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AlphabeticalAnon ago

The niggers and jews are just so pissed off that Trump will be getting a Noble Peace Prize so now their ass sores are blistering that they can't spin lies and narratives to their favor and all they could do was show their ass with their asshole media again. Another unhinged piece of shit reporter was able to scream out the word "asshole" on national TV so they could feel special about getting in a cheap shot! They continually show their asses and then we see their major, motherfucking ass SORES!

Ewwww! & LOL!

AlphabeticalAnon ago

I don't know what you mean, and I'm not involved in whatever all went down but I'm sure that I still that I hate them all.

WhiteRonin ago

That link takes you the great GA leader pics.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Did you see the downvoting assholes? They are showing theri faggot assholes and they drip with the ooze of their faggot leader Obama and their queenie Hillary!