmen by the conservatives of as little as a hundred years ago. A libertarian is someone who sees the spinning wheel of the left vs. right dichotomy and says, “This is a natural cycle of the rotation of ideas,” blind to the cart to which the wheel is attached which is rolling down a hill and off of a cliff. They say to a man who would halt the spinning wheel, “You have no right to do that; the spinning of the wheel is natural,” and to a man who would dare to reverse it, they would hurl their most dire insults, of “authoritarian” and “fascist,” never minding that the progressive ideology is the most authoritarian of all. They cite the Founding Fathers of America as their inspiration. The Founding Fathers were unashamedly fascist. They were fascist before such a term even existed. They were, it could be argued, the original pioneers of the concept in modern times, as they espoused the erasing of prior identity to be subsumed into the newly created joint effort and identity of all. The ideals they represented were the ideals Classical Rome, which they had long studied and admired. They opposed only the coronation of an Emperor out of the whole of Roman works, and only then on principle alone. Much like Thomas Aquinas, not one of them considered Africans “human” when they spoke of “universal human rights.” They never imagined that Europeans and Anglo-Saxons would ever become a minority in their own country. They never believed Christendom would be dismantled with the very rules they put in place to protect it. They fled Britain precisely to escape the tyranny of a centralized private bank, and they felt that such a thing as a love of ones own people and a desire to protect and further the cause of your nation and your blood was so absurdly obvious and so deeply fundamental that it did not even deserve a comment. When they spoke of the brotherhood of man, it was of embracing a man from a city over as a friend, not inviting into your home a swarthy savage from an alien continent.

And if they did ever suspect that such things might take place, they counted on the intelligence and perception of the Americans alive in such times to strike back against it. Libertarians refuse to do so. They fail the Founding Fathers in ways that even an out-and-out, dyed in the wool Nazi does not. At least the Nazi would stand for America, the nation, first, and themselves second. At least they would be willing to fight back. At least they would be intelligent enough to understand that one should not be bound by any law meant for civilized society when uncivil men subvert such rules into daggers and razors to be brandished with malicious intent.

To hide behind feigned neutrality to avoid having to make a stand as any real patriot–as any real man–should, makes you more detestable than the most blatant traitor. You are worse than a traitor. You are a shamer of the righteous, finger wagging the resistance, tut tutting those with the heart to fight back, and talking down as though to a fool the assemblage of patriots who refuse to see a nation subverted and degenerated before their eyes. Naked treachery is preferable to the smug and lukewarm condescension of the just. Even Satan himself stood for something in the face of the Almighty God. Libertarians cannot even manage that.

captainstrange ago

Holy smokes that was a fiery screed.

Got my heart pounding in my ears and my blood pumping.

Just need to get you out in front of crowds at bars.

If you have the balls to speak like this in public, no matter the backlash, and do so regularly, without equivocation, you could go on tours and gather a massive following.

Theres a silent tsunami coming.

Tallest_Skil ago

If you have the balls to speak like this in public

I have two surviving family members. They’re the only things that keep my mouth partially shut. When they die, I’ll do my best to put orators like Father Coughlin to shame.

Thank you, by the way.

Theres a silent tsunami coming.

There’s always hope.

furluge ago

Seriously, seek help. You are fucked up in the head.

Tallest_Skil ago

Not an argument. Not a reply, either. Nor a refutation. Kill yourself, you blithering idiot. You are completely worthless.

furluge ago

Coming from a creepy mentally-ill racist coward twisting in the wind writing manifestos on an internet forum I'll take that as a compliment. Enjoy your life of futility.

Tallest_Skil ago

  1. Not an argument.
  2. Not a reply.
  3. Not a refutation.
  5. How much did you pay for your account, shlomo? Because you’re about to lose access to posting through it. You’ll have to buy another one.
  6. Thanks for outing yourself as a paid shill. Reported.

absurdlyobfuscated ago

I want you to know that your words have not fallen on deaf ears. I don't often read anything that makes me rethink my entire political stance or worldview, but you did just that. Thank you.

icannotsee ago

It was the Jews

SpeechAndAlsoGuns ago

Then we can high five each other like some scene out of Top Gun

WaylandC ago

Itsdone63 ago

As far as anyone is concerned you're a nigger faggot

floydmcscroops ago

Country of origin please?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Libertarians are more likely to be niggerfaggots than many other belief systems!

thelma ago

We are winning. Just going underground, building our own ARs/1911s/etc.

When SHTF you'll see. Won't be like Red Dawn
