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RightSideUp17and6 ago

This is a given. Gonna happen. Ya know, I've had my share of memories and less then perfect moments. 1. if (((they))) want to divide US they WILL use every tactic. I really don't even wanna say (((they))) because these are the lower rank and file doin' the dirty work and they TOO will be "used" in the end. They will LOSE. That, too, is a given. 2nd. Knowing this will happen, sooner or later, that one will be hassled and or targeted, mind is made up what do I have to lose?? If people who know me buy into the crap they did not really know me, and were not my friends. Those who don't know me, what they gonna do?? Take away my birthday? Not trying to sound tough or any of that--I am simply committed to the future of our children and for them to still enjoy it as a REPUBLIC. I mean anyone's kids. Today could be my last day, it's only up from here, so what do I have to lose? For future generations, they have EVERYTHING to lose. ThanQ for what you do, @Crensch, @Srayz, all mods and Patriots and anons and on.... As a friend in the SEALS said a long time ago...F' the F'in F'ers. (yeah, not personally into cussing but if y'all cuss no problem with that) In all sincerity...