insanitea ago

I doubt Q subs will be scrubbed. Perhaps potentially be put in harms way (downvote brigading like we've seen in the past). From what I read there was a new "rolling ccp" feature that might be enabled in the future. Basically what that means is that the biggest shitposters get more voting ability.

grace8 ago

This rolling ccp thing may be the end of v/ga being independent from the power of the shills. They will always be here more than us and they have alredy in place agreements to upvote everyone. They have no problem breaking the rules since they have all been here in their club for years. The only protection we have form them is getting our ccp strong. I dont know if it will be worth it to hang here any more. Im burned out anyway.

JodyOnTheBlock ago

This is the board posted on 8ch qresearch as a backup when putt was trying to convince the board to switch from anonymous to normal like other boards. Over at 8ch the term was voat threatens to deplatform QRV, but I never really saw it that way. Joined, anyway.

grace8 ago

Great. I bookmarked it. Im guessing this is just shitposting on SBBH's part. They are good at that. What a pain in the ass.

JodyOnTheBlock ago

See ya there if things go south.

grace8 ago

MolochHunter ago

hmm seem to have worked for me

grace8 ago

Maybe the system is set up that you can't ping 3 mods in an original post? Maybe my minders don't want me pinging you guys. They have given me a fair amount of attention this week. If I need you it seems I can ping you in comments section.

MolochHunter ago

The ping limit is 4 as far as I'm aware

grace8 ago

I am going to try to ping you from a family member's account.As soon as I get a password from them. It will just be a test. I want to see if anyone of us can ping you guys in a post.

heygeorge ago

It’s not polite to mention folks without pinging them.

Did you ever manage to see if you can ping mods on a submission from a different account?

grace8 ago

I am not going to ping my oppressors.

grace8 ago

No, I haven't yet. Waiting till after the update, if we are still able to post it can be addressed then.

heygeorge ago

Scrubbing may not have the meaning you think

grace8 ago

That would be great.

heygeorge ago

That’s the plan

grace8 ago

Ive done what I can either way. I appreciate your comments. I hope that is true.